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TV Reports
PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 11/6: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Batista vs. Hardy
Nov 6, 2009 - 9:00:34 PM


by Greg Parks, PWTorch.com Contributor

WWE Smackdown review
November 6, 2009
Taped 11/3/09 in Providence, R.I.
Aired on MyNetwork TV

-WWE Open.

-Smackdown Open.

-As fireworks fired up the crowd in the arena, Todd Grisham and Matt Striker plugged the big match on tap for tonight, Batista vs. Matt Hardy.

-The Undertaker’s music hit and he slowly made his way to the ring. Taker talked about his Survivor Series debut many moons ago and basically said he thrives at that event. He referred to the World Championship as the “holy grail” for all that step foot in the ring. Taker said Big Show betrayed an entire team for that opportunity. But all he won was an opportunity to be extinguished at the hands of the dead man. As for Chris Jericho: He said there are few things that bring joy to his dark heart, one being fighting with his brother Kane, the other being fighting AGAINST his brother Kane. But Jericho took that from him last week. He said Jericho’s soul will be his at Survivor Series. That brought out Jericho for an interruption, clad in a brown suit-and-tie combo this week.

Jericho said the WWE Universe has been waiting for ten years for the two of them to tangle horns. Jericho said he is the true Phenom, using the Webster’s dictionary definition, not Taker. He accused Taker of brainwashing the fans for years, enabling him to pretend to be something he’s not. He called Taker out for not being a dead man, just a man. Uh-oh. Jericho said he’s on the role of his career and that he can beat anybody he chooses at this point. He said he’d be World Champion for a sixth time and that Taker doesn’t intimidate him one bit. He said there’s not a man on this planet that he’s afraid of. Jericho got a little too close, and Taker reached out for Jericho’s throat. Jericho broke free with some rights, but ran into a big boot from Taker. Jericho fled the ring, holding his mouth. Good angle for Jericho to take on the mic, anyway. Should make for some more good promos from him in the next few weeks.

-Grisham and Striker talked on camera, slightly distracted by Jericho recovering near them, then showed Batista and Rey from Bragging Rights two weeks ago, as well as their confrontation last week on Smackdown.

[Commercial Break]

-Grisham talked about Jericho’s search for Parts Unknown on WWE.com. Striker said he grew up there.


They aired clips of Morrison on “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” Kidd and Morrison traded offense to start and Morrison came up holding his ribs, after what happened between him and Ziggler last week. As Kidd took a break in his corner, the show went to break.

[Commercial Break]

Ziggler had JTG in a chin-lock out of break. D.H. Smith interfered to take JTG down as Natalya was distracting the ref. Striker called Smith, “the baby bull.” They began to isolate and work over JTG, as in every previous Cryme Tyme vs. Hart Dynasty match in the history of man. Necktie back-breaker by JTG and both men were down, but Dolph Ziggler was able to make the tag. Morrison tagged in as well and tagged Kidd with rights and a clothesline. David Hart Smith got Morrison up for a running powerslam, but Morrison got out and gave him a Flying Chuck. He had to fight off Ziggler and tagged out to Shad. It was his first entrance into the match. Smith sold an elbow weirdly, then took on in the corner from Shad. Blind tag made to Ziggler, and as Shad got ready to finish Smith, Ziggler Zig-Zagged Shad for the finish.

WINNERS: Ziggler & The Hart Dynasty, at 8:50. Just a way to continue to build Ziggler up for a re-match against Morrison, without having him get a clean victory over someone of Morrison’s stature.

-Next, an “up close and personal interview” with Rey Mysterio. How “up close and personal” can an interview be if the dude doesn’t even take off his mask?

[Commercial Break]

-Mysterio was sitting down backstage for an interview with Josh Mathews. You knew it was up close and personal because Mathews talked softly and slowly. He asked what state of mind Rey was in. Rey said he felt like a family member walked out on him. Rey addressed the camera when Josh asked if he had a message for Batista. He said he knows Batista is listening and noted that Batista decided to throw away their friendship and the memory of Eddie Guerrero. He said he doesn’t know what got into Batista, but he’ll get it out of him. He said he’d show Batista a sid of him that the Animal didn’t think existed. Good, slow burn for this feud.


