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Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:NikosLikomitros - Vikipediya Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:NikosLikomitros

Sahifa kontenti boshqa tillarda dastaklanmaydi.
Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Tez boshlash uchun qoʻllanma Vikipediyaga xush kelibsiz, NikosLikomitros!
Birinchi qadam Vikipediya foydalanuvchilari nomidan uning oʻzbek tilidagi boʻlimiga kelganingiz bilan qutlayman. Umid qilamizki, siz loyihada ishtirok etishdan behad mamnun boʻlasiz.

Ishtirok etishning asosiy tamoyillariga eʼtibor bering: bemalol tahrirlang va ezgu maqsadni koʻzlang.

Munozara sahifalarida tasvirda koʻrsatilgan tugmani bosish orqali imzo qoʻyish mumkin.

Vikipediyada maqolalar ostiga imzo qoʻyilmaydi (mualliflar roʻyxati avtomatik shakllanib boradi va maqolaning tahrirlar tarixidan olinishi mumkin boʻladi), biroq forumdagi muhokamalarda yoki alohida sahifalarning munozaralarida ishtirok etishni istasangiz — iltimos, toʻrtta tilda (~~~~) belgisi bilan yoki asboblar panelidagi mos tugmachani bosish yoʻli bilan imzo cheking. Bunda foydalanuvchi nomingizni qoʻlda kiritish talab etilmaydi.

Foydalanuvchi sahifangizda oʻzingiz haqingizdagi ayrim maʼlumotlar haqida xabar berishingiz mumkin — masalan, qaysi tillarni bilishingiz yoki qiziqishlaringiz.

Endi boshlayotganlarning tez-tez qiladigan xatolaridan biri — mualliflik huquqlarini buzishdir. Vikipediyada mualliflik huquqi egasining ruxsatisiz matnlardan nusxa koʻchirish taqiqlanadi. Batafsil maʼlumot uchun Vikipediya:Mualliflik huquqlari sahifasiga nazar soling.

Yozilgan matn imlosini tuzatish kabi koʻp mehnat talab qiladigan amallarni bajarish uchun tahrirlash oynasining tagida joylashgan Vikifikator funksiyasidan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Agar siz bitta tahrir bilan maqola yarata olmasangiz va uni yozishni keyinroq davom ettirmoqchi boʻlsangiz, bu haqda boshqa foydalanuvchilarni xabardor qilish uchun maqola matnining eng boshiga {{subst:L}} kodini qoldiring.

Agar sizda savollar tugʻilib qolsa, Yordam sahifasidan foydalaning. Agar savollaringizga u yerda javob topa olmagan boʻlsangiz, unda uni loyiha forumida yoki Telegram chatda bering yoki shaxsiy munozara sahifangizni tahrirlang: u yerga {{yordam kerak}} kodini va savolingiz matnini yozing — sizga albatta yordam berishadi.

Vikiiqtibos, Vikilugʻat, Vikimaʼlumotlar, Vikiombor kabi Vikipediyaga qardosh boshqa loyihalar ham bor. Ularni boyitishga ham hissa qoʻshishingiz mumkin.

Va yana bir marotaba, xush kelibsiz!

Hello and welcome to the Uzbek Wikipedia! We appreciate your contributions. If your Uzbek skills are not good enough, that’s no problem. We have an embassy where you can inquire for further information in your native language. We hope you enjoy your time here!
Maqolalarni nomlash
Maqola qanday yoziladi? Qarang: Maqola ustaxonasi / Videodarslar
Qoida va koʻrsatmalar
Tasvirlar bilan bezash
Mualliflik huquqlari

--Ximik1991Bot (munozara) 12:02, 14-Dekabr 2015 (UTC)

I can help you about UzWiki

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Hi Nikos! I'm glad to see you our Uzbek Wikipedia. I am skilled user on uzwiki and my uzbek grammar is very well. I can help you if you want to ask me some questions about uzbek language and to edit articles. I will be happy when I aid to you 😊. I wish you interesting edits. Muhammad Ali (munozara) 19:55, 20-Avgust 2022 (UTC)

