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World of Warcraft
Flash hungers for your keystrokes

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Bugs, Exploits, News items

Have you got Flash player 9,0,115,0 or earlier? Check. No, really, do it now. These versions are apparently vulnerable to an exploit that can put malicious software on your system, including keyloggers that are set to swipe MMO passwords and credentials, like your World of Warcraft account. This is happening right now, according to Symantec.

The latest update, version 9,0,124,0 is apparently not vulnerable to the exploit according to Adobe. You should probably get that version now, if you trust Adobe's information. If you trust Symantec's alert, only versions 115 and 124 are vulnerable, and this is a new exploit, and not the one that Adobe is talking about. If you want to play it safe, go plug the No-Script add-on or Flashblock into your Firefox browser, and breathe a huge sigh of relief until everyone gets their story straight (but check your system for malware first, okay?)

[via Macnn]

AoC Demonologist exploit fixed in recent patch

Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Bugs, Classes, Exploits, Forums, Game mechanics, New titles, Patches

How long has Age of Conan been out? Like 3 hours? Okay, it's been a week, but still. Players have already discovered a way to exploit a bug and powerlevel their Demonologists to level 80 in that brief time. This is both a testament to the genius of MMO players, and a sign of our complete lack of anything better to do. Apparently, the problem lied in the player's ability to stack certain spells repeatedly and insta-kill mobs. The first person to claim this feat reportedly posted screenshots, a movie and several emails to the GMs explaining his procedure, in hopes of getting it fixed soon. He claims it took him 4 days and 12 hours of in-game time to reach level 80.

So now that we have this update fixed by Funcom, the real question is, what will they do with those who exploited the bug and have level 80 Demonologists running around already? Should they delete those characters, bump them down a few levels, or resort to something more severe like temporary or permanent account banning? I'm sure not all players who are level 80, or even in that vicinity have exploited this bug, so it will be interesting to see how Funcom decides to handle this one.


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
1.20 RC7: Unexpected issues

Filed under: Bugs, Patches, News items, Second Life

Three particular issues have turned up with the new Second Life 1.20(RC7) release candidate that you should know about. Two are relatively pedestrian, but the third is quite serious and appears to be an intentional feature. While the RC7 candidate has been withdrawn, those of you who are using channel gimmicks to use it anyway need to know about these.

One is the crash on login/connection (also on taking snapshots - or any other intensive activity that can take some time). Particularly for those of you that are either on slower hardware or who are further away from the Second Life servers in network terms. You'll need to disable the thread watchdog to work around this, as described here.

Continue reading 1.20 RC7: Unexpected issues

World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
CoX: Player ingenuity identifies bizarre drops bug

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Bugs, Economy, Exploits, Game mechanics, Patches, Maps

Farming often gets a bad rap in City of Heroes, but sometimes it does the game a major favor. For example, a player working the same map with the same enemies over and over is in a perfect position to notice when random events - the dropping of loot, for example - aren't as random as they should be.

This was exactly the situation that a forum regular called KeepDistance encountered. Every time they ran a particular map, they would get exactly the same number of salvage and recipe drops, distributed exactly the same way. That's not supposed to happen.

Continue reading CoX: Player ingenuity identifies bizarre drops bug

World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Megaprim creation stopped

Filed under: Bugs, News items, Second Life

The finalization of the this week's Second Life server update Thursday morning reinstated the prim-creation size-constraints that prevent larger than normal prims (megaprims) from being created by users. Linden Lab officially confirmed today that it was a bug and not an intentional feature (While Andrew Linden had suggested this at his in-world office-hours earlier in the week, we've been repeatedly advised that statements by individual staff at such meetings do not necessarily constitute or reflect official policy or positions of Linden Lab).

Furthermore, Linden Lab confirmed that account sanctions still apply to users who are using megaprims in mainland simulators, though they are permitted for use in simulators within private estates, except where disallowed by the land covenants or owner.

