(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
SLMM Press Releases
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20070312223248/http://www.slmm.lk:80/intros/press_releases.htm





Statement from SLMM:

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission is deeply concerned over the attack on Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapakse in the heart of Colombo, Friday December 1st. The SLMM notifies that the blast bares the hallmarks of methods used by the LTTE in the past. The recent and escalating violence, including today’s attack on a high-ranking politician, threatens seriously the lives of innocent civilians in Sri Lanka. The SLMM urges the Parties to respect the Cease Fire Agreement and to give up violence.




Date: 16/06 2006

SUBJECT: The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission condemns claymore mine attack on a civilian bus near Kebitigollewa

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission strongly condemns the claymore mine attack near Kebitigollewa in the morning of June 15, with the tragic loss of over 60 civilians.

SLMM’s monitors rapidly visited the site of the incident. As inquiries are still ongoing, SLMM can not at this moment determine who is behind this brutal act, nor what could be the motive for such threat to humanity.

SLMM urges all parties to come forward with any information available, and to assist the authorities so the perpetrators can be held responsible.

The targeting of a civilian bus is not only a barbaric act, but also jeopardizes the freedom of innocent people in their every day life.

This is not only the bloodiest attack on civilians since the Cease Fire Agreement was signed in February 2002, but yet another major setback in the peace process in Sri Lanka.

SLMM calls for an end to the violence that has cost nearly 700 lives this year. SLMM urges the Parties to restrain themselves as they have an obligation towards the people to maintain peace and calmness among the population.

Once again, SLMM has witnessed that innocent civilian lives have become victims of brutal acts against humanity.

SLMM would like to send condolences to all families that have lost their dear ones in this tragic, unnecessary and gruesome act.




16 May 2006
SUBJECT: SLMM Naval Monitoring

Naval monitors from the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) met with Head of Mission, Major General Ulf Henricsson, in SLMM headquarters today to discuss Thursday’s attacks and whether to resume naval monitoring.

The SLMM will forward some requirements to the Parties before the resumption of naval monitoring can take place. The modalities of these requirements will be worked out in the coming days.

In the meantime SLMM naval monitoring remains temporarily suspended.


14 May 2006
SUBJECT: SLMM Naval Monitoring

The SLMM has suspended naval monitoring temporarily in the northern and eastern waters of Sri Lanka due to the incident at sea on 11 May 2006.

SLMM will go through its routines of naval monitoring as part of SLMM's procedures when such incidnets occur.

It must be clear that the intention of SLMM is to recommence naval monitoring at sea as soon as possible.


11 May 2006
SUBJECT: LTTE is seriously violating the CFA with sea movements and attacks on Sri Lankan Navy

 The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have committed gross violations of the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) in recent days by moving at sea with the aim of provoking the Sri Lankan navy and now finally embarking on an offensive operation against the navy sinking one vessel and putting SLMM monitors in grave danger.

The sea surrounding Sri Lanka is a Government Controlled Area. This has been ruled so by the Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission in line with international law. Non-state actors cannot rule open sea waters or airspace. The LTTE has therefore no rights at sea.

The LTTE has made, what the SLMM feels are threats to our monitors warning them not to participate in patrols in Navy vessels. The SLMM takes these threats very seriously and would like to remind the LTTE of its responsibility as an equal partner to the Ceasefire Agreement to do everything in its power not to jeopardise the monitors’ safety.

We therefore demand that the LTTE immediately ceases all activities and operations at sea as they are a serious violation of the CFA. This sort of reckless behaviour can only lead to a dangerous escalation resulting in growing hostilities and jeopardising any possibility for future peace talks.

We would also like to urge the Government of Sri Lanka not to be pushed by these provocative acts and to show as much restraint as possible.


SUBJECT: Clarification – regarding SLMM press release from 29 April 2006         

 After consulting with the Sri Lankan Government the SLMM has decided to make the following statement:

 With reference to a press release sent out by the SLMM on 29 April 2006 we would like to clarify the issue regarding our concerns over certain unexplained violent deaths of civilians.

SLMM monitors on the ground have expressed some concerns over the last few weeks and months regarding the behaviour of some on the ground that might have been directly or indirectly involved in clandestine activities against civilians.

It was not the SLMM’s intension to generalise or pass judgements on the Sri Lankan armed forces and police. The Sri Lankan Government has conveyed to us that they are not aware of any such activities within their ranks. We believe that the Sri Lankan Government is sincere in this respect and are committed to prevent any such clandestine activities from taking place.

