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Adopting Struts 2.0

Find out what's changed in Struts 2.0 and decide whether it's time to migrate to the new, improved Struts framework.
S. Sangeetha and S. V. Subrahmanya, October 2007

Struts 2.0 in action
Looking for a new Web development framework? Walk through a sample application to see if Struts 2.0 is right for you.
Venkatray Kamath, October 2007

Better monitors for Java
Learn techniques that take the guesswork out of safe multithreaded programming, then get started with a free, Java-based monitor package that automates assertion checking during execution.
Theodore S. Norvell, October 2007

Introduction to JSR-275: Measures and Units
The new Measures and Units specification takes the uncertainty out of Java programming with physical measurements.
Jean-Marie Dautelle, October 2007

Multicore processing for client-side Java applications
Is it acceptable that Java collection-sorting routines typically perform no faster on newer multicore machines than on single-core ones? No it's not! Kirill Grouchnikov shows you how to leverage the JDK 6 concurrency utilities to improve the processing speed of core array-sorting algorithms by up to 35 percent.
Kirill Grouchnikov, September 2007

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News & Reviews

JSON creator slams Ajax, Web
09/07/2007 -  Rich Web Experience keynoter Douglas Crockford points out the deficiencies of Ajax and the Web, calls for standardization and uniformity in browsers.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Rich Web technologies up for debate
09/06/2007 -  What'll it be: Ajax, Flex, Silverlight, or JavaFX? Web developer tug-o'-war continues at the Rich Web Experience conference in San Jose, CA.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

Relational database pioneer says technology is obsolete
09/06/2007 -  Relational databases are inefficient compared to the new breed of column-oriented databases, says Michael Stonebraker.
Erik Lai, Computerworld

Java Kernel plan proceeds
08/24/2007 -  The kernel formerly known as Java Browser Edition is planned for release in early 2008.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

CodeGear releases Eclipse plug-ins
08/14/2007 -  JGear plug-ins to improve performance tuning, visual development and collaboration challenges for Java developers.
Heather Havenstein , Computerworld

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Monday October 15, 2007

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