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January 27, 2010


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I still like him more then Cameron. At lease his films don't bore me to tears, Cameron on the other hand is just intolerable for me.

Hmmm...the only one I know of who is scheduled to make a movie involving fairies is Miley Cyrus! And Miley's soundtracks bank! Could it be possible?

Don't all musicals feature fairies?

George Lucas has lost his mind. First he ruins the best franchise film series ever to be created, Star Wars, by re-releasing them with added CGI effects and extra footage. It’s like adding some people at the last supper or just re-painting the Sistine Chapel. Well maybe not that detrimental but the point is it was perfect the way it was. Then He releases his travesty three-part prequel to the original Star Wars story with even more ridiculous CGI scenes, acting, and plot line. Further more he destroys another beloved film trilogy, Indiana Jones, by making a fourth installment that involves aliens and a geriatric version of Harrison Ford with an even more ridiculous, incoherent story line. Now he decides to re-re-release star wars because he thinks it should be in 3-D....

Lucas just cares about little kids at this point in his life. LOSER!

I am not surprised. I purchased Mu rad and felt that is worked. They had me on a shipment every

3 months and they started sending earlier and earlier. The shipping is pure profit and way more

then it costs them to ship. Plus I found that their product was not the correct amount as I would

have lots of some and run out of others. I finally canceled the service of which the girl advised me

that I would still have to pay the shipping of receiving it (early) and for sending it back with had to

be done in order to get the credit. I was dissatisfied after getting for a year.

I used to get deep tissue Shiatsu Massage all the time when I live in Japan and it was fantastic. It

resolved other problems I had as well ! I would definitely like to start Yoga class as well in the
near future!!

Fairies? Maybe it's a musical answer to Avatar...

Wow, talking about a guy thats WAY too full of himself.


"which is expected to feature music from a variety of sources."
So it's a jukebox musical (i.e. not original songs).

When Lucas said he no plans for a potential Star Wars Episode 7,8,9 Sequel Trilogy or Star Wars Expanded Universe Trilogy after Star Wars Episode VI-Return of the Jedi that's when he pist me off. I lost faith in George Lucas. I want my money back for the horrible Star Wars Episode I,II,III Prequel Trilogy. Lucas stick Star Wars: The Clone Wars up your arse. I'd rather see EU stuff and the Yuuzhan Vong wars then such bullcrap. George go rape Darth Vader and Jar-Jar Binks. Gay marriage is legal in California so you can now marry Hayden Christensen.

Further more he destroys another beloved film trilogy, Indiana Jones, by making a fourth installment that involves aliens and a geriatric version of Harrison Ford with an even more ridiculous, incoherent story line. Now he decides to re-re-release star wars because he thinks it should be in 3-D....

the worst thing is that i recently re-watched the classic trilogy on new DVD collection in a sad beer-fused marathon, and at the very end of Return of the Jedi, when they are having the big fire and Luke sees the visions of Obi wan, yoda etc, the original Darth Vader has been replaced by that Haydn wanker! i was shocked and appalled! hours of my life, wasted by this final blow!

Having kids totally changed the man and the kind of movies he wants to make. Yes, Empire is the best movie of them all, and Lucas did not direct it. I'm no JarJar Jake Lloyd fan, but I II and III showed stuff I really enjoyed (better than Ewoks). Yes some of the lines were embarrassing, but I'm grateful he made the films. I was ok with Indy 4, although Raiders was by far the best of that franchise.

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