(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20080506141426/http://spearoflonginus.ark11.net:80/int-bks.html

Spear of Longinus


Interview with Blut Krieg Sieg
[ http://bks.ark11.net/ ]

Answers by: Camazotz, Paraplethon(Hu the Horrible)

There is an Okkult force that has risen from beneath the Southern Cross, it's mystikally, spiritually and philosophically complex charged forces and codexes tranmitted by the perfect medium: an aural and sonic energy that has transcended mere notes, scales, and chords, to become a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment to the masses of humanity led astray from it's true and ultimate manifest destinies. Give physical form now to thought, and remove the veils of obscurity and misunderstanding that has dogged Spear Of Longinus' every movement from inception.
Really we are just trying to pass on these thoughts and experiences that we have. As it happens mankind , the Aryan race , is involuting to such an extent that he is even unaware that there once was and can be again a numinous state . So first off we have to establish that . So we do point out these errors that we have succumbed to , next we must analyze how it came to pass , that which is responsible and how it came to be. Then obviously we must rectify / correct the situation so we go into all the tekniques available and promote these and instruct. Agitate then educate, so to speak.

Quite an intro, hopefully our part here will help lift some of these veils that have frustrated a wider understanding of the ‘SOL concept’, though in truth its beyond me how Spear could be misunderstood - was there ever a group as blunt, blatant and overt in its intention as Spear of Longinus?

All that happens or will happen is influenced by events seen or unseen. What were some of the key events in your life's path that opened your eyes to the world that lies hidden beneath the finely crafted facade of Judeo-Christian and New World Order culture and belief systems. Through what means subsequent did you further explore these new avenues that were opened up to you?
Ok , what happens here is that through a small window where the true consciousness of the being flows through for a short time one is illuminated briefly then descends back to the usual level of the sleepwalker, or as it is also called “ the daily vigil state” this is the state we wander around in from day to day , unconcious of anything but the inferior 3 dimensional surroundings . This level of being is inferior as it only works on a subjective level ; subjective as in anything that we receive as input is via the five material senses of the human machine, eyes, ears, mouth, touch , nasal. There is nothing from the superior vibratory levels reaching us at this point / level.
So when one comes to this point and recalls something of the eternal higher dimensions this world does become indeed corrupt and evil, leaving a rather foul taste in ones mouth.
So now we begin the quest. Wandering , reading, thinking, questioning…….. we all are conciouss beings at the higher levels we have just lost communication with our higher frequency magnetik bodys; our true beings. But after a short period of consciousness we still have some very powerful information with us , and energys. So we must not dilute them by watering them down or subjecting them to the inferior human animal senses / level of consciousness.
Briefly put this “inspiration” led to contact with various individuals and “groups” which furthered the understanding of the current situation and also began the practikle aspect of the great work. The rebellion.
One would have to say that these sporadik spurts of consciousness are results of work performed in previous returns , or , incarnations.
It is very interesting to observe the people and events + influences that come into ones lives when one becomes aware of and starts walking “ the path” .

A key event would have to be the disillusionment with the spiel beginning our final two years of high school when we were informed, in no uncertain terms, our entire future depended, veritably hung in the balance, on the outcome of our high school ‘education’ so that we could then go on to Uni(college) and from there, get ourselves a career. Basically, the whole thing smacked of vastly exagerated, melodramatic bullshit. There were a number of things I thought and felt at the time, though to be honest, they were really germs of ideas that all led to; “Man, there has to be more to it than that.” So, I rebelled. It was a while later I became a seeker, a searcher, but for what I still didn’t know. Naturally it was years before a penny of any sort dropped and I felt I was actually making any progress, heading in the right direction…

What specific rituals and forms of alchemy do you use to maintain the balance achieved, and to attain the higher planes of consciousness and thought that permit a more thorough examination and exploration of beliefs, philosophies and power?
Well there is only one form of Alchemy so far as I know, though there are many positions and variations on intent that it can be focused on. Alchemy is the great Maithuna , sexual magik. The Maithuna is used to generate the okkult energys to eliminate the false EGO’S or pluralised “I” . After we have liberated enough of the essence from egoik confinement, then we may reach the point where there is enough consciousnes liberated to facilitate the astral travel and other higher facultys, with this level also comes such things as clairaudiance and claivoyance etc etc.
Obviously we do many rituals , but this is not the proper time or place to talk of these things . This is really for personel involvement / tuition. Along with the rituals are very important aspects such as the many forms of meditation needed to work on oneself as well as the various transformations of impressions / energys that we receive in the gymnasium called life, the various yogas are included here , like dream yoga and raja yoga etc.
Every aspect of ones existence has to be directed towards this work, hence the various esoterik arts we partake of.
Suffice to say that ritual work is done on a weekly basis , sometimes more, and the meditation practices are to be done daily. Then sprinkle this with intellectual study and some Tai Chi + asana yoga + some sword practice, immerse oneself in the liberal arts along the way ……… and hopefully the end product will be the great sun king 33rd degree, or superman.

Whoa there boy, slow down… “maintain the balance”, who’d be so wanton to ascribe such to oneself?!? Though I will say, working towards such attainments as you mention, and further imply, it all stems from that old Greek maxim; “Know Thyself”, or put in other words; Live the moment, always be self-aware - what Gurdjieff calls ‘self-remembering’ and the gist of Hagbard Celine’s intention with his “Never whistle while you’re pissing” line… From there everything else branches off…

How does the realm of Spear Of Longinus, (with it's paradox of abrasive, almost dirty black/thrash metal and the occult, ideologically advanced, inspired hymns and thought) enter into this equation of ritual. Or is Spear Of Longinus more a product of self expression resulting from these myriad personal journeys?
Obviously SOL releases are only a pale reflection of any work that has been done, I do find these concepts particularly hard to articulate so you will have to bear with us. SOL also is dharmik , our duty. Every act we perform contains the ritual , every movement conscious / dedicated , this is the ritual connection you seek . Purge .
If by self expression you refer to the “self” the true being within, Hiram Abiff, then yes it is the self trying to expres itself.
Metal is supposed to be dirty and filthy, crust doom.
Clean sounds in death metal is fraudulent.

Describe your first encounter with Camazotz and the connection that you have developed with him through the passage of years.
AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh a day of might and triumph that was ………………. The spark did shine forth that very day. Illumination.
Testing in the 9th chamber.
Ho ho.
Go goy boy go !
Identifcation. Papers please.
This was in Lemurian epoch.

‘Twas when I was but a wee lad completing my pact with the devil; who should I see in Satan’s shadow, ‘fraternizing’ with the scarlet women, but of course, Camazotz!!! Truth be told, in this incarnation, via the Brotherhood of Balder not long after initial contact regarding SOL itself…

Your first (?) musical entity was Equimanthorn. What was the main function of this band now that you look back upon it in your life path, and what, from your time spent in and on it, did you learn?
That was perhaps a warm up to true formation, pre-training if you will. You must only follow you’re true being , the atman, this must not be diluted or corrupted by your own intellect or any other inferior force. You can only do this work yourself , responsibility to the responsible. Never rely on others, humans are weak pathetik creatures.

Describe the demise of Equimanthorn and the rising of the phoenix Spear Of Longinus from the ashes and detritus that remained from the former.
Basikly all that happened was I got sick of the play acting on behalf of the other members and coupled with this inner urgency that manifested at the time we obeyed the directive given by “ the black sun society”. Time for serious work. There were many energys at work at that time, one may say that out of the kaos an order was given…………..

