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Will Pryor (TX-32) | WesPAC
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071013070807/http://securingamerica.com/node/1519

Will Pryor (TX-32)

Will Pryor

Will Pryor

Candidate for Congress

Texas (TX-32)

Endorsed Volunteer

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Wes Clark"Will Pryor is committed to reforming public education, the federal deficit, and Medicare and Medicaid. Texas needs Will in Congress to partner in the effort to create long-term, bi-partisan solutions to issues critical to the future of our country.

“Will’s perspective as a father, mediator, arbitrator and a man of faith truly represent the values and interests of the American people. Will Pryor will fight tirelessly in Congress with the courage to make the difficult decisions necessary to lead our country in the right direction. I am pleased to endorse him."

~ Wes Clark