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Vidnesbyrd - sammen-om.eu

Her er vores historier

Over hele Europa er medlemmer af vores sammen-om.eu-fællesskab klar til at skride til handling ved at deltage i og organisere arrangementer og aktiviteter. Visse medlemmer har givet udtryk for deres synspunkter om Europas fremtid, mens andre har tilegnet sig nye færdigheder. De erfaringer, de har gjort, har ikke blot gjort et indtryk på andre, men også på dem selv. Du kan finde deres historier her.


Forandringens forkæmpere på sammen-om.eu: TYSKLAND – Paula

Vi skal selv gøre noget for at komme til orde gennem stemmeurnerne!

Læs hele historien About Forandringens forkæmpere på sammen-om.eu: TYSKLAND – Paula

Viser 9 vidnesbyrd ud af 32 vidnesbyrd

Top together.eu change-maker story:AUSTRIA – Dave

The EU has shaped who I am today. I was born in the Netherlands, grew up in Austria and took part in an Erasmus+ exchange in Lithuania. For this reason, I am fully aware of the positive impacts of collaboration among diverse nations.

Top together.eu change-maker story:MALTA – Cherise and David

I am Cherise, currently holding the position of Vice-President, while my colleague David serves as the Director for Civic Engagement at the National Youth Council of Malta.

Forandringens forkæmpere på sammen-om.eu.KROATIEN – Nino

Man har et ansvar som europæisk borger. Jeg betragter den europæiske identitet som en del af min samlede identitet, og derfor føler jeg behov og ansvar for at værne om denne identitet og handle ud fra den.

Top-notch together.eu volunteer:PORTUGAL – João

I have had the privilege of being involved in EU projects before, and it made me feel very privileged. For this reason, I felt motivated to share this privilege with others and together.eu was the perfect way to do so, which to me means knowing and being a part of the European institutions.

Top together.eu change-maker story:SLOVAKIA – Dominik

My name is Dominik and I am 23 years old. I study European Studies and International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava. In my free time, I mostly carry out volunteer work for the European Parliament Office in Slovakia and work at the Institute for Central Europe.

Top together.eu change-maker story:MADRID - Alejandra

I consider it a great privilege to uphold and promote European values. For this reason, I always take advantage of the avenues for citizen participation offered by the European Parliament.

Top together.eu change-maker story:MADRID – Elena

I was a medical student when I first started to pay attention to the concept of the ‘European Union’. I saw a small (almost illegible) plaque in a hospital that read, ‘co-founded by the European Union’. I was shocked by how little knowledge I had of the EU. I became slightly worried that if I, a university student with top grades, did not know about the institutions and how the decisions taken in Parliament affected my daily life, a less privileged citizen (with no access to university) would probably know even less. Unfortunately, I was not wrong.

Forandringens forkæmpere på sammen-om.eu: Rumænien– Gabriel

Det, der inspirerede mig til at blive en del af fællesskabet, var min deltagelse i forskellige Erasmus-projekter.

Top together.eu change-maker story: LUXEMBOURG – Taguhi

In 2023, I began my journey with together.eu, alongside the organisation I work with, called Formation et Sensibilisation Luxembourg – FSL.