@Optima D: Thank you for your message and offer. I watch the process day by day. I just found another non-Uzbek user fixing pages which were published in wrong titles, and I decided to move a few pages to the right links (for example, for nearly 10 days the page on Cameroon was going to the German colony because, as in Greece, spelling is the same). For now, I may do countervandalism work or fixing wrongly linked pages. It is really good that your contest brought many skilled users, like you, to the wiki, that can improve substantially with the time. For Uzbek language, do you have any idea how much percentage of the words is Persoarabic? I have checked a few pages, and I have seen many such words.

Lastly, it would be good for Uzbek to give more emphasis on Europe, Uzbekistan, international topics, expanding the pages from Uzbek state encyclopedia with quality translations and so on. These boost your Wikipedia's pageviews in Uzbekistan and surrounding Uzbek communities. Good luck with your contest. NikosLikomitros (munozara) 12:41, 21-Avgust 2022 (UTC)

@NikosLikomitros: Unfortunately, I have little idea about Persoarabic words in our language. However, I will support your opinions that "it would be good for Uzbek to give more emphasis on Europe, Uzbekistan, international topics, expanding the pages from Uzbek state encyclopedia with quality translations and so on". We created "WikiStipendiya" to enhance our Uzbek Wikipedia. So, that's true we have a lof of problems about "depth" and we know it must be fix by skilled and other users. We work on increasing our wiki and we will do it perfectly. I'm sure in nearly period, you will see many articles about Europe, Uzbekistan, international topics in our wiki . We are happy from your offer about articles. Thank you a bunch. Welcome to Uzbek Wikipedia. Muhammad Ali (munozara) 13:27, 21-Avgust 2022 (UTC)
@Optima D: No problem. I asked it because I see generally many of them. I know about WikiStipendiya, you have already improved your quality. From a draft calculation that I made some days ago this contest brings nearly 8 thousand pageviews per day, to go in the many thousands soon.
Your work is admirable already, and you have covered many unacceptable for a good encyclopedia gaps, although it has great prospects for further improvement. Check this link. Regarding the nearly period, this link shows that from September you see a good growth of the pageviews, and probably of the community (take a look on uz.wikiscan.org). Thus the more skilled users must help them to feel comfortably on Uz.Wiki and keep their presence in Uzbek post-WikiStipendiya. I think that Uzbek can become an excellent example of transformation. I am sure about this, thanks to the contribution of many users. Quality translations and a balanced growth of the topical sectors should be the priority, in order to have a pluricentric growth for Uzbek in the four months remaining. My concern for translations arises from the nearly 3,000 listings on Turkum:Pages with unreviewed translations. Uzbek is expected to surpass Russian from winter (in summer, Russian may be still most popular, as it happens in Greek), and if you want to keep the lead, improving the size/quality of existing articles is vital.
There are many articles still to cover, however. But your wiki will be very different in the end of the contest, with much more outreach, community, and so on, as you are in 169,000 pages right now, and 200+ thousand articles are fairly realistic. By my opinion, some priorities for the post-contest Uzbek is to further improve the gaps, fix any problems in the new articles, improve older articles, and work to keep the rise going. Thank you for your response. NikosLikomitros (munozara) 13:54, 21-Avgust 2022 (UTC)

A barnstar for you!

[manbasini tahrirlash]
The Anti-Vandalism Barnstar
Thank you very much for your efforts on the vandalism front.

Malikxan munozara 10:27, 17-Dekabr 2022 (UTC)

@Malikxan: Thank you very much for the barnstar. It is my first barnstar outside Greek Wikipedia, and I am planning to continue helping on countervandalism not only there but also in other Wikipedias. NikosLikomitros (munozara) 20:23, 18-Dekabr 2022 (UTC)

Assalomu alaykum Tokelau edit thank Abduvaitov Sherzod 2 (munozara) 15:10, 16-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)