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August 6th, 2008

Tauren Contemplates Over Pork


I recently got a mage friend to port my level 37 Tauren druid to Shattrath City so I could set my hearth stone there for easier travel. I decided to use the scryer inn since it’s the one I’m used to now and also the fall from the ledge off Scryers Tier isn’t fatal. As I was looking around the inn, something I almost never do on my Paladin who is my scryer character, I noticed the cooked pig set on the table. I thought to myself it would make one cool screen shot for a Tauren to sit by a cooked pig as if contemplating what might have been if they needed beef instead of pork.

Have a nice day!

By Angelo -- 0 comments

August 5th, 2008

MMO Champion’s “Blue” Tracker

Sometimes, I find myself checking the official forums just to check what the “Blues” have to say for the day. This could get a bit messy at times especially considering the many categories the forums have. MMO-Champion now offers a solution to this problem by setting up a Blue Tracker web page that tracks and compiles all the posts a “Blue” has made. This is especially important now that we’re all scrambling for more and more information about the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

The nice thing about this Blue Tracker is the fact that you can filter the results according to what forum category you’re looking for or are interested in reading about. There’s a filter for the WoTLK expansion, for Arena, for Professions, for Classes and many more. the tracker even shows which blue made the post, in case you’re interested in reading posts made by only certain “Blues”. Oh yeah, this tracker also tracks posts made by the WoW-EU “Blues”.

By Angelo -- 0 comments

August 4th, 2008

WoTLK Mammoth Mount Video

I read somewhere before that players will be able to ride mounts that can carry passengers. Exactly how that works in terms of level and location restrictions and such are details I still don’t know about. I was looking through Youtube earlier and I found this video of the Mammoth mount that’s available in the Wrath of the Lich King beta. The reason why it’s huge is that it’s supposed to be one of those passenger mounts. If you look at the Wrath wiki site, you’ll find that there’s a 2 seater version and a possible group carrier version.

Passenger mounts should be quite interesting but ultimately, I don’t see the point unless you’re lazy or trying to taxi lowbies from one place to another in kind or for profit. This is less of an issue too since players get their mounts at level 30 now. Well at least they can pay someone to taxi them somewhere to get a faster speed.

I can already see the kind of mischief some people could do with this taxi service. Take off your gear while the other player is afk then run off a cliff. *Evil grin*

By Angelo -- 3 comments

August 2nd, 2008

WoW Built In Threat Meter Available In Beta

I already told you about my friend who doesn’t really use add-ons and never does much of the group stuff like dungeons, raids or even pvp. The most he does is group with people for daily quests. Well the other day, he asked me about what add-ons I use so I told him I use Omen, Healbot and Cartographer. I also told him that a threat meter like Omen is the absolute minimum for anybody who wants to do dungeons at all. But since he’s a warlock, and I’ve been leveling a warlock myself, I told him that a threat meter can be useful for him even as solo since he can manage the threat between himself and his pet better.

A threat meter is so important that if ever one is found to be doing dungeons without one, that person is guaranteed to be told to get one right away. Well in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, there won’t be any excuse not to have one since it will be built into the game. All you have to do is learn how to use it.

There’s a version of the built-in threat meter being tested now in Beta. You can read about it from Wowhead here and see some screen shots here and here.

By Angelo -- 0 comments

August 1st, 2008

WoTLK To Be Released Between October And December This Year

Some WoW players have probably taken a break from the game already, planning to come back when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion comes out. Maybe be it’s because your guild has conquered the Sunwell Plateau and have nothing much else to do in the game. or maybe it’s because you see no point in getting geared better since you’ll eventually replace all the gear because of the gear reset we will all experience when the expansion comes out. Or maybe, just maybe you’re simply burned out and need a break.If ever this feels like you now and badly need to take a break from the game, there’s still a pretty good amount of time to get that rest.

Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaim announced that the Wrath of the Lich King expansion will be coming out anytime between October and December this year. If this is to be followed, you have at least all of August and September to take a break and most probably even more than that given Blizzard’s reputation of releasing their games later rather than sooner.

“We have said that it will be coming out this year,” Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime revealed in a conference call today. “I can tell you it’s not coming in the July to September quarter.”

via Shacknews 7/31/08

We’ll just have to be content with the information we’re receiving from the beta testing for now and hopefully when it finally goes live between October and December, the waiting will be worth it. I wonder if we’ll be given a pre-expansion patch like what Blizzard did before TBC came out so that we can get a taste of the new talent trees.

By Angelo -- 1 comment

July 31st, 2008

Death Knights Get Their Own Flying Mount

Blizzard is really making a good effort to make Death Knights feel like a true hero class. They start much higher at level 55, they have their own starting area in the Plaguelands, they have their own character screen background design and much more. They will also have their own class specific flying mount, a first for World of Warcraft. Druids don’t count since they become the mount using flight form. Death Knights will be able to pick the Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade up for 950 gold from Dread Commander Thalanor in Acherus the Ebonhold in EPL. Take a peek at it from the video below.