Should any such cases arise again the SLMM will bring such cases immediately to the attention of the Sri Lankan Government for their action.


29 April 2006
SUBJECT: Air strikes violate the Ceasefire Agreement

The air strikes that were conducted by the Sri Lankan Government in Trincomalee district on Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) targets in Sampoor area on 25 and 26 April 2006 are a clear violation of the Ceasefire Agreement.
Article 1.2 of the Ceasefire Agreement clearly states “Neither Party shall engage in any offensive military operation”.

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission would like to urge the Government of Sri Lanka to refrain from such operations as they can jeopardise the Ceasefire further and will only add fuel to the conflict

With regards to the LTTE the Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission would like to stress that it is inexcusable to place military or political targets amongst the civilian population close to schools and private houses.

Although the situation has calmed down in the last couple of days it is still worrying to see that claymore mine attacks and killings of civilians and army personnel continue. The LTTE must seize all their military activities and attacks on Government forces.

We also fear that Government Security forces have, in the North and the East, been involved in extrajudicial killings of civilians. This conviction is based on our observation and inquiries on the ground.

This violence must stop immediately if the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE are to make any progress in returning to the negotiation table.


25 April 2006
SUBJECT: Suicide bomb attack in Colombo, Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission strongly condemns the suicide bomb attack that took place at the Sri Lankan Army Head Quarters in Colombo earlier today resulting in death and injury of both army personnel and civilians. The attack was aimed at Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka who was subsequently rushed to hospital.

The Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission still has limited information about the attack and will for the time being refrain from drawing any immediate conclusions about the possible perpetrators. However we remain at the disposal for the Government of Sri Lanka to assist in making the necessary inquiries.

This attack is yet another serious blow to the Ceasefire Agreement and the Peace Process. It is likely to have very negative effects on the relationship between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers or Tamil Eelam and could jeopardize any possibility for future talks.

The Government armed forces have suffered countless attacks in the last few weeks but have shown restraint and refrained from massive retaliation. We sincerely urge the Sri Lankan Government to equally refrain from any retaliatory actions at this stage and remain committed to the Peace Process.

Almost 300 people have died in attacks and violence this year. More than 150 of those were civilians. War is not an option for this country as it will only bring human misery and death. There is a desperate need for the two Parties to resume talks at all levels if the situation is not to result in a serious conflict that could escalate out of control and lead to war.

12 April 2006
SUBJECT: SLMM warns that violence could spread

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) strongly condemns the violence that erupted in Sri Lanka in Trincomalee town today. The violence was sparked by a bomb attack at the fish market which subsequently resulted in an angry mob rioting in town, burning shops and looting. The violence went quickly out of control resulting in the deaths of a soldier and several civilians.

The SLMM would like to urge both the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to use their influence to calm down their communities to avoid any further escalation.

The level of violence that erupted in Trincomalee today reflects the worsening situation in the entire country which primarily stems from the bad spirit and the mistrust which currently prevails between the two Parties. Several serious attacks on Government soldiers have taken place over the last few days and this morning two policemen where killed in a claymore mine explosion north of Trincomalee. At this stage the LTTE denies any involvement but the Head of Mission, Major General Ulf Henricsson, who was travelling in Trincomalee today, intends to meet the Political Leader of the LTTE, Mr. Tamilshelvan, tomorrow where these attacks will be discussed.

There is a real danger that the violence that erupted today could spread throughout the country resulting in more innocent people dying if the two Parties do not act quickly to bring the situation under control.

11 April 2006
SUBJECT: The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission condemns claymore mine attacks in Jaffna and Trincomalee

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) strongly condemns the claymore mine attacks on the Sri Lankan army in Jaffna on 8 and 10 April 2006 and on the Sri Lankan navy in Trincomalee district today. Over 20 people have been killed in violent attacks over the past five days and many civilians have also been caught in the above mentioned attacks resulting in both death and serious injuries.

The Head of the Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission, Major General Ulf Henricsson, visited Jaffna today and had fruitful meetings with the Head of the Security Forces in Jaffna and the Commander of the Northern Naval Command. He also visited the site of the claymore mine attack that took place yesterday in Jaffna.

Head of Mission also hopes to meet with the LTTE leadership in Kilinochchi tomorrow to get their reaction.

