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FAUNA - GameInformer.com
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  • US military is imperialistic? Then please tell most of Eastern Europe that we are deeply apologetic about thwarting their desire to speak German, we didn't know that things were going as planned. I'll send a letter of regret to the Somalians over the transport of food and supplies to their poor and hungry and I'll be sure to give my solemn regards to the victims who befell liberation from Iraq in 1991. I suggest you look up your terms prior to throwing them around - the U.S. military isn't imperialistic, at least not for over 160 years. Walmart, McDonalds, EA Games, much of the commercial entities that you probably rush out to make a purchase from are imperialist. I get that you can be a pacifist, and that's your right. We choose our own path - soldiers choose their line of work so to some degree you don't have to. The funny thing about pacifism is that no pacifist made pacifism possible. Think about that one while you point your fingers and call for shame.
  • Right, because helping out in Haiti is imperialistic. Or how about helping get schools built in Afghanistan to raise the literacy rate out the 10% range, so that people can become educated and not believe radical religious leaders that tell them that if they attack other countries, they will be rewarded in the afterlife. Not to mention, if we were trying to form an empire, why would we be leaving Iraq, while there are still major security concerns? Like I said, smoke another one.
  • i was gonna post a comment sayin something along the lines of "what u said is really corny in the post about gamers making better soldiers" but why bother, apparently u r a gamer who doesnt like game-violence and that makes u as a whole CORNY
  • So the military is simply for imperialism? Smoke another one guy.
  • wanna be on my freind list??????
  • wanna be on my freind list??????
  • Yeah it really helps to give a game you've never played a 0.25 because you personally are sick of the WW2 genre. GREAT JOB DBAG
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