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Drama: Aristophanes
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EServer » Drama Home » Plays » Classical » Aristophanes




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Plays by Aristophanes, the classical Greek dramatist.
Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae
Aristophanes Lysistrata
Aristophanes Peace
Aristophanes Plutus
Aristophanes The Acharnians
Aristophanes The Birds
Aristophanes The Clouds
Aristophanes's depiction of Socrates in the Clouds is in good part a comic distortion.
Aristophanes The Frogs
The Frogs turns upon the decline of tragic art.
Aristophanes The Knights
The Knights may be reckoned the Aristophanes's masterpiece, a direct personal attack on the then all-powerful Cleon.
Aristophanes The Thesmophoriazusae
Following Lysistrata during the reign of terror established by oligarchist conspirators, this play has a proper intrigue, a knot which is not untied till quite the end.
Aristophanes The Wasps
The purpose of this play was to satirize the love of litigation common to the Athenians, whose delight it was to spend their time in the law-courts.

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