The term "Spear Of Longinus" has obvious religious connotations, being the spear that pierced Jesus' side as he lay dying/dead on the cross at Calvary. But as with all that is Spear Of Longinus, the truth and complete meaning behind the name is much deeper than at first glance. How did you come across the term, and what meanings and representations of the ideology and philosophies that are expressed through the band is the Spear Of Longinus symbolic of?
The main star that blazed the spear into existence with a metallik thrust was at that time ranvencrofts “ the spear of destiny “ and it’s companion volumes. But we of course cannot ignore the Wagnerian doom component………..
The esoterik lance of the Holy Grail and the pagan spear of magik pacts displayed by Wotan , are the same pike , sacred from the most distant past.
Whether in fact it is because of it’s phallik character symbolik of virile sexual power , or wether it is the archaik weapon of combat which man was able to imagine at the beginning of life , it is true that the roman spear , as is well known, was somewhat similar to the scales of justice which presided over all legal transactions of primitive quiritary law or that of the spear (Kyrie) , and especially over weddings among those who held Roman citizenship , which incidently was very highly valued.
Roman matrons, who were under the protection of blessed goddess Juno, were wisely called Curias ( Cauretes or Kyrias, from which comes Valkyries) , because of Cures or tower, city of Sabines, which was founded by Medio, Fidio and Himella, it’s ineffable Gods, and it is for this reason that the leaders and other men of the roman Curias, distinguished as heroes during war, were awarded a small iron spear called Hastapura ( pure spear ) , the name of course reminds us , of the city of Hastinapura, divine symbol of the celestial Jerusalem.
It is obvious that the tablets or stones of Law, upon which the prophet Moses wisely wrote the ten Commandments as ordered by Jehova, are nothing more than a double spear of runes, the phallik meaning of which has been widely documented.
The transcendental idea that there are two extra Commandments in the esoterik teaching of Moses cannot be overemphasized.
I am referring to the eleventh and the twelth commandments which are closely related to Arcanum 11 and 12 of the Kabbala.
The first of these , the 11th , has as its classicle expression in the Sanskrit Dharman Chara: “ do youre duty. “
Remember that it is youre duty to look for the long, narrow, and difficult path that leads to the “ light”.
Arcana 11 of the tarot reveals this duty: the marvelous strength that can dominate and hold back lions of adversity is essentially spiritual. For this reason it is represented by a beautiful woman who, without any visible effort, opens the gullet of leo, the terrifying puma, the furious lion with her lovely hands.
The eleventh is related and interlaced with the twelfth commandment of the law of god illustrated by the arcane 12 : “ make you’re light shine “
In order for the light that constitutes the Essence , which is bottled up within the “I” , to really sparkle and shine , it must be liberated . this is only possible through Bhuddist Annihilation, dissolving the ego.
We need to die from instant to instant, from moment to moment. Only with the death of ego comes the new. Only death is real.
Just as life represents a gradual and always more complete process of externalization, or extroversion, the death of the ego is a graduall process of internalization in which the individual Consciousness , the essence, slowly strips off it’s useless vestments , similar to Ishtar in her symbolic descent, until it remains completely naked in itself faced with the Great Reality of life free it its movement.
The lance (sex, the phallus) plays an important role in numerous legends as the marvelous instrument of salvation and liberation which , when wisely brandished by the yearning soul , can reduce to cosmic dust all those cavernous entities that as a sinful whole constitute the “Me Myself”.
In the sacred land of the Vedas , Shiva the third Logos ( Sexual Energy ) has been profoundly analyzed in its creative and destructive aspects……
It is perfectly clear and evident that the Sexual subjective aspects are fatally crystallized into those multiple entities which as a whole constitute that which is called Seth ( the ego ) by the Egyptians.
The normal generative power of our sexual endocrine glands is obvious.
The objective creative power of Lord Shiva is transcendental when he works on the creation of the Wedding Garment of the soul, the To Soma Heliakon; the golden body of the solar man.
Sexual energy is highly explosive and marvelous. Truly I tell you that the one who knows how to use the weapon of Eros ( the lance, sex) can reduce the pluralised “I” to cosmic dust.
Praying is talking to God and one should learn to pray during intercourse. At those moments of supreme bliss, ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened to you……..
Whoever wholeheartedly implores and begs their Divine Mother Kundalini to take up the weapon of Eros , will obtain the best results because she will then help to destroy the Ego.
However I tell you that it is a long , patient and very delicate process.
There is no doubt that the hunter who wants to chase ten hares at the same time, catches nothing. So whoever wants to eliminate all psychological defects at the same time, eliminates none.
There are thousands of defects within each of us and all of them have many roots and aspects which are hidden amongst the many different subconscious folds of the mind.
Each one of those psychological defects has an animal shape. Within such submerged creatures the Essence, the consciousness , is imprisoned.
A prior condition to all elimination is the full understanding of the defect to be eliminated.
Implore if you are sure you have understood, and withdraw from coitus without spilling the semen.
Having made a transcendental synthesis of much long and hard work, we would say: First , the Essence has to be liberated so that the light may shine inside us; then it has to be fused with Atman ( the Being), to liberate ourselves from the mind; afterwards it has to be given to the Old Man of The Days ( the Father who is in secret, the Monad), to become perfect and resurrected Masters. Finally the Essence has to be absorbed definitively in Ishvara , the Logos, first emanation of the supreme Parabrahaman ( the great ocean of the Universal Spirit of Life).
……………. We conclude with the following account.
I made a formidable magik invocation. I called a certain Great Master saying: “Come! Come!Come! Prophet of Ra-Jor-Ku, come to me! Want to fullfill it! Want to fullfill it! Aum…….Aum……… ( vocalizing this last word as follows: opening the mouth with the A, rounding the U and closing with the M).
It is not superflous to say that the environment was saturated with infinate harmony, charged with “Od” ……
The result of the invocation was immediate and the Great Prophet came towards me.
The Kabir adopted a formidable symbolik figure that I could see, hear, touch and feel, throughout my entire Cosmic Being.
The Venerable Master seemed divided in two halves, from the waist upwards he shone gloriously. His forehead was as high as the unconquered walls of Celestial Jerusalem, his hair like white wool falling down to his immaculate shoulders, his nose was straight as that of a God, his eyes deep and penetrating, his beard as beautiful as the Old Man of the Days, his hands like golden rings mounted with hyacinths, his lips like lilies exuded fragrant myrrh……..
However, when I looked at the lower part of his body, from the waist downward, I saw something unusual; horrifying bestial shapes, personifying defects, red demons, devil-egos within which the consciousness is bottled up.
I have called you to ask for illumination. That was my supplication ! It is obvious that the way he appeared was the answer.
The Old Man put his right hand on my head and said to me: “ Call me every time you need me and I will give you illumination …….. “ Then he blessed me and left.
I understood everything with infinite happiness. Illumination comes to us only by eliminating , with the lance, the animal like creatures that we all have within and in which the consciousness sleeps.

There has been a division of the history of Spear Of Longinus into eras representing your four different warchants. This seems a good way of tackling them individually and as a whole. Can you give us a sense of time as to when these Eras rose to prominence, then gave way to the next great chapter in the Spear Of Longinus Saga: unfortunately not, you see I have a very bad grasp of time……… I really can’t tell . It all seems to blend together for me …….

Can give you a vague idea of release dates… fuck knows why I commit such things to memory…

Nazi Occult Metal Era: demo mid 95
Domni Satnasi Era: lp hmmm… dunno, think it was early 98 sometime
Nada Brahma Era: cd end of 99
Yoga of National Socialism Era: lp start of 02

The First Era in the Spear Of Longinus cycle contains the first of the four masterworks, emblazoned "Nazi Occult Metal." Describe the general aura and atmosphere that you feel this release is infused with, both musically and spiritually.
Quite possibly this was the purist thing we’ve done. Thelema, At this point we really overestimated our fellow humans capacity to understand, I believe.

As I was just an interested ‘fan’ at the time of its release, mid ’95, it struck me as quite a rough, dirty piece of work - stating the obvious - which brought to mind similarities the like of Bestial’s “Vengence…” album and Beherit, who likewise had a bit of a catchy groove in their slower sections, though SOL was/is definitely more rocky in that aspect. What set the demo apart from just about all other ‘black metal’ bands however, was the lyrics; they were lucid(which was quite uncommon, even among english speaking bands), impressed me as honest(another trait that was, and most probably still is, sorely lacking), and hinted at a greater depth - doing the ‘Rite of Ragnarok’ was inspired, not to mention quoting Jean Parvulesco! And of course Rurik’s oft-commented on contribution added a great deal of power to the delivery…
Saying all that though, the few interviews with Camazotz I’d read by that time, particularly the one in Key of Alocer #4, I found to be clearer, more concise and informative to just where it was Spear was coming from…

What was the line-up of Spear Of Longinus at the time of this release, and how did the dynamics that existed between the different personalities and personal ideologies in the members present at this time manifest in the final version of "Nazi Occult Metal?"
Every member was at this time ,I believe , a member of , TBO, and/ or other fraternities. A very united front I must admit. We were at this point working very closely with an older comerade who gave us much intensive tuition and ritual work. Somehow we managed to coax him out into the open to help with the vox on NOM. At that point SOL was Camazotz, guitar-bass-vox; Griffiths, drums: and Rurik on additional vox.

What musical influences and background did you have at this time, and how do you think they affected the sound and musical theory that is exhibited upon this first Spear Of Longinus operation?
Well obviously we listened to mainly old school metal , that old stuff along with great punk is excellent. What I call real Kundalini musik, full of energy and will …….. also a lot of Wagner was happening I believe. Before this I had only done vox in Equimanthorn…… I seem to remember something else as well, perhaps that was a version of Equimanthorn though, you see this is the problem when you are not conscious, you can’t even remember details of this mundane nature. I had just picked up a guitar for the first time at that point. I know absolutely nothing about musicle theory , I play instinctivley only. Though one day I will investigate this , it’s all inter-related , math/musik/ kabala , revolutionery -evolutionerys…… great stuff.

