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Since this is an uncyclopedia, I'll just post fake info about myself. I play the bass guitar in a grunge band, I am a florist by day and I live in Wales. I absolutely hate Windows, and once took a sledgehammer to one. I own a pet snail called X-Poppy, I do laundry for my loser brother (Seamus! If you are reading this, get a freaking job!) I also predict the future...

Bushfire.jpg This user is on fire. You can help uncyclopedia by throwing water on their head

Color This user likes random colored userboxes.
Pikachuevolving.PNGThis user got Pokémon Diamond because they are a corporate whore.
Buddychr.png This user has found Jesus, and is therefore no longer a threat to society.
Unicorn small.png This user is convinced that any Unicorn is far superior to a Pegasus. No pegasus small.png
Happysatan.jpg Satan loves this user, and will be seeing him/her in hell shortly.
MEH This user redefines lazy.
Nuvola apps important.svg This user hates you and everyone you care about.
The Worst Part of Censorship.jpg This *bleep* user likes to *bleep* the use of *bleep* *bleep* profanity *bleep*
Finder.png This user is a Mac User.
Eat up.
(List of Mac-Using Uncyclopedians)
Code  Result  What links here  Description  
Vista logo.pngThis user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies

This user has a Really Lame Password. Seriously, you could probably guess it.
Happysatan.jpg This user is a sinner, and bows before Satan.

Eu!naz1.gif This user supports the European Reich.

Heil Hitler!

40px-Xbox 360 wireless controller.png

This user plays the Xbox 360 as their pretentiousness knows no bounds.
RS This user plays RunEscape. Laugh at Pray for them.
Nintendo ds.png This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the PSP as they have far superior multitasking abilities.
LV-2 This user considers him/herself an intermediate gamer and so probably has some sort of social life.
610px-NGC Gamecube.jpg This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube as they broke their window with the Wii remote and can't afford another.
4:20 This user likes to smoke cannabis.
Wheel.jpgThis user watches Wheel of Fortune.

Jsbach-bass.jpg This user plays bass, because it attracts groupies without the need for excessive rehearsal time.
Drumkit.jpg This user plays drums, and usually hangs around with musicians.

Bottlenose dolphin Eeek ahk sque'ek uhk kkkk'k squeek!
Head on.gifHeadOn, apply directly to the forehead!

HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead!

HeadOn, available at Walgreens.
253951 photo.gifRing ring ring ring ring ring ring....BANANAPHONE!!!!
TableImage.svg.png This user tried, really, really hard, to memorise the elements' names and symbols but can only remember that H is for hydrogen
usbThis user likes to use userboxes.

FireV2.png This user rejects the theory of global warming or at least thinks it's someone else's problem.