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"yeah, well, the dude abides."

~ The Dude on The Big Lebowski

“Yeah? Well, what now, bitch?.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

this is not my happy homey-house-house............home

the real toastman uh..............what should i put here?...........Oh! i know my new definition of shmeah. if you dont know the old definition then please see it first.Shmeah...wait a second??? DAMN YOU ADMINS!!! YOU HUFFED IT!!!!!...................anyway......... it's spelled exactly the way you saw it a few words back. it literilly anything you want it to mean it could mean:

(feel free to add words)

user boxes

This user is a boy and is made of slugs, snails and puppy dog tails.
Autism11.png This user is an aspie and thus a member of The Master Race; bow before his/her intellectual might, puny Neurotypicals! (or alternatively punch the user in the face and take his or her lunch money)


en-NThis user is a native speaker of English.


us-NThis user is a native speaker of American English.
US flag.png This user is American
...and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
Drumkit.jpg This user plays drums, and usually hangs around with musicians.

hooray for irish people. hey guess what, i'm irish Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if your irish you rock hooray!!!!!!!!!!lets celebrate with potato juice. it is delicious

rh-NThis user is a native speaker of Random Humour.
enr-3This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Engrish.
uk-2This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of Correct English.


gb-AYah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek Gibberish whif und estreemleh theuck akzent.
elv-LThith uther thpeakth Elvish with a really thexy lithp.
fh-EThis user only speaks Fuckhead because it was a required course in school.
la-FThis user got an F in Latin and likes their native language better (if they have one).
ao-PThis f****r speaks AOLer heavily laced with profanity that would make a f*****g a*****e sailor blush from all the g*******d blasphemy.

this is really anoying

du-GThis user does not speak Dumbass and furthermore believes Dumbass to be an embarrassment to language. This user desires genocide of all speakers of Dumbass.
Alanmoore1.jpg This user is a level 13 Wizard. They see the fnords.