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Mass Effect PC Gameplay Movie & Screenshots - Voodoo Extreme
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Mass Effect PC Gameplay Movie & Screenshots

Tactical UI and improved Mako shown-off in new six-minute Mass Effect PC gameplay movie.

WMV HD (223MB) / Flash SD (72MB)

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May 13 2008, 10:25 AM

It's a great game.

May 13 2008, 6:38 AM

Wow, an action game (yeah, I know...with rpg elements, noted) with the ability to stop time, select a weapon/skilll, sip on a soda, munch some chips, carefully aim, resume game, then BOOM headshot.

May 12 2008, 8:48 PM

Not my cup of tea....

May 12 2008, 7:47 PM

I can't move! Except for my lips and bashing eyelids of course.
Looks better than I thought
The pause thing reminds me of baldur's gate (after the initial thought of it's the only way to work on a console, but as the guy above says it didn't so well).

May 12 2008, 6:30 PM

Just almost 3 weeks, The anticipation is killing me.

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Ensaine replied to littledevil's post
May 12 2008, 6:38 PM

Ditto. The more PC version I see of this game, the more I want it.

walrusfoxtrot1 replied to littledevil's post
May 12 2008, 9:21 PM

I know I cant wait either!!!

May 12 2008, 5:57 PM

Definitely seems like you can be more effective, playing on the 360 I never felt like I could use my skills easily or effectively and so I often forgot about them. Having it on PC seems to slow it down when it needs to, and help allow skill use through keyboard/mouse.

Feels a lot more like a proper action/rpg to me.

May 12 2008, 5:50 PM

I like the stop action, pick skill/weapon, aim, unpause. In some countries that is called cheating.

santino27 replied to HorrorScope's post
May 12 2008, 11:21 PM

It's an RPG, not a FPS. As others have said, it is similar to the system Bioware used in their BG series, and worked fairly well there.

Frosty_2.0 replied to santino27's post
May 13 2008, 6:07 AM

Well the gameplay maybe an RPG and/or 3rd Person squad-based shooter as far as I'm concerned. The Infinity Engine games being isometric just-almost like playing an RTS with your miniature army of party members and summons in BG, with all of their abilities and spells you truly did need to pause-unpause the hell out of that series.

Frosty_2.0 replied to HorrorScope's post
May 13 2008, 5:44 AM

lol, that's what I can't keep myself from doing in Supreme Commander SP, and even back in TA, bad habit I picked up. In the context of TBS or Infinity Engine type games it makes sense ... but I was hoping they'd just copy Rainbow6:Vegas for basic context commands, when it ocmes to selecting some special abilities or skills or whatever I think it's really nice to have the whole pause menu with full squad member interface though.

So the 720p trailer is trickling slowly down my line now but I'll ask this anyway: are there no real-time squad commands at all? Like for a basic Move-to command -which I'd imagine you'd use alot-, is there any example shown of doing that in real-time ala Rainbow6:Vegas, or does everything have to be done paused & specifically clicking on the squad members' panels?.

May 12 2008, 5:44 PM

Nice view of... peoples backs in the camera... um yeah cool

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