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PAL: Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964)
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PAL: Perspectives in American Literature - A Research and Reference Guide - An Ongoing Project
© Paul P. Reuben

Chapter 9: Harlem Renaissance - Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964)

Outside Link: | CVV Home Page |

Page Links: | Primary Works | Selected Bibliography | Wallace Thurman's Commentary on CVV and Nigger Heaven | MLA Style Citation of this Web Page |

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Source: The Library of Congress

"I've photographed everybody from Matisse to Isamu Noguchi." - CVV

" ... Van Vechten had 'taken the material (Harlem) had offered him and achieved the most revealing, significant and powerful novel based exclusively on Negro life yet written. ... The author pays colored people the rare tribute of writing about them as people rather than as puppets.'" - James Weldon Johnson's Review of Nigger Heaven published in Opportunity, quoted in Lueders' Van Vechten, 104.


Primary Works

1915 Music After the Great War; 1916 Music and Bad Manners; 1917 Interpreters and Interpretations; 1918 The Merry-Go-Round, The Music of Spain; 1919 In the Garret; 1920 The Tiger in the House; 1921 Lords of the Housetops; 1922 Peter Whiffle; 1923 The Blind Bow-Boy; 1924 The Tattooed Countess; 1925 Red ; Firecrackers; 1926 Excavations, Nigger Heaven; 1928 Spider Boy; 1930 Parties, Feathers; 1932 Sacred and Profane Memories

Remember me to Harlem: the letters of Langston Hughes and Carl Van Vechten. Ed. Emily Bernard. NY: Vintage Books, 2002. PS3515 .U274 Z598

| Top | Selected Bibliography

Bernard, Emily. "What He Did for the Race: Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance." Soundings 80.4 (Wint 1997): 531-42.

Berry, Faith, "Did Van Vechten Make or Take Hughes' 'Blues'?" BlackW 25.4 (1976): 22-28.

Burns, Edward ed. The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten: I, 1913-1935; II, 1935-1946. NY: Columbia UP, 1986.

Clark, William B. "The Letters of Nella Larsen to Carl Van Vechten: A Survey." Resources for American Literary Study 8 (1978): 193-99.

Coleman, Leon. "Carl Van Vechten Presents the New Negro." Studies in the Literary Imagination 7 (Fall 1974): 85-104.

Coleman, Leon. "Carl Van Vechten Presents the New Negro." The Harlem Renaissance Re Examined. Ed. Victor A. Kramer. NY: AMS, 1987. 107-27.

- - -. "The Contribution of Carl Van Vechten to the Negro Renaissance: 1920-1930. DAI (1970); 30, 3453.

- - -. Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance. NY: Garland, 1998.

Cooley, John. "White Writers and the Harlem Renaissance." The Harlem Renaissance: Revaluations. Eds. Amritjit Singh and others. NY: Garland, 1989. 13-22.

Flora, Peter. "Carl Van Vechten, Blanche Knopf, and The Harlem Renaissance." Library Chronicle of the University of Texas. 22.4 (1992): 64-83.

Gallup, Donald. "Carl Van Vechten: 17 June 1880 -17 June 1980: A Centenary Exhibition of Some of His Gifts to Yale." Yale University Library Gazette 55 (1980): 53-94.

Helbling, Mark. "Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance." Negro American Literature Form 10 (Sumr 1976): 39-47.

Kellner, Bruce. Langston Hughes's Nigger Heaven Blues. New York: Garland, 1995.

- - -. Letters of Carl Van Vechten. New Haven: Yale UP, 1987.

- - -. Carl Van Vechten and the Irreverent Decade. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1968.

- - -. A Bibliography of the Work of Carl Van Vechten. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1980.

- - -. "Keep a Inchin' Along": Selected Writings of Carl Van Vechten about Black Art and Letters. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1979.

Larson, Charles R. "Three Harlem Novels of the Jazz Age." Critique 11.3 (1969): 66-78.

Lueders, Edward. Carl Van Vechten. NY: Twayne, 1965.