SLMM is making inquiries into all three attacks but will refrain from making any further comments regarding the perpetrators and possible motives until further inquiries have been done.

At this stage it is safe to say that these attacks are seriously jeopardizing not only the Geneva talks scheduled later this month but is having a detrimental effect on the ceasefire.

Head of Mission would like to commend the Government of Sri Lanka for not taking any retaliatory actions and thereby adhering to the CFA. We would like to urge both Parties to do everything in their power to maintain the ceasefire and not to engage in violence or provocative acts that can lead to any further escalations so that the situation does not slip back to the one we had in the months of December and January where countless number of soldiers and civilians lost their lives


31 March 2006
SUBJECT: New Head of Mission of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission

Major General Ulf Henricsson, will assume his command as Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission on 1 April 2006.

He will take over from Mr. Hagrup Haukland who has served both as Head of Mission and as Chief of Staff for the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission since it was established in 2002.

26 March 2006
SUBJECT: SLMM condemns attack on navy and warns both Parties of the current escalation of violence

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) strongly condemns the attack on the Sri Lankan Navy vessel that took place off Kudiramalai Point, Kalpitiya on the 25 March 2006. It is still too early to establish exactly the details of the attack and the SLMM is currently conducting inquiries.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have denied any involvement. However, based on SLMM’s previous experience during the period of the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) we feel that we cannot at this stage rule out their involvement. The SLMM would like to urge the LTTE to extend their full cooperation to both the Sri Lankan Government and the SLMM on this matter in the hope that we can establish how this attack came about and how such incidents can be avoided in the future.

There has been a dangerous escalation of violence taking place over the last couple of weeks. This trend is extremely worrying as the Parties prepare themselves to meet in Geneva for a second round of talks in four weeks time.

Several serious incidents took place in Trincomalee Bay during the last week resulting in exchange of fire between the Sri Lankan Navy and the LTTE. The SLMM would like to stress that both sides have shown lack of commitment and their actions have been provocative and not in line with the spirit of the CFA.

The Sri Lankan Army has recently dismissed claims that armed groups are operating in Government controlled areas. However, based on SLMM’s monitoring activities and experience on the ground the Mission does not share the this view and we would like to urge the Government of Sri Lanka to take this matter seriously and not close their eyes to armed elements that are to our knowledge still operating in Government controlled areas.

Finally the SLMM would like to urge both Parties to refrain from provocative acts and live up to the pledges they made in Geneva by showing their true commitment to the CFA. If the Parties do not take responsibility we fear that the situation could become gradually worse resulting in an escalation beyond what we had in December and January.


5 March 2006
SLMM condemns the attack on the LTTE checkpoint in Vavunathieevu

SLMM strongly condemns the coward attack on the LTTE checkpoint in Vavunathieevu on the 4th of March killing two cadres. Our sympathy goes to the families who have been affected by these brutal killings.

This attack is yet another blow to the Ceasefire Agreement and is also seriously undermining both Parties commitment to the Joint Statement from the Geneva talks. If such attacks and killings should re-occur SLMM fears that the next round of talks is put at stake.

SLMM urges the Parties to do all in their power to maintain the ceasefire and to implement the agreed measures spelt out in the Joint Statement, thus creating and maintaining a stable and safe environment for all, conducive to the Peace Process.

26 January 2006
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) release policeman from detention

K.A. D-Sarath, a police officer working for the National Child Protection Authority, was released from LTTE detention in Kilinochchi earlier this morning. He was handed over the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission that subsequently handed him over to the Security Forces in Vavuniya.

K.A. D-Sarath was apprehended by the LTTE along with his two colleagues near Silavatturai in September last year when the team was in a pursuit of a well known child abuser.

We would like to express our appreciation to the LTTE for releasing the police officer but it is important to not forget that the other two police officers remain in LTTE detention.

We would therefore like to appeal to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to immediately release the other two officers so they can join their families and resume their duties for the National Child Protection Authorities.

19 January 2006
After the tension was reduced on the ground, in particular in Trincomalee town, SLMM reopened the office and is currently operating as usual. All SLMM district offices are operating as usual.

17 January 2006
SLMM operations in Trincomalee suspended until further notice

Following the recent escalation of violence in Trincomalee, culminating in the bomb attack against a SLN bus earlier today, the SLMM has decided to suspend operational activities in Trincomalee until further notice.

It is important to underline that the suspension is limited to Trincomalee district only and we plan to resume normal monitoring activities as soon as the situation calms down.