No weight (or hometown) for the jobber this week. Striker said Carter had an extensive background in dance. Beth picked Carter up and drove her back-first into the turnbuckle. Then the opposite one. One-armed pick-up and a back-breaker. Beth dragged Carter around by her hair, then gave her a back-breaker after a bit of a spin. Glam Slam finished it.

WINNER: Phoenix, at 1:56. Crowd got into late thanks to Beth’s impressive move-set.

-We’ll hear from Batista next.

[Commercial Break]


Yang’s first appearance on the show in quite some time. As Yang went to the middle rope to salute his fans and do his lasso hand signal, Drew attacked him from behind and knocked him to the floor. McIntyre got the mic after disposing of Yang. He said this party can not even begin to get started until he gets some competition worthy of a future World Champion. Yang got in the ring as McIntyre started leaving. Yang insisted the ref ring the bell and he did. McIntyre heard it as he was walking up the ramp and came back to the ring. Yang caught him off-guard with some kicks, but McIntyre caught one and clotheslined him down. He pelted Yang with lefts and rights on the mat, then hit him with what Striker referred to as a Kobashi DDT for the win.

WINNER: McIntyre, at :47.

One more kick for good measure, then McIntyre left the ring area.

-Batista was walking backstage when Mathews approached him. He simply asked, “why?” Batista said he wasn’t here to make friends, but to be World Heavyweight Champion. He accused Rey of robbing him of the title at Bragging Rights. As for Hardy, he said Matt should’ve left his big nose out of his business. If it means he has to hurt Rey, Matt or anyone on Smackdown to be World Champion, then he’ll do it.

-Rey was walking elsewhere in the arena, as he’s up next against Mike Knox.

[Commercial Break]


Striker intimated that all Knox does is sit up in his cabin in the mountains in Arizona and read books on the human anatomy. This was billed by the announcers as a match to prepare Rey for his one-on-one contest with Batista. Knox got out of a 619 early and Knox gave him a cross-body on the outside. Lateral press inside the ring, but Rey kicked out at two. Knox sent Rey chest-first hard into the buckle. Bearhug by Knox- Rey got out, but Knox stayed on offense. Abdominal stretch by the mountain man. Rey fought back with some of his signature offense, including a bulldog for two. Seated senton, but he couldn’t capitalize as Knox clotheslined him for a near-fall. Shoulder in the corner missed and Rey set him up for th 619. It connected and was successfully followed up by a springboard splash for the win.

WINNER: Mysterio, at 7:15. Good enough win for Rey, but sadly, Knox hasn’t meant much the last few months.

-Later tonight: Batista vs. Matt Hardy.

[Commercial Break]

-Striker thanked Art of Dying for “Get Through This,” the official Survivor Series theme song.

-Just announced for next week’s Smackdown: Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison for the Intercontinental Championship.

5- C.M. PUNK vs. R-TRUTH

Scott Armstrong was the referee for the match. Shoulder tackle by Truth. Striker demanded Grisham prove there was a conspiracy. “As a teacher, I demand that you prove your work.” I think he’s my idol. Truth and Punk traded ground attacks and reversals. After a headbutt, Punk hit the ropes, only to be met with a hip-toss. Truth took him to ringside, where he flew onto Punk over the top (almost hitting his head on the floor in the process). Match went to break a little under 3:00 in.

[Commercial Break]

Grisham, upon return from break, noted that this is the first time these two men have squared off in singles competition. Punk kept Truth grounded and really stretched him. Punk clapped for himself, taunting the fans. Truth began to come back, but ran right into a leg lariat for a two-count. Punk was a bit cheesed off at what he perceived was a slow count from Armstrong. He demanded Armstrong count faster. Because he was distracted, Truth rolled him up for, yes, a fast three-count from the referee.