Perenyi, Eleanor. "Carl Van Vechten." Yale Review 77.4 (Sumr1988): 537-543.

Perkins, Margo V. "The Achievement and Failure of Nigger Heaven: Carl Van Vechten and the Harlem Renaissance." CLA Journal 42.1 (Sep 1998): 1-23.

Pizer, Donald. "The Novels of Carl Van Vechten and the Spirit of the Age." Toward a New American Literary History: Essays in Honor of Arlin Turner. Eds. Louis J. Budd and others. Durham: Duke UP, 1980. 211-29.

Robinson, Clayton. "Gilmore Millen's Sweet Man: Neglected Classic of the Van Vechten Vogue." Forum 8.3 (1970): 32-35.

Scruggs, Charles. "Crab Antics and Jacob's Ladder: Aaron Douglas's Two Views of Nigger Heaven." he Harlem Renaissance Re Examined. Ed. Victor A. Kramer. NY: AMS, 1987. 149-81.

Seed, David. Party-Going: The Jazz Age Novels of Evelyn Waugh, Wyndham Lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Carl Van Vechten. London: Longman, 1994.

Van Vechten, Carl. "How to Read Gertrude Stein" from Gertrude Stein Remembered. Lincoln: U of Nebraska, 1994.

Van Vechten, Carl, and Paul Pagette. The Dance Photography of CVV. NY: Schirmer Books, 1981.

Weinberg, Jonathan. "'Boy Crazy': Carl Van Vechten's Queer Collection." The Yale Journal of Criticism 7.2 (Fall 1994): 25-49.

Worth, Robert F. "Nigger Heaven and the Harlem Renaissance." African American Review 29.3 (Fall 1995): 461-73.


| Top | November, 1926 F I R E Page Forty-seven

Fire Burns
A Department of Comment

Some time ago, while reviewing Carl Van Vechten's lava laned Nigger Heaven I made the prophecy that Harlem Negroes, once their aversion to the "nigger" in the title was forgotten, would erect a statue on the corner of 135th Street and Seventh Avenue, and dedicate it to this ultra-sophisticated Iowa New Yorker. (Thurman's review appeared as "A Stranger at the Gates," in The Messenger, September 1926, 279. - information provided via e-mail by author Bruce Kellner, 6/27/98.)

So far my prophecy has failed to pan out, and superficially it seems as if it never will, for instead of being enshrined for his pseudo-sophisticated, semiserious, semi-ludicrous effusion about Harlem, Mr. Van Vechten is about to be lynched, at least in effigy.

Yet I am loathe to retract or to temper my first prophecy. Human nature is too perverse and prophecies do not necessarily have to be fulfilled within a generation. Rather, they can either be fulfilled or else belied with startling two-facedness throughout a series of generations, which, of course, creates the possibility that the fulfillments may outnumber the beliements and thus gain credence for the prophecy with posterity. Witness the Bible.

However, in defending my prophecy I do not wish to endow Mr. Van Vechten's novel (?) with immortality, but there is no real reason why Nigger Heaven should not eventually be as stupidly acclaimed as it is now being stupidly damned by the majority of Harlem's dark inhabitants. Thus I defiantly reiterate that a few years hence Mr. Van Vechten will be spoken of as a kindly gent rather than as a moral leper exploiting people who had believed him to be a sincere friend.

I for one, and strange as it may sound, there are others, who believe that Carl Van Vechten was rendered sincere during his explorations and observations of Negro life in Harlem, even if he remained characteristically superficial. Superficiality does not necessarily denote a lack of sincerity, and even superficiality may occasionally delve into deep pots of raw life. What matter if they be flesh pots?

In writing Nigger Heaven the author wavered between sentimentality and sophistication. That the sentimentality won out is his funeral. That the sophistication stung certain Negroes to the quick is their funeral.