How did the title "Nazi Occult Metal" come about? I've seen television documentaries made regarding the Third Reich's search for occult artifacts and meanings, and their search for higher planes of existence and human purpose through the physical and mystical remains of previous cultures and civilizations. Nazi Occult Metal. What mystery lies beneath those three words for you, and how do they relate to the search for higher meaning?
Well …… just as you say this is all part of it, definitely. This was something that really came from within, a vision if you will. But more to point it was probably a flash of conciousnes, one of those flashes that really needs to be expanded on ……. Hence the great work. Again it is the supreme sin-thesis of polarities, material and non- material, or matter and dark matter but no matter ……… We have established through the okkult sciences that these dimensions do exist, we just do not have the facultys , or vehicles, to consciously experience them. So now there is only work between us and the godform, the superman. This is lifestyle.

All of your works relate in both overt and hidden ways to National Socialism, it's theories, ideologies, and mystical purposes. How does "Nazi Occult Metal" take the first step in the journey through the four releases. What aspects are broached? Do they reflect a certain dimension or perspective of your views and beliefs? Or are they more of an abstract view of your thoughts and wisdom upon the world, situations, and overall societal and sociological structures and paths?
Surely NOM would have to be a combination of the two. You see the thing is, which is very interesting, we can gain all this intuitive knowledge and understanding. But so long as we have EGO inhabiting our domain anything that we gain as input is SUBjected to the Ego’s first, then we have the Ego’s own self interested version of events , not the proper Objective purity. We must make friends with Vulcan. These topiks work on multiple layers, you will always gain more information through reflection and meditation, and the fantastik thing is the paradox, opposites attract ! sometimes I even find things in the lyrix that “I” wrote on NOM , even now.

In what numbers and how widespread was the distribution for "Nazi Occult Metal",and how was this first assault received, both by the legions, and by the establishment?
A global assault to be sure. Total war. I think this piece of propaganda found a meal and warm fire in many lairs of sincere malcontents. I’m quite sure that this tape did in fact multiply along the way, I think maybe 900 or so of these were officially pressed, really this is another aspect I don’t really commit to memory. We only distributed that one ourselves , I think. I think maybe some liked it and some didn’t ! The establishment does not care what happens so long as nothing serious happens that either effects their economiks or somehow happens in the publik eye so much that they are forced to act.

Actually I was in Hobart at the time, quite dis-connected from all that so I couldn’t tell ya… though the one review of it I’ve read was a positive one, not much to go by really…

The Second Era of the Spear Of Longinus cycle is Domni Satnasi. How long after the release of "Nazi Occult Metal" did work begin on this next great work of musical and ideological art? What lessons, skills and tactics learnt in the Nazi Occult Metal Era were applied to the Spear Of Longinus war chants performed on the Domni Satnasi opus?
As is always the case there is a progression , we are always working on something. Especially if it looks like we are doing nothing. We got old Rob to play guiter on that one, so we could have the personnel for live assaults.

Explain the meanings behind the term and title "Domni Satnasi" and the philosophical and ideological tenets that they are based upon.
“ Lord SATleader “ This is the promethean / luciferian aspect to which we refer. This was the strongest vision or longest lasting that I have had. “ Great Negative Aspect “. To rise one must fall. To see the light one must experience the foul pit. TAT. SAT.TAN.PAN. PAZ.
Perhaps there will be something of interest here for those bretheren who cannot accept the satanik aspect of this doctrine.
This will be kept brief, we will go into this deeper, later on the website.
We refer to the demon of Socretes. The famous Lucifer of Notre Dame, the very same Nahua Xolotl, who in the magicle hill of Coatepec, in Tula attended faster than the wind , the sorcerous invocation of the sixty elders.
Thule the end of this world.
Xolotl , the living shadow of Quetzalcoatl, or of lucifer-prometheus, the bearer of light, the morning star, the living symbol of our cornerstone, the philosophers stone in which lies the key to all powers.
Lucifer - Xolotl sometimes takes the appearance of Mendes’ goat to symbolise sexual potency.
Each of us has his own lucifer within.
Xolotl - lucifer - prometheus is Quetzalcoatls double, and is the prince of light and darkness, having absolute power over , the earth and the infernos.
The divine Demon is the reflection of God within us, here and now, and confer upon us the power, the wisdom and divine likeness. Eritris sicut dei, “ thou shalt be like gods “ , the superman.
Xolotl - Lucifer is not at all a foreign element to our psyche; on the contrary he is certainly the shadow of our divine being within our innermost individual depth. In the claw of Lucifer’s right paw , shine glorious divine golden signs.
Satan the psychological trainer in the gym of life.
The Luciferian temptation is unique didactics , amazing attraction. It is unmistakable incentive, seduction , fascination and okkult motivation with secret and divine purposes.
In the sacred land of the Vedas , Indra, the resplendent god of the firmament, kills Vritra or Ahi, the demon serpent. For this prowess, he is Vitrahan, the slayer of Vitra and is called Jishnu, Conducter of the celestial hosts.
Red Dragon.
Revolutionary Psychology- drive Cerberus from the abode of Pluto.

How did the musical attack evolve on this second of Spear Of Longinus' weapons platforms?
Disgusting filth reflection, Thelematik vision pierce.

What divergences and advances in thought, theory, and philosophy are evident in the lyrical and mystical content of "Domni Satnasi", and what personal ideological evolutions spurred them?
Really how am I supposed to answer this type of question ? this type of thing really requires one on one contact, athletik organik psyk combat. Bound , re-bound.
I could say that I was more preoccupied with my mundane job to really do this project, as I was still doing evil shift work at the time. But no more, now I bask in the golden daylight again. So I guess this was an important step in itself , in that it was taking a step closer to making things conform to the will. Master of my own domain , preliminery journey.

Who were the Kommandos that made up Spear Of Longinus in this Era, and how did this reflect upon the recording and views expressed in the "Domni Satnasi" propaganda effort?
At this point Rob Hellbutcher weilded the SCATHE , a particulary evil guitar in the service of SOL. This instrument it must be said appeared on all attax prior to TYONS, where the dutys were passed to the evil Jackson space distorter. I will take this oppurtunity to point out that SCATHE has a very high dislike for humans, SCATHE loves to see humans writhe in agony and pain, especially live where the humans can be ultra tormented with piercing shrieks of terror inflicting feedback , human scum !
So we had Camazotz on vox, Griffiths on drums, Rob trying to control SCATHE and Mouse was playing bass.
Rob bought more of the “just” metal elements along , which was fine ‘cause at that time we wavered a little with the doctrine and thought it would be ok to water things down with a little of the old metal façade, just musik as they say. No more.
Mouse was not ideologikly aligned at all, just a mate fulfilling his duty and playing to help out, though I do believe he most enjoyed his time of infamy…….. now he plays in something called “greensteam” some kinda cock rock glam laid back attitude thing ! I suppose that’s how you’d describe it, with a female vocalist. You get the picture.

In what quantities was "Domni Satnasi" unleashed and in what format (s)? and was there any label involvement or interest?
It was released by the good comerades of Burznazg in kroutland , only on vinyl and in a pressing of ……. 500 I think, fux me I really don’t care for these details. We did recording and layouts, cheap and nasty. Watch those razor barbs , very rusty.

Given the ideologies inherent in Spear Of Longinus, what was the reception like this time around for "Domni Satnasi" both by the legions and by the establishment?
I was really dropping out of the “scene” at this point so who knows……. Actually, I really don’t know what anyone makes of anything we’ve done.

Dunno what anyone else made of it, but I thought ‘twas pretty cool…

Up to this point, had you played any live gigs? What were they like, and do you think you gave the assembled hordes present the full frontal assault of both musical savagery and ideological mastery that Spear Of Longinus possesses on the recorded medium? What was the societal reaction to these performances?
Yes we had played at this stage on stage. We have , and have had all along great plans for live performance, though humans have only seen the metal aspects of the outfit, soon though we will give some private performance that will be most interesting I think, here we will go into the doctrine in an almost Brechtian manner, a shall we say ….. hands on …… experience. It will utilise all the senses and elements, inspired by performance art and Japanese Noh. Etc etc.
So , no. The humans still have not had the full assault on the physical plane of existence.
The metal crowds that go to these THINGS are not the same as in the old days, nor are they the same as what they perceive themselves to be. This much is evident by their actions.

Saw a few gigs up to this point, a couple in 96, and one in mid 98 with Destroyer… lots of drunken shenanigans mainly by the crowd but Rob didn’t hold back either. What were they like…? LOUD, rough, crazy, smelly, dirty, hot pub gigs… an Oz tradition…

In this second "Domni Satnasi" Era, what additional insights were revealed regarding the metaphysical and occult manifestations of National Socialism in the Spear Of Longinus perspective?
Two days ago a song called “Dead Man” appeared on my guitar fret board. This will appear on a future release . It may have some keyboards thrown in, or it may be just acoustik, who knows, or both !
The point being that we are all dead men , the sleepwalkers and untermenschen if we stay imprisoned to the geometry of this three dimensional dimension.
Revolt. Rebel. Die. Kill.