WINNER: Truth, at 10:30. Too bad this win isn’t going to mean what it should for Truth, since the story is Punk being upset and things unraveling around him. In the end, it really helps neither man.

-Mickie, Layla and Michelle all met up backstage after Mickie finished talking to the makeup person. The heels taunted Mickie, and Michelle said Layla better be careful, since Mickie is the captain of the team for Survivor Series. McCool said no one likes Mickie, so she should just leave. Mickie said she’s not going anywhere, and that her team will beat Michelle’s team at the PPV. Mickie said if she and “Scary Spice” (Layla) think they can intimidate her, they’re sadly mistaken. After James walked off, Michelle noted they need to make Mickie’s life a living hell. This is the first I’ve heard of such a match.

-Clips aired of Matt Hardy trying to talk some sense into Batista last week, and Batista attacking him for his services. The two face each other in a match later tonight.

[Commercial Break]

-The Raw Rebound aired.

-Josh Mathews (earning his money this week) was backstage with Matt Hardy. He asked Matt what prompted him to get involved with the issue. Matt said that we all make mistakes, and he thought that was the situation with Batista. He talked about things that happened between him and Jeff, and he didn’t want Batista and Rey to have to go through that. He said he just wanted to help Batista. He said the big man has changed and tonight, he’s going to get a reality check. Matt then walked away from the interview set and started getting ready for his match, in a change to the regular format.

-The announcers briefly talked on camera about Hardy, until Matt’s music hit and he made his entrance. The main event is next.

[Commercial Break]


Matt fought out of the corner against Batista, but Batista nearly took his head off with a clothesline. Probably a 0.7 on the Desmond Wolfe scale of clothesline bad-assery. Batista did some choking of Hardy on the middle rope, then missed a corner charge. Hardy didn’t have the muscle to roll him up (thanks to Batista hanging on to the top rope), and the Animal was able to come out on top in that battle. Batista was having his way with Hardy, as they went to break about 3:10 into the contest.

[Commercial Break]

Camel Clutch applied by Batista out of break. He was really working over the back of the elder Hardy brother. Striker called Matt “the Sensei of Mattitude.” Vince must not be on the headsets during this one, based on what Striker has gotten away with tonight. Body-scissors by Batista. Crowd was kind of sitting on their hands at this point. Matt was able to fight away, but Batista hammered him wiht a forearm to the back. Matt wiggled out and landed a version of a neck-breaker. Both men slowly got to their feet, where Batista was met with a boot from Matt. Hardy went low, then pulled out a DDT. Moonsault by Hardy but Batista moved- not far, as Hardy’s face and chest still hit Batista’s legs. Twist of Fate (Grisham proclaimed “that’s gonna do it!,” so you knew it wouldn’t) and sure enough, Batista grabbed the bottom rope. He came back with a spinebuster and choked Matt with his boot. On the outside, he threw Hardy into the barricade, then into the announce table. He took out the monitor from the announce desk, and hit Hardy in the back of the head with it. DQ time, and Striker referred to it as “a foreign object some would call it, an international object....”

WINNER: Hardy, via DQ, at 13:39. Batista as a heel does not make for a great match. Most of it was keeping Matt on the mat.

After the bell sounded, Batista took Hardy into the ring, took his elbowpads off, and set up for a Batista Bomb. Instead, he just shoved him off. After a replay, the camera stayed on Batista as he went up the ramp and did one final yell to close things out.

Greg Parks has been covering Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. You can also read his frequently updated blog in the VIP forum. Check out his column each week in the PDF-exclusive version of the Torch Newsletter. Also, look for his Tuesday chats with James Caldwell each Tuesday afternoon on the Torch. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.

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ECW MVP POLL: Who was the MVP of the 1/12 ECW if you saw the show?
Ezekiel Jackson
Yoshi Tatsu
C.M. Punk
Shelton Benjamin
Vance Archer
Matt Hardy
Trent Barreta
Zack Ryder
The Hurricane
William Regal
GM Tiffany
Rosa Mendes




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