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reunion island
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photos de l'île de la réunion, informations touristiques, randonnées, plus de 1000 photos en ligne. Ce site vous permettra d'effectuer UN VOYAGE VIRTUEL A L'ILE DE LA REUNION - Bonne visite.  Votez   Aidez-nous !  Click here for english version of this site   ---   Cliquez ici pour la version anglaise de ce site

Guide photos of Reunion Island

North - West - South - East - Plains - Circuses - Volcano - Flowers - Collection of screen - Golden book - French version, click here  ---  Cliquez ici pour voir la version française


Welcome to the guide reunion island... More than 1000 photos of the reunion island on this site for a life-size free virtual journey. Guaranteed feelings ! Free guide reunion island, for consultation only.

To miss nothing, we present you in photos the easiest drives(rides) of the reunion island.

The virtual visits corresponding to the paths of the reunion island are quite marked with the sigle randonnées à l'île de la Réunion


The reunion island in some words... Born there is 3 million years, and situated in Indian Ocean, the island is a part of the archipelago of Mascareignes. Reunion is a small volcanic island of 207 km of circumference with a mountain range peaking in the Hook of Snows in 3069 m. Over his(its,her) 2500 km2, she(it) counts a population about 720 000 inhabitants.

There are 2 seasons in Reunion: the winter, the fresh(cool) and dry season, from May till October (25°sur the rib(coast) and 12°dans the heights), and the summer, the warm and wet season, from November till April (30°sur the rib(coast) and 19 ° in the heights).

The various new-comers come on the reunion island brought their French, Indian customs, Malagasy, the quibble, mahoraises, and their folklore. The séga, the former(ancient) quadrille of the white colonists of the 18è century, was enriched by African slaves. The maloya was, originally , the dance of the slaves.

The Creole kitchen, on base of spices, is a mixture of Indian receipts, Malagasy and metropolitan. A typical Creole menu has only a single service: white rice accompanied with a curry, with grains(beads), with brèdes and with a rougail.


An intense island.

" Sometimes, there is so much beauty around one whom one would lament for it almost. " Maupin, Amistead.

In Reunion, most of the cities carry(wear) saints' names as to show well that it is about a paradise the paradise of the variety.

The reunion island is collectively nicknamed " the island with big spectacle " or " the Intense island ". The activity of its volcano, in this particular case the Hook of the Oven is one of the most active of the world.

" Do not lose the occasion to see something beautiful. " Kingsley, Charles.


New section these week ( 21 photos):

The West > Saint Gilles > Pond Cormoran

Date update in 9/9/2001


Visitez Manapany  : Plus de 1000 photos de l'île de la réunion sur ce site !

Cascade Niagara - ile réunion

Grand Bassin - ile réunion

An island in the multiple landscapes...


Ocean, sweet air(sight), pure water, fertile plains, immense forests, full of fish rivers, circuses in the vertiginous walls filled(performed) with wild flowers...

Nothing, except maybe the occasional cyclones, comes to disturb the charms of Reunion, where the tropical diseases do not exist.


One understands better the increasing craze of the tourists for the " fragrant country than the sun caresses(cherishes) " ( Baudelaire), small island of the archipelago of Mascareignes, put in the middle of the Indian Ocean.


By hoping that this site is a sunbeam, we wish you beforehand a magnificent virtual journey the reunion island.


Please, click one of the links below to begin your virtual journey in destination of the reunion island :


North - West - South - East - Plains - Circuses - Volcano - History, geography and climate of the reunion island


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