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Crystallograpic Systems
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Crystallographic Systems


See the crystallography section for more details.

Morphological Crystallography, Bravais Lattice, and Space Groups


Class Name

(Point Group)

Hermann-Maguin Symbols
 Space Groups in Point Group

Decoding Space Groups
Bravais Lattice


Triclinic - Pedial


P1 P = Primitive Lattice.

1 = Symmetry Axis (360/1).
1 = Rotoinversion Axis.

Triclinic - Pinacoidal




Monoclinic - Domatic


Cc, Cm, Pc, and Pm P = Primitive Lattice.
C = 1 Face Centered Lattice.

2 = Symmetry Axis (360/2).
2/ = Mirror Plane perpendicular to Axis.
21 =  screw symmetric lattice.

Monoclinic - Sphenoidal


C2, P2, and P21

Monoclinic - Prismatic


C2/c, C2/m, P2/c, P2/m, P21/c, and P21/m


Orthorhombic - Pyramidal


Aba2, Abm2, Ama2, Amm2, Ccc2, Cmc21, Cmm2, Fdd2, Fmm2, Iba2, Ima2, Imm2, Pba2, Pca21, Pcc2, Pma2, Pmc21, Pmm2, Pmn21, Pna21, Pnc2, and Pnn2 P = Primitive Lattice.
C = 1 Face Centered Lattice.
F = 3 Face Centered Lattice.
I = Body Centered Lattice.

21 =  Screw Axis.
2 = Symmetry Axis (360/2).

a,b,c = Perpendicular Glide Planes.
m,n = Oblique Glide Planes.

Orthorhombic - Disphenoidal

(2 2 2)

C222, C2221, F222, I212121, I222, P21212, P212121, P222, and P2221

Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal

(2/m 2/m 2/m)

Ccca, Cccm, Cmca, Cmcm, Cmma, Cmmm, Fddd, Fmmm, Ibam, Ibca, Imma, Immm, Pbam, Pban, Pbca, Pbcm, Pbcn, Pcca, Pccm, Pccn, Pmma, Pmmm, Pmmn, Pmna, Pnma, Pnna, Pnnm, and Pnnn


Trigonal - Pyramidal


P3, P31, P32, and R3 P = Primitive Lattice.
R = Rhombohedral Lattice

3 = Rotoinversion Axis.
3, 2, 1 = Symmetry Axis (360/n).

c= Perpendicular Glide Planes.
m = Oblique Glide Planes.

Trigonal - Rhombohedral


P3 and R3

Trigonal - Ditrigonal Pyramidal


P31c, P31m, P3c1, P3m1, R3c, and R3m

Trigonal - Trapezohedral

(3 2)

P3112, P312, P3121, P321, P3212, P3221, and R32

Trigonal - Hexagonal Scalenohedral

(3 2/m)

P31c, P31m, P3c1, P3m1, R3c, and R3m


Hexagonal - Trigonal Dipyramidal


P6 P = Primitive Lattice.

6 = Rotoinversion Axis.
6,2 = Symmetry Axis (360/n).
61, 2, 3, 4, 5 =  Screw Axis.

c = Perpendicular Glide Planes.
m = Oblique Glide Planes.

Hexagonal - Pyramidal


P6, P61, P62, P63, P64, and P65

Hexagonal - Dipyramidal


P6/m, P6/m, and P63/m

Hexagonal - Ditrigonal Dipyramidal

(6 m2)

P62c, P62c, P62m, P6c2, and P6m2

Hexagonal - Dihexagonal Pyramidal


P63cm, P63mc, P6cc, and P6mm

Hexagonal - Trapezohedral

(6 2 2)

P622, P6122,  P6222, P6322, P6422, P6522

Hexagonal - Dihexagonal Dipyramidal

(6/m 2/m 2/m)

P6/mcc, P6/mmm, P63/mcm, and P63/mmc


Tetragonal - Disphenoidal


I4 and P4 P = Primitive Lattice.
I = Body Centered Lattice.

4 = Rotoinversion Axis.
4,2 = Symmetry Axis (360/n).
41,2,3 =  Screw Axis.

a,b,c = Perpendicular Glide Planes.
m,n = Oblique Glide Planes.

Tetragonal - Pyramidal


I4, I41, P4, P41, P42, and P43

Tetragonal - Dipyramidal


I4/m, I41/a, P4/m, P4/n, P42/m, and P42/n

Tetragonal - Scalenohedral

(4 2m)

I42d, I42m, I4c2, I4m2, P421c, P421m, P42c, P42m, P4b2, P4c2, P4m2, and P4n2

Tetragonal - Ditetragonal Pyramidal


I4/mcm, I4/mmm, I41/acd, I41/amd, P4/mbm, P4/mcc, P4/mmm, P4/mnc, P4/nbm, P4/ncc, P4/nmm, P4/nnc, P42/mbc, P42/mcm, P42/mmc, P42/mnm, P42/nbc, P42/ncm, P42/nmc, and P42/nnm

Tetragonal - Trapezohedral

(4 2 2)

I4122, I422, P41212, P4122, P4212, P422, P42212, P4222, P43212, and P4322

Tetragonal - Ditetragonal Dipyramidal

(4/m 2/m 2/m)

I41cd, I41md, I4cm, I4mm, P42bc, P42cm, P42mc, P42nm, P4bm, P4cc, P4mm, and P4nc


Isometric - Tetartoidal

(2 3)

F23, I213, I23, P213, and P23 P = Primitive Lattice.
F = 3 Face Centered Lattice.
I = Body Centered Lattice.

4 = Rotoinversion Axis.
4,3,2 = Symmetry Axis (360/n).
41,2,3 =  Screw Axis.

Isometric - Diploidal

(2/m 3)

Fd3, Fm3, Ia3, Im3, Pa3, Pm3, and Pn3

Isometric - Hextetrahedral

(4 3m)

F43c, F43m, I43d, I43m, P43m, and P43n

Isometric - Gyroidal

(4 3 2)

F432, F4132, I432, I4132, P432, P4132, P4232,  and P4332

Isometric - Hexoctahedral

(4/m 3 2/m)

F432, F4132, I432, I4132, P432, P4132, P4232,  and P4332

Other References on Crystallographic Systems

International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Macromolecular Crystallography Web Site (by Bernhard Rupp)
Crystallography 101
Introduction to Crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems by Mike and Darcy Howard
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Crystal Structures)

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