13 January 2006
SLMM questions whether there is still a Ceasefire in Sri Lanka

SLMM strongly condemns the latest attack on Sri Lanka Navy soldiers in Cheddikulam on the 12th of January. Our sympathy goes to the families that have been affected by this brutal murder.

This attack is yet another serious blow to the Ceasefire Agreement and SLMM believes that if such attacks or retaliation of such attacks continue the Ceasefire Agreement will be over. Over 100 people were killed last month half of which were civilians. Killings and serious attacks continue and the situation is getting worse. It is our assessment that if the Parties don’t react immediately they risk going back to war.

Various actors in the international community have blamed the LTTE for attacking Government troops but the LTTE has continuously denied any involvement. The LTTE claims that “the People” are behind the attacks on the military. SLMM finds this explanation unacceptable. It is safe to say that LTTE involvement cannot be ruled out and we find the LTTE’s indifference to these attacks worrying.

It is however clear that people are suffering and unfortunately there have been several reports of civilian harassment by the Security Forces in relation to increased security measures. The harassment often takes a form of harsh treatment of the Tamil population in relation to the attacks. We would like to urge the Government of Sri Lanka and the Security Forces to prevent such actions from taking place.

It is important to emphasise that the current situation also stems from the fact that alternative armed elements have been able to operate freely in the East in Government controlled areas. These forces have destabilised the ceasefire and are one of the major reasons for increased tension between the Parties. We therefore urge the Government of Sri Lanka to face up to its responsibility to disarm these other armed groups so that the rule of law can be reinstated in the affected areas.

Increasing amount of civilians are being caught in the middle leading to major disturbances in the local communities. The conflict between the two sides is hurting civilians and preventing any restoration to normalcy.

We urge both Parties to consider carefully how they can mend the situation instead of merely blaming each other and pointing fingers. The Parties need to come up with firm confidence building measures with the truthful aim of reaching a peaceful solution. Actions speak louder than words and we feel that we need to see more commitment from the two Parties if war is not to break out in Sri Lanka.

29 DECEMBER 2005
The Cease Fire Agreement and the Peace Process in Jeopardy

The 27th December attack on the Security Forces on Jaffna Peninsula was yet another attack, not only on the Security Forces, but also on the Cease Fire Agreement and the Peace Process as a whole. I condemn this attack ...full text

24 DECEMBER 2005
Attack on Sri Lankan Navy on Mannar Island 23 December 2005

It was with great dismay I learned about the vicious attack on a convoy carrying personnel from the Sri Lankan Navy on Mannar Island on 23 December 2005, and I condemn it in the strongest possible way. I consider this ...full text


SLMM condemns attacks and urges Parties to establish direct dialogue

The recent escalation of violence on Jaffna Peninsula is of great concern to everyone, and the SLMM strongly condemns the cowardly attacks that have resulted in the deaths of several SLA-soldiers and Tamil civilians...full text


The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission warns that violence may lead to escalation and appeals the GOSL, the LTTE and to all community leaders to bring an end to the disorder

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission has observed and witnessed a dangerous trend of violence in the North and the East...full text

31 NOVEMBER 2005
SLMM condemns the killing of Lieutenant Colonel Meedin

The SLMM condemns the killing of the senior officer of the Military Intelligence Corps. Lt. Col. Meddin, which took place on Saturday night...full text


13 AUGUST 2005
Assassination of Foreign Minister Kadirgamar

Mr. Hagrup Haukland, Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, has issued the following statement regarding the assassination of the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar...full text


6 APRIL 2005
No injuries in shooting-incident in Trincomalee Bay

SLMM finds it necessary to rectify false reports in relation to the shooting incident that took place in Trincomalee Bay on 5 April 2005 ..... full text

8 MARCH 2005
Killings threaten the Ceasefire

SLMM perceives the recent killings in the eastern parts of the country as a direct threat to the CFA and the Peace Process, and we condemn these barbaric and cowardly acts in the strongest possible terms ..... full text

22 FEBRURAY 2005
3rd Anniversary of the CFA

Today, the 22nd February marks the 3rd anniversary of the Cease Fire. I would like to use this opportunity to commend the Sri Lanka Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’s pure willingness to act with restraint in situations that could have ..... full text

16 FEBRUARY 2005
Appointment of Head of Mission of SLMM

Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jan Petersen, has appointed former SLMM Chief of Staff, Hagrup Haukland, as temporary Head of Mission ..... full text