World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Half of a restart, Friday

Filed under: Bugs, Patches, Server downtime, News items, Second Life

Between 5AM and 10AM SLT (US Pacific time) on Friday, 16 May, Linden Lab is planning to restart approximately half of the Second Life grid simulators, in order to connect those simulators to a backup asset system. Why only half? Well, the other half got the treatment in this-morning's rolling restart.

The asset system, as you may have noticed, has been plagued with issues since November 2007, and the recent vendor-provided fixes have not improved matters. In fact, there's indications that there may be increased instability as a result.

Continue reading Half of a restart, Friday


The Daily Grind: What's more important: content or polish?

Filed under: Age of Conan, Bugs, Opinion, The Daily Grind

In a recent post, blogger Cuppycake asked a very prescient question that we thought we would relate to you. What's more important to the long-term success of an MMO title: the quantity of content at launch or a high-level of polish? The way development works these days, developers are often hard-pressed to finish a game on a deadline, and at some point they have to make the decision whether to keep implementing new features, zones, and graphical assets, or go back and refine the content they have to make sure it's perfect. Games like Everquest 2 exemplify that first path - pushing out huge quantities of content from the beginning, but turning off many with their initially slow refinement process. LotRO on the other hand is highly polished, but has to undergo frequent content updates to keep players interested.

With Age of Conan right around the corner, would you choose that it be refined but small or huge and a little buggy?

World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Linden Lab loses 630,000 user-hours in April

Filed under: Bugs, Server downtime, News items, Second Life

Linden Lab's published their Second Life service quality metrics for April and the results are about as poor as you'd expect -- April was a poor month for the virtual world service. 630,000 user hours were lost to global failures, and that doesn't count the number lost to assorted subsystem failures (as you may recall) were abundant through the period, and still remain a daily occurrence.

As for the asset system itself, Linden Lab is having problems with some third-party hardware and software (Fortune, apparently passes everywhere), though the late-night asset problems that are being experienced each night may be less related to hardware than they are to processing batches that add load to central database systems.

So far May has been considerably smoother than April, but that is not to say that it is anywhere near trouble-free.


Fury set to make a comeback with FuryLeague

Filed under: Fantasy, Bugs, Game mechanics, Interviews, PvP, News items

Fury, the maligned combat MMO by Auran Games, has had a pretty rough history. Despite the critical drubbing, the low player numbers, and the loss of a huge portion of its development crew, Auran has managed to stay together with a skeleton crew, working on the problems that made Fury such a target for ridicule.

Well, according to an interview with CEO Tony Hilliam, conducted by australiangamer.com, they've made significant changes to the title and renamed it FuryLeague, which will focus more on the competitive aspects, and less on the MMO features. Additionally, there is the prospect of winning game gold that can be converted to real money, which, because the game is skill-based instead of luck-based, means that it's not gambling and is therefore legal.

The full interview is available, and the Qualifying Season has already begun. Admit it: you're just as curious as we are. Give it a spin and let us know what you think!

[Via Kotaku]


Player vs. Everything: Exploits are fun

Filed under: Bugs, Culture, Exploits, Game mechanics, Player vs. Everything

Pretty much everyone knows that "exploit" is a dirty word. An exploit in an MMOG is anything that lets you work outside of the established rules of the game to do something that you couldn't normally do, usually in a way that lets you bypass or defeat content more easily than you're supposed to be able to. Finding a way to jump the fence before Arathi Basin actually starts is an exploit. Purposely glitching trash mobs into walls so that you can walk past them to a raid boss is an exploit. Killing a monster from a position where they're totally unable to hurt you is an exploit. In PvP gameplay, exploits are the kiss of death -- they break the game and make things totally unfun, because one player is cheating at the game.

But is that necessarily the case for PvE gameplay? I'm not so sure. The commonest way to avoid players using exploits to kill monsters is that when a monster decides that a player is jerking it around too much (and is able to damage it without being hurt themselves), the monster just starts evading and goes back to its starting point. It's the virtual NPC equivalent of saying, "Fine, you don't want to play fair? I'm going home." But that mechanic misses an important consideration -- it's kind of fun to find and use ways to exploit mobs.