What inspirations were present throughout these first two Eras, literary, musically, and spiritually?
You know what I find most interesting ?
Some factions of the movement seem to be putting a lot of emphasis on this work titled “ might is right” allegedly written by this Ragnar Redbeard character . Well I must say that it did leave quite a foul taste in my mouth, then, I decided to re-read “ the protocol’s of the learned elders of zion” and there it was, lo and behold the very first protocol ……. Might is Right ! I think there is something afoul within the ranks ….. what is it ? is it these particular EGOs manifesting making themselves known, perhaps being planted and nurtured by some alien entity ?

Of the meetings of the learned elders of Zion
Protocol #1

Right lies in might. Freedom - an idea only. Liberalism. Gold. Faith. Self - government. Despotism of the Capital. The internal foe. The mob. Anarchy. Politics versus Morals. The right of the strong. The invincibility of Jew-Masonic aothority. End justifies means. The mob a blind man. Political a.b.c. Party discord. Most satisfactory form of rule - Despotism. Alcohol. Classicism. Corruption. Principles and the rules of the Jew - Masonic government. Terror. “Liberty, Equality,Fraternity.” Principle of dynastic rule. Annihilation of the priveleges of the Goy - Aristocracy ( ie, non Jew ). The new Aristocracy. The psychological calculation. Abstractness of “Liberty”. Power of removal of representation of the people.
………….. Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the significance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall throw light upon surrounding facts.
What I am about to set forth , then , is our system from the point of view, that of ourselves and that of the goyim ( non jews ).
It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing are attained by violence and terrorization and not by academic discussions. Every man aims to be a dictator if only he could , and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of their own welfare.
What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men ? what has served for their guidance hitherto ?
In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force: afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature right lies in force.
Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. ………………
In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who were liberal is the power of Gold. ……….
Our right lies in force. The word right is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than; - Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
Where does right begin ? where does it end ? ………..
Our countersign is - Force and Make - believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially ifit be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit, and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.

And that’s just a couple of brief extracts from the first protocol !!!!!!
I of course urge all warriors to obtain a copy of this to puruse, for acadaemic interests only of course. !
It is quite readily available from Amazon.com and cheap too considering……
Anyway the point is , that if this is the “Jewish” mindset , or more accurately EGOIC structure. That EGO force which is in the fore. Then why would we want to introduce this to a movement that is supposed to be in bitter combat of such forces ?
Egos are very subtle , they are most subversive and will come up with many devious ploys to keep themselves from being detected and confronted. Turned to cosmik ash by the victorious Being.
Be vigilent, as the war sentry.
War IS eternal.

The Third Era, the Era of "Nada Brahma" was marked by the confistication of a fair amount of Spear Of Longinus' work by the authorities. What events led up to this, and what justification was given for this act of censorship?
I think old Hendrik was just getting to overt for the “government” to ignore. Things started to happen , and this cannot be……. Read the protocols.
The media and “theatre” are the prime tools of these ego constructs.
I know of no justification save , those of “ state security “ or some other shadey bullshit, pardon the french . ( though why I really couldn’t say……( Rainbow warrior ) couldn’t resist it .)

Philosophically and ideologically, how did the title "Nada Brahma" manifest the force and thought exhibited upon this third Spear Of Longinus release?
It stands to reason that in our work with the spheres, we whish to rise forever and work in the harmony of the octave.
According to the Law of the musical octaves , we must develop to higher and higher notes , thus reaching the note of synthesis. After that leave for eternity, and the divine mother Kundalini.
Listening for consciousness ? to find the answer we must begin with the definitions.
Nada Brahma, a primal word in Indian spirituality
Nada is a Sanskrit word meaning “sound”. Dictionaries also give definitions such as “sounding, droning, roaring, howling, screaming”.
The runik connection here is most obvious to our warrior priest bretheren , yes ?
Nada also means - bull.
Nadi, “ river, stream, rushing “. Stream of consciousness .
Along with shiva and vishnu , brahma is one of the three main deities of hinduism. This trinity is known as the TRIMURTI.
The following, a magik formula in India is understood as the primal creative word, source of the world and sacred knowledge. It is one with mans inner consciousness.
God is sound. Sound is God. The world is sound.
But Brahma , the all creator is more than God. He is identical with that which He has created and in which he is constantly present.
Brahma also means the universe; Brahma the cosmos. Depicted with four heads, the four cardinal points.
The principle of Brahma, the so called Brahman, is the prime power of the cosmos, the inner consciousness of man and of all living things. Brahman is everything.
Brahman : Basic element and active force of all natural and historic things and events.
Brahman is the absolute.
Everything that exists is Brahman or the sacred word,
Which cannot be explained.
It is without condition and without priorities.
It is the world- soul containing all single souls,
As the ocean contains all drops of water
Of which it consists.
Brahman is life.
Brahman is joy.
Brahman is void ……
Joy is truly the same as void.
Void is truly the same as joy.
Bri, “to grow” “ to praise”, just as the cosmology of modern astrophysics tells us that the universe is growing. The indivisible oneness of all beings.
About himself ……..
I am the creator, the womb of the world,
Acquired from my own being,
Only the lord,
Highest word without meaning.
He who worships me as such will be saved.
I cause all gods to become and I end their reign,
And no one is to be found anywhere in the worlds
Who would tower above me.
I hung for nine days and nights, I sacrificed myself unto myself, reaching down screaming ……..
Whatever has undergone complete change, began as a change in the consciousness of the individual. Only thereafter was it possible for the world to change.
Hail Wotan.

Musically, what changes were evident and what progress had occurred in your orchestral and compositional skills that propelled "Nada Brahma" to greater and more effective aural blasphemies? Were there any changes in the line-up of Spear Of Longinus during this Era?
Mouse was no longer a member at this stage, Camazotz took on both bass and doom voice. We actually started playing a bit tighter by now which caused a lot of discussion as to wether the recording should actually be released or not, as it was much tighter and softer than we thought it was to be. Many new ideas had their seeds sewn at this time which will begin appearing from TYONS forward I think. An expansion of the aural division of the shock troops.
It was getting close to time for a change, things were getting quite comfortable.
And we all know what happens to all these bands that don’t do something different with themselves along the way, they just pump out the same old crap. Repetition. There is already enough of this in life. Also there were some ideological differences beginning to show their ugly little heads within the ranks.

How much at this time was the occult and mystical nature of man and his fight through life and it's physical and spiritual obstacles and his ultimate destiny a focus of Spear Of Longinus in addition to the National Socialist philosophies and themes. Are they neccessarily separate entities, like the two sides of a coin, or an all encompassing life code that is enmeshed and entwined firmly as one?
They are of course one and the same.
I think you will see the difference of emphasis when Robs Vomitor stuff is released, great metal to be sure but I’m not too sure where his lyrix / ideology will be heading.
When god made man , he made a weapon. It’s our duty to utilise this weapon in all its aspects and profundity.
The struggle is all encompassing.

What song's lyrics from this album best capture the essence of this bestial recording?
Zeal for the law for the war for the day of vengeance.
Cosmic Devastator ( watching the watcher )
Interplanetary warefare and the attack of the kulture heroes.

In view of the difficulties that Spear Of Longinus faced/faces due to it's beliefs and ideologies, clarify and elaborate upon a few points that are commonly called into question regarding Spear Of Longinus in particular, and National Socialists in general:
--Adolph Hitler, as a man, leader, and National Socialist:
Luciferian Avatar.

No less than an Avatar… and as such was/is beyond any moral/ethical concerns of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. NOT thee one - he himself said he was preparing the way for one who shall follow… though how advanced along The Way he was/is, who is to say? But taking into account his notorious clean living, his scrupulously spartan attire and his fanatical devotion… perhaps he truly was a Bohdisattva, willingly, conciously returning to this plane…

--The term Nazi, it's meaning in the context of Spear Of Longinus and National Socialism today:
Just the same as it always was. A supreme synthesis of the left / right and the material / spiritual. With of course the highest ideals of self - realization.

As far as Spear goes, ‘Nazi’ assumes sacred proportions. Its meaning; Truth, the Ultimate Truth… as Socrates would define it: Absolute.

--The true purpose and intent of National Socialism:
Eradication of the bestial aspects of man .
To become a true man. Homo sapiens sapiens is but the germ from which we must work and create the superior esoterik attributes , which become the superman, a real man free from corrupted energy patterns known as EGO’s the pluralised “I” . The demonik infestation.

A Western rooted system developed to fully enlighten its practitioners, allowing them to transcend the human condition. On a par with Buddhism, Gnosticism, Pythagoreanism, Sufism etc…

--The other races (Jews, Blacks, Arabs, Asians etc) and their role in a National Socialist world:
Esotericism says that all who inhabit the planet at this point are indeed just sub - groupings of the Aryan epoch.
National socialism is in fact a universal doctrine, it will liberate all who use it wisely.
The Teutonik/ Anglo Saxons according to esoteriks are the fifth sub race of the Aryan civilisation.