05 OCTOBER 2004

SLMM stance of the issue of the LTTE detained Home Guards in Trincomalee

At a meeting with the Defence Secretary Mr. Cyril Herath, held in Colombo on the 4th October 2004, Head of Mission of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, Major General (ret) Trond Furuhovde reiterated the SLMM stance on the issue ..... full text

11 August 2004

Discussion between the GOSL and the LTTE in Ampara

A meeting was held in SLMM Office Akkaraipattu today 11th August 2004 at 10.00 hrs under the chairmanship of Mr. Raimo Rastas, Head of District of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission Ampara..... full text

15 June 2004

Discussion between the GOSL and the LTTE

A meeting was held in the Divisional Secretariat Vavunathivu today, the Tuesday 15th June at 1100 hrs under the chairmanship of Mr. Roar Holm, the Acting Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, Batticaloa.... full text

2 June 2004

GOSL and LTTE agree on establishing security measures.

At a meeting held today between GOSL and LTTE representatives LTTE agreed to immediately establish a direct liaison with Sri Lanka Police. The LTTE further agreed to provide information to assist with the identification and apprehension of criminal elements in Batticaloa area. The meeting took place in the Divisional Secretariat of Vavunathivu today, Wednesday 2nd June at 1100 hrs.... full text

10 May 2004

Killing of Members of LTTE & Government Forces – A serious threat to the Ceasefire and the Peace Process

Referring to the recent killings in the Eastern Areas of Sri Lanka, namely the killing of 7 LTTE cadres in Batticaloa area on the 25th of April 04, killing of one person in the area South of Arayampathy on the 2nd of May 04, killing of 2 LTTE cadres in Thannamunai area on the 6th of May 04, killing of one person (claimed to be a former Karuna Faction cadre) in Pattinippuram village on the 8th of May, and killing of one SLA soldier in Batticaloa on the 9th of May 04, Major General Trond Furuhovde, the Head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission has issued the following statement:.......full text

30 Sep 2003

Head of SLMM wrongly quoted

Due to inaccurate news coverage and wrong quotes of some media of the meeting between SLMM and the political leadership of LTTE in Kilinochchi last Sunday, 28th September, SLMM finds it necessary to make the following clarification.......full text

30 July 2003

The Acting Head of SLMM wrongly quoted in the Media

The Acting Head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, SLMM, Mr. Hagrup Haukland, has been wrongly quoted in different Media yesterday and today, regarding the possibility of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.......full text

28 June 2003

The Sea Incident on the 14th of June 2003 - SLMM Report

At 06:23 in the morning of Saturday June 14th 2003 Major General Tryggve Tellefsen, The Head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), received information from the Defense Secretary, Mr. Austin Fernando, that the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) had.......full text

07 May 2003

Killings of Members of Political Parties & Government Forces – Threat to the Ceasefire

Continuing attacks and killings of members of political parties and locally elected representatives pose a serious threat to the Ceasefire in Sri Lanka.......full text

25 April 2003

The Ceasefire in Sri Lanka is in force - Clarifications on Proposals on Security at Sea

The Ceasefire Agreement signed by the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam on February 22nd, 2002 is in force.........full text

02 April 2003

Recent violent incidents in Sri Lankan Waters - Prevention of future incidents

The recent attacks on the Chinese trawler off Mullaittivu and the troops transport ship off Trincomalee are not only attacks against Chinese civilians and the Sri Lanka armed forces........full text

17 March 2003

LTTE merchant ship sunk by Sri Lanka Navy - SLMM determination

At 10.00 on the morning of March 10th 2003 Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) received information from the Sri Lanka Government’s Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process........full text

05 March 2003

Sri Lanka Army soldier and police constable released from LTTE custody

A Sri Lanka Army Soldier and Sri Lanka Police Constable were released from Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) custody in Kilinochchi.........full text

28 February 2003

Cease-fire Violations, Human Rights and Muslim Affairs discussed in the East

The Cease-fire violations, human rights and Muslim affairs were the matters discussed at a meeting held between representatives of the Government of Sri Lanka.............full text

16 February 2003

Military Uniform Type of belts worn by LTTE Cadres – Manippay Incident

To avoid future clashes between the forces of the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)............full text

10 February 2003

The Tragic Delft Incident - Course of Events

Around 14.00 on Thursday February 6th the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) was requested to assist the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN).........full text

30 January 2003

Muslim Factor, Provocative actions and Child recruitment discussed in the East

The Muslim factor, Provocative actions and Child recruitment were the matters discussed at a meeting on recorded complaints and violations of the Ceasefire Agreement, held between representatives of the Government of Sri Lanka, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission........full text

22 January 2003

Complaints and Violations of the Ceasefire Agreement in December 2002.