Continue reading Player vs. Everything: Exploits are fun

AoC beta: a tale of two clients

Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Age of Conan, Bugs, Events, real-world, Forums, Launches, New titles, News items

Frustrated with the Age of Conan open beta's serious performance problems? Worried that the game won't be ready for retail in just a couple of weeks? Don't worry too much; not it is all as it seems. Word on the virtual street is that the open beta client is an old build with issues long since resolved in the closed beta version.

When the IGN beta event finally began on Thursday, thousands of excited gamers ended up more frustrated than entertained. The experience has been marred by low framerates, stuttering, and frequent hard crashes. Admittedly, it's a beta; some of that is to be expected. But it's bad, and since the game's retail release is less than three weeks away, there's an air of concern that Age of Conan will hit retail in an unplayable state. The reality is more complex than that.

Continue reading AoC beta: a tale of two clients


Fun with DoTs in Star Wars Galaxies

Filed under: Sci-fi, Bugs, Patches, Star Wars Galaxies

Lead designer on Star Wars Galaxies, Blixtev, compares going through the old Damage Over Time code to rummaging through your grandmother's attic. "It's loaded with old junk and it sure smells really bad", he says. Still, that's exactly what the SWG developers are doing as they work to revamp Commando abilities for the upcoming Game Update 4. In some posts to the official forums, Blix talks about opening up moldering trunks and tossing aside ancient silverware to get at the DoT code beneath. "The DoT system is one of our oldest systems, and it sure does some wacktacular things. We found 10 different calculations amoungst 5 functions to determine just the value of absorbtion from armor against DoTs. For folks who don't code, that's alot."

He goes on to describe their upcoming plans for the system, which will spread DoTs to two different abilities and substantially change the way they're applied. After the update they're going to stack up to 10 a piece on a single character, a process that could take some time. Because of this change, DoT removal will change as well. Taking long minutes to apply the full 10-stack to a PC shouldn't be automatically negated by a Medic power. Instead, DoT removal will take away part of the stack, and make the recipient immune to further DoT additions for a short period. Meanwhile, the existing debuff will continue to tick down - harming the character with an element type determined by the Commando's weapon.

A later update indicates that these trials are proving very effective in making the Commando a more fun profession to play, a claim we'll be able to put to the test hopefully very soon.


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.20(RC4)

Filed under: Betas, Bugs, Patches, News items, Second Life

Linden Lab has released the fifth 1.20 Second Life release candidate viewer. Release candidates start counting from zero, so the first one in the series is RC0.

This is a rush-release, as you might notice that the previous RC3 was released only yesterday (Wednesday). Apparently attempting to enter the appearance editor caused an instant crash. Oops. So much for QA.

There isn't a lot else new to speak of in this viewer, except a known issue with terrain textures on MacBook Air notebooks, and that llLoadURL opens in the external web-browser by default, instead of the internal web-browser.

Continue reading New Second Life release candidate viewer: 1.20(RC4)


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
1.21 deployment fails again. On hold

Filed under: Bugs, Patches, News items, Second Life

Joshua Linden tells us that the rollout of the new 1.21 simulator code (intended to do a number of things, including supporting the new land store) to one rack of servers has not gone so well (again), after reports came in about attachment failures that were traced back to improper permission checks.

The affected simulators have been rolled back to 1.20.1 pending code fixes that are expected no sooner than tomorrow. We expect Linden Lab is pushing hard at this to get the land store back up and running as soon as possible.


World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft
Linden Lab stops 1.21, tries alternative

Filed under: Bugs, Patches, News items, Second Life

Something is obviously very wrong with the 1.21 Second Life simulator software. For whatever reason it just won't take (maybe it keeps trying to sell itself in the Land Store -- we don't know).

Whatever the reason, Linden Lab is waving off from deploying an update to 1.20, and will instead be deploying an updated version of 1.20. In retrospect, we'd like to apologize for any migraines or confusion that last sentence might have caused.

Continue reading Linden Lab stops 1.21, tries alternative


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