Being what NS was/is(or at least should be), its not really race/ethnic specific, its just that the only historical example is a northern European one… but even they made allowances, for example: the alliance with Japan; the Tibetan connection; the 60 000 Muslims in the ranks of Germany’s armed forces through the war etc etc…
However, these other peoples have systems in operation where NS finds a common ground, be they Zen, Taoism, Sufism or whatever, whereas since Rome went on the rampage destroying the Western forms (slaughtering the Druids, closing the Athenian Academy, the purge of the Cathars via the Albesingian Crusade, outlawing the Templars, trying again and again to Romanize the Celtic Church etc…), a new Western paradigm was needed, and this is where NS fits in.
Of course Rome’s attempts were only partly successful as the Gothic Cathedrals, Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, Alchemy’s high respect in the Middle Ages or even the Sheela-na-gigs built into Irish churches - not to mention Freemasonry’s origins in Hermetic Egyptian philosophy proves…
But what was different was rather than being a closed secret society, NS attempted on a mass level - politically, economically, financially, technologically as well as spiritually, founding a new Western Cosmological Heritage. Now then, the inner heart of what NS is, is to be found in “The Lightning and the Sun” by Savitri Devi - coming from a Hindu perspective, and in the works of the ‘Esoteric Hitlerist’ Miguel Serrano, who participated in what were perhaps the only post-was Nazi rituals held in public - in his native Chile of all places!
What people tend to forget is that the 12 years Nazism guided Germany was a VERY short time in which to forge a complete, new society, entirely holistic in its approaches. Essentially, things were still being worked out. The infamous cranial measurements and theories of a ‘Nordic superiority’ were a stage in the development of the NS worldview that moved on from that to a more spiritual conception of race, probably dealing with the ‘Theosophical’ Root Races and Sub-races and the concious evolution of humanity towards a ‘springtome flowering’ as the 6th Root Race.

--Freedom of Speech (both as it stands today, and in a National Socialist world):
From my experience in Australia I would say that we have a reasonable amount of free speech. But then again we must have something to say , right ? then of course you must say these things freely. That is without holding any information back or charging a fee.
This is where the problem occurs, we are all on different levels of being / consciousness . so to avoid persecution from the mob you can only say what they can understand, this goes for the law makers also. The intellect can be a great barrier to self realisation.
So you see it would be in all our best interests to do the great work upon our selves.
A NS society would of course promote the numinous at all times, firstly and most importantly by re - introducing the mystery schools back to society.
Then again it is the Kali Yug , so all that would be in vain as things are as they should be.
Don’t forget the Law of Karma, that’s why things are the way they are anyhow ! and all this is because of the psychic aggregates ……..

Illusory… Noam Chomsky hit the nail on the head when he said, and I quote; “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable public opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

--The future of the white race as it stands now:
Probably just as the statement implies …….. stasis …….. which is in fact involution. Decay.
Only the revolution will stay this process. A radical transformation.

Further decay and death… in reality, the Orwellian servile automaton isn’t around the corner, HE’S HERE NOW.

--ZOG, it's influences, and it's role in the future of National Socialism and the destiny of humanity:
Really we can’t repeat this too much, there is a whole weapons system available to us to combat ZOG/EGO. You must be serious though, no room for half ways here, only serious esoterik warriors need apply.
Remember the KULT OF THE BLACK SUN will always be with us, just as the GREAT WHITE LODGE is.

At a most base level… Ariel Sharon recently admitted on Israeli radio Jewish control of America… As for the ‘destiny of humanity’, Zionism’s definition of humanity begins and ends with Zionists - everyone else is sub-human… fantastic destiny on offer for us Gentiles…

The establishment reaction having been documented earlier, what was the reception to "Nada Brahma" from the massed legions worldwide? Exactly how many copies (in what formats) of "Nada Brahma" were made, and how many survived to get into the hands, minds and souls of the intended listeners?
I think they pressed either 1000 or 1500 don’t know really maybe old mate can get in touch and illuminate us. Any way the information I have is that only 500 or less hit the underground movement. I really don’t know.
You should ask Hendrik or Wolf these types of questions. I wasn’t there. I can’t say.

General concensus seems to have been that it wasn’t at the same level as the previous efforts, speed of the music sort of washed things together a bit - whatever it was… does have a good groove when it slows the pace a bit, but I dunno, don’t have any contact with many people into SOL so…

There was also collusion between yourselves and Death To Mankind Records in the release (as yet unreleased?) of a split LP of "Nada Brahma" and "Nazi Occult Metal". What machinations brought about this re release of these hard to get hateworks?
DTM got in touch and said “ how ‘bout it ? “
SOL said “ yeah righto ! “

What are your thoughts and emotions as you look back upon the history of Spear Of Longinus? If you had not had Spear Of Longinus and it's music as a creative outlet, how else do you think your vision and philosophies would have emerged?
No idea whatsoever ……….
Maybe jail or something crud like that ………. Then again that’s always a possibility with the current situation.
……….. and rage.
Perhaps we would write some books or such things like that, I find it difficult to envisage a movement, …… without movement.
Then again we were talking about an esoterik training hof out in the bush at one stage, perhaps that would have been an reality.

When you look back at when SOL started out in ‘93/’94, there really wasn’t anyone else coming from this direction, as far as I knew then, apart from maybe Death in June, who I’d only heard in passing at that stage… As far as the metal scene was though, there were a few groups who alluded to this current, but none seemed game enough to openly and blatantly proclaim such as, right from the start, Spear did… which is quite admirable in itself.
Though where SOL is now, delving ever deeper over the last 8/9 years is even more admirable, noble even - not willing to ‘rest on their laurels’, as it were, but continually developing, seeking, uncovering and de-scribing new ground, moving ever further into heavier, more ‘obscure’ territory.
Are there any other esoteric Nazis out there???

The Fourth Era of Spear Of Longinus is now upon us. The next triumphant turning in the Spear Of Longinus cycle, "The Yoga Of National Socialism", has finally been unleashed through Vinland Winds Records. What new aural and ideological landscapes are explored within this most recent of Spear Of Longinus' creation?
It’s interesting isn’t it how we do tend to get what we want. Magnetiks.
When we went in to record this lp I had in the back of my mind that it would be good to do a cleaner almost softer recording. But of course with the way this band operates it would in normal circumstances be next to impossible.
So we went to a different place than normal to try our luck and see what comes of it. Dismay.
We had so many troubles in the recording that we actually had to leave out 5 songs that were half recorded due to time restrictions from trying to salvage the others ! Stress.
This was quite a good quality studio mind you, very nice with top equipment. A far cry from the usuall studio that we use. Studio U -530 .
Anyway this recording was doomed it would seem from the outset. The engineer , who was widely recommended by other metal bands including Vomitor, kept falling asleep. He allegedly could not record our sound ……… followed by my guitar head allegedly doing strange things thus wasting a whole days worth of work. Which left us with one day to re - record alll guitars again, do the vox and mix !!!!!!!! fuck that was Gong Fu .
Unfortunately this studio guy recommended us to use this cruddy POD thing for geets as “ it gives a good sound , the same as the one you’re using, only heavier and better to record “ sucked us right in the bastard did.
But we did the best we could with what we had, that’s what it’s all about.
Hugh was also trying to play bass at that point, which is something quite foreign to him, so that was a little adventure in itself .
Something big was working against us yet again ……………..

What Kommandos are present and lay down their sonic annihilation on "The Yoga Of National Socialism"?
Esoterrorists on this one were Camazotz vox guitar, Griffiths drums and Hugh the Horrible on bass doom.

How does this latest war chant further the Spear Of Longinus ideals? What is the focus and purpose?
With this one we’re opening up a whole new phase . We are going to the places that we kept away from the outer orders of the movement.
The “ Jaguar Knights of the Lance “ have ordered that we start disseminating some of the real okkult doctrine of the “ black sun society “ .
So from now on there will be zero pseudo occultism from us. I suspect that we will loose a lot of “ground” in the “scene” because of this , but if that’s the way it has to be then so be it, so be it , so be it.
With this release and in conjunction with the web site we will introduce what the great work of all warriors is about.
Now only serious work will do. No play acting. No role playing. No pseudo crap.
Only the occult doctrine 100%.
So in accordance with that you may see some new influences come into the musik , though this will be part and parcel of the revolution that must occur for the birth of the superman, I think the sounds will remain still predomineatly old school traditional metal. But no longer ultra orthodox as we can see that this will not allow certain aspects of the work to flourish.
We will further question not only the status Quo of “society” but also the dogmas and myth conceptions of the occult fraternities and NS orthodoxy’s .
Love is the law , love under will.
No , no ,no ego. Only legitimate use of the personality by the Being.