Decreasing amount of complaints and violations of the Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has been the overall development in the Ceasefire during the last months........full text

26 December 2002

Statement of Major General Trond Furuhovde, Head of SLMM

Normalization, Security and Gradual Changes towards a New Sri Lanka
Positive Developments of the Year 2002

One year has passed since the guns fell silent in Sri Lanka. How is this year different from the years that have made up the last two decades? During the last year people have stopped waging war........full text

22 November 2002

CORRECTION - SLMM Press and Information Officer wrongly quoted in Daily Mirror.

Press and Information Officer of SLMM, Mr. Teitur Torkelsson, is wrongly quoted in the Late City Edition of the Sri Lankan Newspaper Daily Mirror, Friday 22nd November 2002,........full text

16 October 2002


Subject: Statement of Head of SLMM after briefing the Prime Minister on recent violence in the East
“Recent violent events in Ampara and Trincomalee districts have clearly shown how fragile and sensitive the situation is at this time in the peace process........full text

10 October 2002

7 lose their lives, 14 wounded as crowd forcefully enters STF camp in Ampara district

Seven people tragically lost their lives and fourteen people were injured when a large crowd of people forcefully entered the Kanjirankudah STF (Special Task Force of the Sri Lanka Police) camp south of Thirukkovil shortly after 17.00 on Wednesday.......full text

13 September 2002

Ceasefire Complaints against LTTE and Government of Sri Lanka down by 40%

40% fewer complaints were made against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Government of Sri Lanka in August compared to last July......full text

20 August 2002

First Sea Movement of LTTE Successful, with SLMM Inspection & Monitoring

Four LTTE vessels left Mullaitivu 0830 A.M on Sunday the 18th and transported 170 cadres going on leave to their families in the Eastern LTTE controlled areas.....full text

14 August 2002

Complaints and Violations of the Ceasefire Agreement as of 31st of July

Of the total valid complaints that have been processed by Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, SLMM, since the beginning of the Ceasefire Agreement.......full text

29 July 2002

The Government of Sri Lanka and LTTE are preparing for a Lasting Peace

The Government of Sri Lanka and The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, (LTTE) are preparing, not for war, but a Lasting Peace through gradual and steady implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement....full text

26 July 2002

SLMM Naval Monitoring - New Operating Procedures

SLMM Naval Monitors will from now on, as a general rule, stay onboard the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) vessels and not join the SLN inspection team when entering an intercepted vessel........full text

25 July 2002

One Sri Lankan Army Soldier loses his life after crossing Zone of Separation

One Sri Lankan Army Soldier tragically lost his life today, after having ventured into the Zone of Seperation in Jaffna Peninsula........full text

14 July 2002

Two SLMM Monitors held against their will onboard a LTTE vessel

A serious violation of the Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE, occurred on Saturday afternoon when two LTTE trawlers.......full text

8 July 2002

Complaints & Violations of the Ceasefire Agreement as of 30th June 2002

Of the total valid complaints that have been processed by SLMM, since the beginning of the Ceasefire Agreement, 270 have been made against LTTE and 110 against the Governmental side ......full text

2 July 2002

SLMM has not requested LTTE to stop Hartals

Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, SLMM, has not requested the LTTE leadership to stop Hartals and demonstrations,...... full text

22 June 2002

SLMM asks for an Independent Special Commission on Kayts incident

Major General Trond Furuhovde, head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, will ask the Government of Sri Lanka to establish an Independent Special Commission...... full text

DATE: 9 June 2002

Access of LTTE members to Jaffna islands and the Eastern Searoute.

Important signs of the building of mutual confidence between the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE leadership have emerged during recent discussions...full text

DATE: 9 June 2002

SLMM Deputy Head of Mission wrongly quoted in Daily Mirror

Deputy Head of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, SLMM, Mr. Hagrup Haukland, is wrongly quoted in the Sri Lankan newspaper Daily Mirror,....full text

DATE: 29 May 2002

SLMM Press Release 29th May 02

The Parties compliance with the Cease Fire Agreement is going extremely well.....full text