For those people who don’t exactly like flying around in a pile of bones, then this isn’t for you but at least the option is there for those who consider this bad ass. This is also going to help those role playing Death Knights look the part.

See some pictures here and here.

By Angelo -- 0 comments

July 30th, 2008

A Peak Into The City Of Dalaran

Ever since I first saw Dalaran in the Alterac Mountains when I first started playing World of Warcraft back in 2005, I’ve always wondered what exactly would be inside that huge purple bubble. At first, being the lore noob that I was and not knowing any better, I actually thought that the place would be a dungeon that would be unlocked sometime during the future yeah I never really paid attention to lore while playing the previous Warcraft games). Blizzard announced that Dalaran will move to Northrend in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion and will be the continent’s neutral major city much like Shattrath is for the Outlands.

Looking at the architecture of Dalaran from the video, it’s not surprising that the place looks similar to Stormwind or any other Human structure but with a twist of Elvish since it appears to have a certain Silvermoon-ish feel to it too. For me, it’s a welcome change from the strange looking design of Shattrath City and sort of a welcoming back to the architecture we would normally see in Azeroth.

Another thing I noticed is that like Stormwind or Silvermoon City, Dalaran looks much bigger than Shattrath City does as it doesn’t look like one big circular structure. This probably lends a better feeling of it being a major city for all of us.

You can also find a few screen shots of Dalaran here courtesy of World of Raids.

By Angelo -- 0 comments

July 29th, 2008

Potion Sickness makes me sick!

When I first picked up the game back in 2005, I was a bit disappointed that health and mana potions had a two minute cooldown. But this was because I was used to all that potion popping you could do in Diablo 2. Eventually, I got used to the fact that potions had a cooldown.

As a person who raids Karazhan quite frequently I know how important potions are, especially health and mana potions. It’s the reason why my alchemist mage is a Potion Master. Being a healer on my holy specced paladin, I’ve encountered many times when (in spite of being pretty mana efficient as a pally) I’ve ran out of mana even after previously popping a mana potion sometime earlier during a boss fight. Casters are also probably no different, finding the need to pop more than one mana potion during a fight a lot.

This is the reason why the latest addition to the beta testing called Potion Sickness will be an absolute pain in the rear if ever it makes it to Live. Potion Sickness gives you a debuff with no duration that says “Unable to consume potions until you rest out of combat for a short duration”. This means that players will be restricted to one potion of any kind per boss and that really makes it a living hell for raiders even with the skill resource regenerating abilities that several classes will have in the expansion.

Down with Potion Sickness!

By Angelo -- 2 comments

July 28th, 2008

Your bags are safe!

A few days ago, CM Wryxian from the WoW-EU Community Site announced that social pets and mounts will no longer take up space in your bags. Instead, players will be able to “learn” them much like a spell and can access them from their own tab. This announcement was quite a pleasant surprise especially for players who are lacking bag or bank space but still want to collect social pets and mounts.

Apparently, the story doesn’t end with just mounts and social pets. Lead designer Jeff Kaplan (Tigole) mentioned in the official forums that Heroic badges and BG tokens will also have their own storage. Currently, my badges of justice and my BG tokens take up 5 slots in my bank, which is pretty much a lot of space that could be used for other things. If you take away all my social pets and mounts, that’s even more. You could say, I really love this change for the expansion since I’ll have a lot more space in my bank and bags for more stuff!

Thank you Blizzard!

By Angelo -- 0 comments

July 28th, 2008

The 77 Quests To Unlock Flying Mount Usage In Northrend

Entering Northrend for the first time should feel a bit strange because you won’t be able to use your flying mount right away. So you don’t just fly past a lot of the content, Blizzard won’t allow you to use your flying mount until level 77. Apparently, instead of just hitting 77 and flying away on your mount, there’s a quest chain everyone has to do to unlock your flying mount usage for Northrend. Getting this quest chain done gives you the skill Cold Weather Flying, which actually kinda makes sense since your flying mount has to learn how to fly in the freezing and icy weather of Northrend.

The following is how the quest chain goes as posted in MMO Champion:

# Level up to 77.
# Speak to Weslex Quickwrench in Nesingwary Base Camp and do his questline if you didn’t do it yet, at this point you probably already completed it while leveling.
# Once the Spirit of Gnomeregan is repaired, speak to Professor Calvert and accept the quest.
# Go to Lakeslide Landing near River’s Heart and talk to Pilot Vic here.
# The first quest he gives is a short quest to find his keys in the lake next to him.
# The 2nd quest will let you go in a reconnaissance flight with Pilot Vic. After defending your airplane against undead attackers you will eventually have to control it after one of the shot hits Pilot Vic. Go back to the Lakeslide Landing and …
# Enjoy your flying mount !

Since this is a quest chain, I assume that doing it will also give some experience and maybe even some gold. From the looks of it, it’s going to be really easy to do so this is really a way to put some fun into getting to use your flying mount again.

By Angelo -- 2 comments