Take us on a journey through the song (or songs) you think epitomizes "The Yoga Of National Socialism" through it's musical intensity and lyrical supremacy.
The yoga album really is focused on the internal apects, the psykotronik mathematiks, without decimals or fractals.
The essence of the 9 Stav matrix, the building blocks of this universe. Grasp the runes and scream, rebell.
It is therefore showing the internal arts of “soft” as opposed to hard styles. This is crucial for the movement to change and then to progress to metamorphose.
Know thyself and you will know the Gods.
The only section of musik that remains from the origional guitar sound is that at the beginning of “baggy black ( not so blue ) “.
So I think if you combine this with the SHIVA sounds, then you will get precisely what the yoga lp was supposed to be.
Those sounds by the way on “shive dancing” , are actuall NASA recordings made in space.
They are what space SOUNDS like ………………
Now that’s ominous doom power darkness.
We wanted those sounds running through the whole lp, but again the sound dude deemed it undo-able, weak humans.

The title of this masterwork is "The Yoga Of National Socialism". What meaning and symbolism does this title have? It is quite obscure, following in the tradition of your previous works. I've also heard that this is only part of a much longer title. What was the full title intended to be, and what were the circumstances that made you decide to change it?
The full title was to be “ the yoga of national socialism and the swastikalotus “ but seeing as we had so much trouble with the recording and had to drop 5 songs we shortened the title . The remaining songs will appear on a 7 inch at a later date with the title of “ …….. and the swastikalotus. “
It is mystical psychological revolution. The transformation of the atomik mathematical constructs into the true realm of possibilities of the superior dimensions.
The overcoming didactic.

On "The Yoga Of National Socialism", the artwork is an abrupt change from the stark simple covers of albums such as "Nada Brahma" and "Domni Satnasi", with its bright colors and myriad images. Why was this departure taken, and how do you perceive it's capture of the essence of this LP?
The essence was captured as best we could, obviously, the use of colour etc mirrors the utilisation of such practical aspects of the system. For example, I no longer dress exclusively in the traditional metal regalia . Now I incorporate some nice colours and designs into my wardrobe . A dynamik combination of the two . Not either / or, but a dynamik. I find that if I wear only black for too long now I do get rather …. Negative, so there is the practical aspect of the colour therapy. Symbolicly we also see such things as the different superior bodys and their attributes being acknowledged. The planets and their influences.
Also I’ve found it to be most helpful in our infiltration of society as a whole. You see who is going to let an angsty looking filthbag into their various, occult elite establishments ? I’ve found that as you’re circle of aquaintences broadens it is easier to assimilate , rather than showing up wearing leather , boots ,kilts , odhinik war vests ,bullets and studs …… fucked out old faded patched up black clothes, by wearing something less austentacious. This could also be a taming of the infamous metal ego.
You should see the art as what remains from the impressions received from the superior dimensions, a higher ageless culture if you will, and how we’ve tried to bring it back down to the here. Something more elegant than this gross realm.
A tool like any other to be utilised for the kult.

Are you satisfied with the final rendition of "The Yoga of National Socialism"?

I thought it was ok until we recorded again and completely kicked its arse… the ‘Yoga album’ unfortunately came out too weak, and very small sounding… everything is too precise - ‘cept my bass work - too defined, and no rough edge to it…

This album is released through Vinland Winds Records (USA). How did you come into contact with them, and how have your affairs been handled since signing?
Seems herr Rikardo was in Australia for some bizzare reason, one of his endless wanderings as he would no doubt tell the tale, and he got in touch and showed up . I’d never hear’d of the geezer previous to this , any way it turns out he was running some kind of underground label and we had this yoga recording laying about for a while , so he said “chuck it on” , gave it a list’n . “ I will release that if ya want” he intones after some deep thought, “ yeah fair enough, if ya reckon it’s any good” says Camazotz, “ though I don’t think any one will really like it “.
We’ve never signed anything. We rely only on gentlemanly agreements. We find paperwork most unnatural tiresome and laboreious. It is unnecessery, from wolf to wolf.
Richard has been ok to deal with, just the usual hold ups to be experienced with the underground system. Certainly though I think he has put the effort in for us.

What has the inital reaction been to "The Yoga Of National Socialism" from the few who have heard it so far?
Yeah I think some at least groove on it.
Dunno .

On your website (http://www.spearoflonginus.com) you show a fair amount of unreleased songs, enough for almost two more releases. Will these ever see the light of day, or are they forever sealed in the vaults beneath the Aurora Australis?
Certainly we intend to release them all, but the problem is we keep writing new ones.
So it would seem that a few will never see light of day, but that’s the way it goes. Some of these songs predate the demo even, they are that “old”.
It’s all a question of time/energy management.

Over the passage of time, it seems that the scope of your lyrics seems to have broadened, from more earthly domains to rather more esoteric and etherial matters. Looking into the future, what tangents of exploration are planned, what pinnacles of thought and ideology are to be attempted and what Eras are yet to exist?
We only are sailors on the seas of fate…….
Students of life , who can say ?
We have to disagree with this first statement though, the demo was most okkult perhaps you never picked up on the okkult symbolism …….. maybe we are just getting more efficient at the expressions ? Like I said earlier, we did at this point overestimate the capacity of some bretheren to understand the allegory and symbol involved.

You get to a point, both exo- and eso-terically where there’s no turning back.

Are any live assaults to support this latest monumental orchestration planned?
We did do a gig with the YOGA material with a skinhead comerade doing vox, but he’s taken off to play with the air force again. So at present we are really looking for another vox orator do a decent live performance.

