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bacu-saupu:Shortcut/config - Wikipitiya とべいたり內容


makayzaay i Wikipitiya


-- This module holds configuration data for [[Module:Shortcut]].

return {

-- The heading at the top of the shortcut box. It accepts the following parameter:
-- $1 - the total number of shortcuts. (required)
['shortcut-heading'] = '[[Wikipedia:捷徑しょうけい|捷徑しょうけい]]',

-- The error message to display when a shortcut is invalid (is not a string, or
-- is the blank string). It accepts the following parameter:
-- $1 - the number of the shortcut in the argument list. (required)
['invalid-shortcut-error'] = '捷徑しょうけい「#$1」無效むこう捷徑しょうけい必須ひっすため' ..

-- The error message to display when no shortcuts or other displayable content
-- were specified. (required)
['no-content-error'] = '錯誤さくごぼつゆう指定してい捷徑しょうけい名稱めいしょうなみ且參すう<code>msg</code>ぼつゆう定義ていぎ。[[Category:需要じゅよう修正しゅうせい維基百科捷徑框參數的頁面|{{PAGENAME}}]]',

-- A category to add when the no-content-error message is displayed. (optional)
['no-content-error-category'] = 'Shortcutばんちゅう缺乏けつぼうさんすう',