The odds are about even. Harlem cabarets have received another public boost and are wearing out cash register keys, and entertainers' throats and Negroes are alleging that Carl Van Vechten has not told the truth. It really makes no difference to the race's welfare what such ignoramuses think, and it would seem that any author preparing to write about Negroes in Harlem or anywhere else (for I hear that DuBose Heyward has been roundly denounced by Charlestonian Negroes for his beautiful Porgy) should take whatever phases of their life that seem the most interesting to him, and develop them as he pleases. Why Negroes imagine that any writer is going to write what Negroes think he ought to write about them is too ridiculous to merit consideration. It would seem that they would shy away from being pigeon-holed so long have they been the rather lamentable victims of such a typically American practice, yet Negroes would have all Negroes appearing in contemporary literature made as ridiculous and as false to type as the older school of pseudo-humorous, sentimental white writers made their Uncle Toms, they Topsys, and their Mammies, or as the Octavius Roy Cohen school now make their more modern "cullud" folk.

| Top | One young lady, prominent in Harlem collegiate circles, spoke forth in a public forum (oh yes, they even have public forums where they spend orchestra instruments. The so-called intelligentsia of Harlem has exposed its inherent stupidity. And Nigger Heaven is a best seller.

Group criticism of current writings, morals, life, politics, or religion is always ridiculous, but what could be more ridiculous than the wholesale condemnation of a book which only one-tenth of the condemnators have or will read. And even if the book was as vile, as degrading, and as defamatory to the character of the Harlem Negro as the Harlem Negro now declares, his criticisms would not be considered valid by an intelligent person as long as the critic had had no reading contact with the book.

The objectors to Nigger Heaven claim that the author came to Harlem, ingratiated himself with Harlem folk, and then with a supercilious grin and a salacious smirk, lolled at his desk downtown and dashed off a pornographic document about uptown in which all of the Negro characters are pictured as being debased, lecherous creatures not at all characteristic or true to type, and that, moreover, the author provokes the impression that all of Harlem's inhabitants are cabaret hounds and thirsty neurotics. He did not tell, say his critics, of our well bred, well behave~d church-going majorities, nor of our night schools filled with eager elders, nor of our brilliant college youth being trained in the approved contemporary manner, nor of our quiet, home loving thousands who hardly know what the word cabaret connotes. He told only of lurid night life and of uninhibited sybarites. Therefore, since he has done these things and neglected to do these others the white people who read the book will believe that all Harlem Negroes are like the Byrons, the Lascas, the Pettijohns, the Rubys, the Creepers, the Bonifaces, and the other lewd hussies and whoremongers in the book.

It is obvious that these excited folk do not realize that any white person who would believe such poppy-cock probably believes it anyway, without any additional aid from Mr. Van Vechten, and should such a person read a tale anent our non- cabareting, church-going Negroes, presented in all their virtue and glory and with their human traits, their human hypocrisy and their human perversities glossed over, written, say, by Jessie Fauset, said person would laugh derisively and allege that Miss Fauset had not told the truth. the same as Harlem their time announcing that they have not read the book, and that the author is a moral leper who also commits literary sins), that there was only one character in Nigger Heaven who was true to type. This character, the unwitting damsel went on, was Mary Love. It seems as if all the younger Negro women in Harlem are prototypes of this Mary Love, and it is pure, poor, virtuous, vapid Mary, to whom they point as a typical life model.

Again there has been no realization that Mary Love is the least life-life character in the book, or that it is she who suffers most from her creator's newly acquired seriousness and sentimentality, she who suffers most of the whole ensemble because her creator discovered, in his talented trippings around Manhattan, drama at which he could not chuckle the while his cavalier pen sped cleverly on in the same old way yet did not - could not spank.

But - had all the other characters in Nigger Heaven approximated Mary's standard, the statue to Carl Van Vechten would be an actualized instead of a deferred possibility, and my prophecy would be gloriously fulfilled instead of being ignominiously belied.



MLA Style Citation of this Web Page:

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 9: Harlem Renaissance - Carl Van Vechten " PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. WWW URL: http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap9/vechten.html (provide page date or date of your login).


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