State the ultimate destiny of Spear Of Longinus?
Enter the eternal Flame. Godhead.
The supreme liberated master on all levels of being.
The self realised superman.
The poor intellectual animal is only a chrysalis, a germ , in where the man has to be formed , developed.
The solar fire is certainly what is needed in order to develop within ourselves the ability to be a true man.
Fohat is the generatrix force, the central alive philosophical fire, that can originate inside of the cosmos biology of the rational animal, the legitimate and authentik mutant, the real and authentik man.
Bretheren: What is the great work ?
What really counts is the great work.
“ I am not more when I am praised, nor less if I am vituperated, because I am always what I am” ; Thomas Hemerken of Kempis.
Speaking from the alchemik point of view, I would say that you have what is called the Green Lion.
Obviously , when you begin working in the great work , you will have at that point , the Red Lion.
But what is the green lion of the alchemist ? it is the incipient fire, the fire that does not have internal development.
What is the red lion of the alchemist ? the fire already absolutely developed; the sulphur, we would say, that symbolises the fire, already totally mixed with the mercury , finally crystallised, the sacred fire.
It is clear that only through the developed fire , through those powers symbolised by the red lion one can reach the alchemic transmutation of the red fire. One can transform the Existential Superior bodys of the being into pure gold. But those are very advanced levels of internal development. You, at this point just work with the personal work, the green lion, in this form you will be preparing your fires for the great work.
In this state or preparation you have to make a balance of yourselves , in order to know what you have of inhuman elements, untermensch, and human. It is necessary to eliminate the inhuman elements , and to develop the human elements.
Unfortunately this is painful, the humanoids that live on the face of the earth, do not have anything of human form, because if we see a human machine or humanoid, we will find inside it, a vital organic base, and that is it. Further than the physical and vital bodys ( which is the base of life ) we find the ego, the “I” the myself.
The ego obviously is not beautiful, it is only an addition of psychic aggregates that personify our errors. These aggregates, have animal forms. What is most unpleasant to know, is that the Essence, the Consciousness, is trapped , bottled up , enclosed among the animal forms, among those aggregates that are what we call the myself the ‘I’.
Now you can see that the state we are in is very unfortunate, we are just machines, controlled by the different components that form the Ego, the “I”.
Did we come to the world perfect ? we had a mother a father, and as a result of it we came into this world. It is very interesting to see how we were formed inside the maternal body, that is to say , how our material vehicle or planetary body, unfolded and developed, mixed with the maternal one.
It was a germ that was planted in the maternal organism. That germ was developed and unfolded and born in its oppurtune moment; it is a product of sex. Later , after its birth , the germ kept growing and developing: we passed through the stages of childhood, through to adolescence , to reach youth.
It is interesting to see all these processes beginning by a simple conception, has as cause causorum the sexual union of our terrestrial father and mother. All that metamorphosis that the fetus passes through in the maternal womb , is extraordinary.
If the copula of our parents did not happen, obviously we would not exist in this world. Copulation is the base of our existence.
In the mother, in her dark matrix, she passes through multiple phases. From the beginning her body prepares itself to feed the creature that will be born, hips widen and the whole organism goes through several changes.
The child is born, growing happily with all his forces. During the first seven years of its life , it works the first testicular stratum, calling certain cells into existence. We then live with the lunar influence.
From 7 to 14, we live under the regency of Mercury. School, study etc. then at 14 the second testicular stratum starts to work. It produces the hormone that defines the sex.
From 14 to 21 the third stratum becomes active. Here we live under the influence of Venus. The sperm bring new ideas, new intellectual capacity, new forms of thought etc.
Here we will see the difference in though patterns between the “young” revolutionary and the old “ fuddy”. The energetik sperm.
Well, life develops and unfolds because of sex. Because of sex we have the physical body. It is clear that through sex we can transform ourselves. If our parents, if nature created us to a certain point, we can re- create ourselves, to complete, that creation and carry ourselves forward.
To give to our own organization , new forms of being, to promote in ourselves something great; to make of us authentic divine creatures we must use the very same force that lead us through all these processes.
Through the transmutation of the sacred sperm, we can create a new organism, inside of the one that we already have. That organism is the Astral body. That body has its own laws, principles, forces etc.
One knows that he has an astral body because he can use it, can travel freely through space with it, in the same way that one knows that he has legs because he can move them, or hands because he can use them etc.
Transforming that sperm into energy, we can also crystallize that energy into the form of a mental body. That Mental body also has its laws , principles and powers etc. One knows that he has a mental body because he can use it , because he can capture or apprehend with it , all the wisdom of the Universe.
With the transmutation of the sperm into energy, we can create the body of the consciouss will, or causal body. When this vehicle has been created through the sexual transmutation, we can then incarnate in ourselves that something called human soul and to then become authentic men, legitimate real men with soul in the most transcendental sense of the word.
All of these things belong to the same force that created us and that have made us to pass to pass through multiple processes. Our parents, we repeat, contributed with the germ that has passed through so many processes. Nature has done what it could, but we can continue with the sexual process, in transcendent and transcendental form, to reach the point that we can transform ourselves into something divine.
Obviously the force that created us, has to be utilized to destroy the inhuman elements that we have inside; the psychic aggregates.
If we, for example, make good use of the power contained in sex; of the sacred fire , that ray that emanated from the chaotik matter that exists in the seminal system and that is called Kundalini by the Orientals, we can do very well to disintegrate with that ray all the inhuman elements that we carry inside.
Observe the double aspects of the creative energy : it is used to destroy the inhuman elements and to create the human elements.
That germ that arose from the sexual glands of our parents and that later finished its development, can continue that development posteriorly. That germ will be unfolded later, it can receive we would say, vehicles that it actually does not have , the astral , mental and causal.
But we have to forwards because that development is not made by nature: she made what she could. Now it is our turn to continue forwards with that germ. Do not allow it to petrify, make it pass through successive developments, more advanced developments, the result has to be to become gods, that is the result.
So, Tribunes of the order, we remind you that the alchemy is the base, the foundation of the great work. The great work is impossible without the transmutation.
To create the vehicles is first, obviously; after it is necessary to recover them with the Being. It is one thing to create the astral body , for example, but another to lead it to perfection.
It is one thing to create the mental body, through the transmutation of the Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 , and another to perfect it. One thing to create the body of the Conscious Will or Causal body, and another to perfect it.
What do we understand by perfection ?
When the Astral body for example , has been transformed into a vehicle of pure gold, it is said that it is perfect. But in order to transform the astral body into a vehicle of pure gold it is necessary to transform what this body has of the imperfect : to eliminate the inhuman elements, to do a work of alchemy.
The great alchemists say that the raw material has to be transmuted; that is, the inhuman elements that pervade and penetrate the astral that we have created, have to be dissolved.
We have to use the Universal Dissolving, as the alchemists say. This dissolving is the secret and philosophical Fire. With Kundalini we disintegrate the inhuman elements.
And if one does not have that power, what could one do ? if one does not have Kundalini, how could one destroy the subhuman elements ?
Here we have the role of the colours.
When we begin disintegrating the subhuman elements that have taken possession of the astral body, they take on a black colour and are symbolised by the black raven.
The black colour is the foundation, the base of any transmutation; that is why it is said that the raven has to be whitened. This means that after the Putrid Matter has been burned, disintegrated of its inhuman elements, the astral body has a natural white colour.
Finally it is said that the raw matter has to be taken to a red colour. That is to say that in reaching these heights, we already know that the astral body has been transformed into pure gold, a vehicle of pure gold. That is why it is said that we carry the gold inside, the dual gold.
In this form , the astral body transformed in a vehicle of gold, is devoured by the serpent. When the astral body is devoured by the serpent, it is obvious then that it is recovered by the different parts of the Being, it is transformed into a body of perfection.
The very same work has to be done with the mental and causal bodys, and much later it is necessary to transform, into pure gold, the Bhuddic or intuitional vehicle.
Only when our vehicles are pure gold, when really resplendent, can they be absorbed by the Third Logos. In this form is how the Logos comes into existence. He resurrects, raises from his sepulchure, to appear here in the physical world. ( Raise the Dead )
So warriors of doom and crust. Not only is it necessary to create the Superior Existential Bodys of the Being, but we also have to perfect them, and finally they have to be recovered by the different parts of the Being.
We are talking about how it is possible to utilise the sexual energy, in order to make that very small germ, that one day whent into the maternal womb, could finally be transformed into the Solar Man. This is the Adam Kadmon of the Hebrew Kabbala.
To transform the lead into gold , is fundamental. We have to reduce to coal all that matter, all those inhuman elements that we carry inside, so in its place could appear in each one of us , the Solar Man. The Super Man.
When one eliminates the crap ( jewish) , what we have of the inhuman , there only remains in one the Solar Fire. Then one is at the doors of the Great Work.
We are speaking in synthesis obviously, because if we start giving details about all of this , we would have to write a book. To speak about such matters , I assure you , would not be possible in one night; we would have to stay here months even years ………..

What 10 albums have most influenced you, musically or otherwise, and what do you have in the CD player/on the turntable as you write this?
Playing in the cd player at this precise moment is Led Zeppelin, remasters.” Since I’ve been loving you “, song.

Sitting on the turntable is Bolthrower, Realms of chaos.
All my tape decks have ceased to function bar the one in my car, which has a Bestial Mockery tape sitting in it.
All I will say is that my earlier influnces were led zep, the angels , ac/dc, kiss etc then the good old evil days of metal bathory , sodom, frost , destruction etc etc
Now I list’n to tons of stuff, most anything actually. For example I just got a cd of Baroque guitar , it’s absolutely fantastik.
We can not stagnate, that’s the problem with humans , they get content with their station in life and lazy. They then cease to function in whatever capacity that they even had in the first place. Pure automatons.
Ceaselessly repeating the events of each return from moment to moment, from return to return until the second death arrives. Dissolution into the animal kingdoms then into the infernal kingdoms of minerals etc.
This is why we require the revolution.

At the moment its Siouxsie and the Banshees live double lp ‘Nocturne’… stuff I’ve kept coming back to the last 10/15 years includes Inxs, Burzum, Pixies, Dead Can Dance, Icehouse, Nirvana, Beherit, Nick Cave… yeah, heaps of stuff really…

What 5 works of literature can you recommend to open the mind, and educate the soul?
Again , the problem is that whatever we read is subjected to the influences of the egos, so we must work on freeing ourselves from these intruders. We then reach a point of being objective.
You should read all kinds of things , left and right. All systems of spirituality etc etc. then you must meditate. Clear the mind , relax the personality, let the being speak and clear things up.
See, if we rely purely on the intellect we will never get past the point of dualism. As everything you will read will be contradicted someplace else .
Start with the classics and okkultism, I would say. But we all will reverberate to different harmonys, so whos to say ?.
Meditation is the true bread of the sage.

How’s about I recommend my fave esoteric films instead?!? The Matrix, Dark Crystal, Fight Club, Ghost Dog, Excalibur, Dead Man… to be seen via numerous faculties…

This has been an intensive examination of your philosophies that have emerged through your music. How do all these ideologies and states of mind show themselves in day to day mundane life? Do, as a wise man once asked, words and action meet as one?
PRORSUS ! This is lifestyle, intent, conviction ………. The blood is the life .
We live this.
To live life intensely and dedicate every moment and energy to the movement is all there is. The rest is Maya, illusion.

Another wise man once said ‘A truth which is not your one is no truth at all’, so, to expound a philosophy, any philosophy, and not put it into practice - not live it - is nought but intellectual wankery; words and actions must meet otherwise the words are mere transparent, ephemeral bullshit.
As to how they show themselves, it affects everything; from how one interacts with others, how you interpret events, how an opinion of others if formed, how you hold yourself/present yourself as you go through the day, what you place high importance in or value most as you move through society, and what your opinion of the very society you’re operating within is.
A complete paradigm shift of the conciousness…

If you could be transported to any period of humanities history or future, when would you choose and why?
Why should we be so restricted ?
Restricted to a mere mathematical fraction ?
These limited mindsets destroy.
The immediate future is mathematical and atomik in nature, but that’s just the starting point.
Study and practice the occult doctrines, you can do this.

Not so much an ‘if’ really, being that time is just another dimension that we can learn to manipulate if we are so inclined… and then, why ‘A’ period, why limit oneself, why stop there, why not ‘All and Everything’ as it were?
The most valuable treasure any past high civilization has to offer, be it old Egypt, the Maya, Medieval Europe or the pagan Irish etc, is not the physical ruins - be they in stone, the metal of its jewelry, the wood of its ships or the ink in its books, but the perception of reality, of the cozmos the civilization held. The difference is major, to use the pyramids as an example, you could limit yourself to the how and when (the nuts and bolts) that they were built, but that goes nowhere in explaining the more pressing question, WHY they were built. The former is a mere footnote, a ‘book-keeping entry’, in history, while the latter IS HISTORY in the making. The former is intellectual ‘intelligence’, the latter grander, all-encompassing intelligence is called by some the ‘intelligence of the heart’. This massive difference of perception - whether you value the how and when or the more important, WHY - the Hermetic philosopher Schwaller de Lubicz explains stems from your comprehension of 2 as being 1 + 1 or if you see 1 dividing itself into 2. The former is intellectual/most base, the latter is the Primordial Scission - the first action in universal creation.
The latter is, what we would term, Intelligence of the Heart.

Looking upon the majesty of the night sky, what emotions and thoughts fill your mind and soul when contemplating it's endless dimensions and boundless beauty?
The jump to hyper space, with the physical body. The state of Jinas.
The Millenium Falcon.
Ch`uan-chen tao.
The eternal champion.

“Ahhh… peace and quiet” And then I look for the Southern Cross and Orion/Osiris…

What are your viewpoints upon these varied and diverse subjects:
viva Satan
You see, the authentik satanism that we embrace is that doctrine put forward by master Samael.
It involves the total revolution.
Being solar in orientation , it involves a rebellion against the very earth we in habit.
Earth wants our energys.
But earth cannot have them as we need them to garner the energy needed to make the thrust into hyper space and superior dimensions.
This we do by rebelling against the “natural” way of the humanoid animals.
Some think that rebelling is going out and taking drugs , getting pissed and being EVIL . Driving fast cars, fighting, crime, whatever……….
We say that this is an irresponsible waste of the energys available.
The true rebel would not do this as he will be aware that there is much more , than just this tri-dimensional illusion.
So he will take care in keeping and advancing his energetik potentials.
The most powerful of these is of course the sexual energys, as they say. The sex bought us into this world, the sex , will also take us out.
This is what we call in the metal tribes.

Inasmuch as satanism embraces Nietzschean Self-Overcoming and recognizes the vital significance of the Luciferian mythos, being the fallen light-bearer etc, if from these angles satanism comes and therefore is another system for a re-appraisal of the self and thence a metaphysical raising above the human condition, then satanism is fine, has much to offer. If satanism is however a juvenile infatuation with the gratifying of pathetic/base indulgences, and with petty, transparent/surface rebellion whilst proclaiming itself to be ‘elite’, its not worth the time of day.

Perfect Lotus Path

Where to start, what is there to say? One word; sublime.
The universal nature of worldwide paganism known to the Western public the last 100 years, since the works of James Frazer and Harold Bayley for instance, being a likewise universal striving towards a godlike acquisition reveals paganism’s real, illustrious importance.
Furthermore, the make-up of the worlds mythical legends working at levels with and far beyond the rational intellect, tapping directly into the numinous is a masterful stroke of pure genius. Again; SUBLIME.
Those who slander paganism as primitive nonsense, those rogues of the intellect, reveal such a level of understanding that it would be insulting to infants to call it infantile… but then of course, looking at it another way/on another level, the infant is probably closer to a godlike perfection than all but enlightened masters so…

Jewish construct to turn the population into further automatons for financial gain, the great fleecing. At best a platonik fuckup.

A bit of a paradox; there is the recognition of something greater than the individual, but what that is is a rude, materialistic, mechanical abortion - very stark. But then Russian psychical research is generally recognized as being more advanced than in the West, and then of course there is their EM weaponry, rooted as it is in Tesla’s concepts which points to a more holistic grasp of reality - however this is probably due to the very nature of the Russian folk who, like the Irish, are a VERY spiritual folk.
Whatever… like to check out Qathafi’s ‘Popular Congress’ in Libya, see how it operates at the ground level… A fist in the face of the NOW…

Revolutionary Traditionalism.

I interpret fascism as a revolution of the neo-traditional, conservative philosophy that attempts a re-presencing of the numinous in our barren times.
The Fasces itself reveals further a ‘Streng
th through Unity’ concept that is all-pervading within fascism… if I could quote Bolton to cut a long story short; “Fascism was and is the doctrine by which the individual finds meaning not in selfishness, as exemplified by liberal capitalism, but in service to the community… each individual organ bound together in a common destiny.” Fascism=Organic

--World War 2:
The most recent test.

…… shall we be diplomatik ? …… Hypocrites.

How Israel can be so far beyond reproach mystifies me.

--September 11, 2001:
Conspiracy ?

The 11th … that was a Tuesday wasn’t it??? A day at work etc., normal things… why?

--World War 3:
Already here.

--Australia's propensity for great Black Metal bands, such as Nazxul, Anwariad, Bestial Warlust, Abominator, Destroyer666, Astriial, Secratian, Sadistik Exekution etc..
Didn’t know there was one.
Really I have nothing to do with the scene now days.

--The ultimate destiny of humankind:
well I think we’ve gone into this enough for the time being, but I will say that the ultimate and the reality will probably be at the atipodes of each other.

Transcendance… reaching beyond any need to re-incarnate - the Absolute.

--The greatest threat to this destiny occurring:
Filthy human nature.

Apathy, pure and simple. NOTHING is hidden, only there’s people who don’t want to know.

--The prostitution on E-Bay of cult pieces of Metal history?
Wouldn’t know.

--Your views upon limited releases:
Well I’ve never heard of an unlimited release. All releases have their limits.

--Vinyl vs. CD (analog vs digital):
Analogue is the actual sound , complete with the time space presence. Digital is a system of digits designed by man and therefore encompassing those limitations.
Organik & Non - Organik.
Analogue is waveform. The environment, the ether, it is made up of the vibrational emanations of those humanoids present, playing. Vibrating. Essence.
You see the problem further compounds when you get these bands using tight processed sounds.
You only get the riff, nothing else.
Take for example an lp like “ the return “ there are so many extra sounds you get from all those stray frequencys smashing into each other in analogue form that you get a true evilness a true chaos, really, this kind of whirlwind doom can really take you places. Digitil processed sounds from “ high quality” equipment, to me, only comes out flat and boring sounding, clean.
And even though it is tekniquely “heavy” it is still quite soft and “nice” to my ears.
Long live rust.
Digital kills, kill digital.
Also I am led to believe that vinyl encompasses a broader band of frequencys than that of a compact disk.
And the human ear can hear a broader range of frequencys than the compact disk carrys.
This does not add up to good aural dynamiks in my black book of doom.
Really I think organik instruments like “natural drums” and acoustik guitars as well as stringed instruments etc, can be much heavier and doom crust than these pretenders who think that because they have tuned down with the latest equipment and tight sounds , are just the heaviest shit ……… then of course we must take into consideration the lyrik and overall intent and authority being exercised.

What bands, labels and organizations stand shoulder to shoulder with Spear Of Longinus in the battle against the ZOG and Xtian controlled sheep?

Don’t know, none that I know of really, you’d have to ask them.
Vinland Winds I guess, though Richards a little taller than me.

SOL being so far-reaching/all-encompassing, similar concepts can be found in magazines like Nexus, New Dawn, Western Destiny, Koaxial etc., in the music of Death in June, Stargazer, Burzum, System of a Down, Midnight Oil or Tangerine Dream… hel, even bloody Cat Stevens or Micheal Franti and Spearhead, but what they’d think of us is another matter entirely.
Whatever… beware the sheep in wolves clothing.

How can Spear Of Longinus be contacted?
Gpo box 1183
Brisbane 4001

If you had the massed might and power of the Fourth Reich, who would you kill, or what would you destroy and rebuild in it's place?

Well comerade that is exactly what were working on right now, so I think it would be prudent not to spill the beans, eh .
You’d almost have to say everything wouldn’t you ?
The loose Cathexis, and the Temple.

One must destroy oneself first and foremost - The Great Holy War.

Thank you for submitting to this interrogation. Any last hails to your allies, threats to your enemies, or commands to the legions worldwide?

I would like to pay obeisence to the master Samael , if I may.
Hail Samael and the fellow student ‘s of the secret arts.
Thank you for you’re work towards the cause and all the space and financial support that has gone into this little inter- view, comerade Grymyrk. You’re loyalty to the clave is acknowledged.
Fellow warriors of doom. Stand strong and work hard. Be good to your mother. Shazzbut.
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