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lend me your eyesssss « Kid Cudi – News
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lend me your eyesssss

POSTED: 20.04.10

i have changed the name of my sophomore album to


i started making this project like a collab album, filled with fun and upbeat records that for the most part left you with jack shit when you were finished listening. i took a step back, went on tour, and realized im where im at because of the type of songs i write. every time i read a comment from someone saying ive touched their lives in some way is what made me want to stop fucking around and continue pouring my life into my music.  MOTM2 is dark by nature and instead of bringing you into my dreams like my first album, im bringing you into my reality.  good and bad. it will explain more of who iam aswell as pushing the envelope musically. this project will focus on many dark, fun, and ignorant moments in my life since ive been kid cudi in a exciting and cinematic nature continuing the MOTM theme. this is my darkest work so far with a hint of fun and grooviness for those who like the classic chill cudi sound but elevated to another level.  the things i cant speak will be the things i write.  before anything else, you’d come to the conclusion i need a shrink, a stronger drug or a mentor.  not a hug. a lot of you have read the news and think they know cudi, got some slick shit to say amongst your peers or just flat out hate me but you havnt the slightest clue of who iam. i will tell the story of Mr. Rager….

the sound: wouldnt you like to know :)

release: aiming for august

completed? almost, got upcoming sessions with RATATAT and Dot Da Genius on the production side. as far as features ill keep you posted but I DEF got Chip on 2 joints so far. cleveland maneeee

cudder fact: me and dot are a production duo, our first creation is on the new album.

im excited to see what you guys think and i hope you love the new direction. dream on

photo by jamie baratta

peace and love


    buffalo_soldier667 Says:

    Hello, it’s again me.
    I didn buy your music, BUT I promise I’ll buy it.
    You deserve my money. You are lucky, usually, I d’ont pay for music.
    BUT YOU ARE A FUCKIN ARTIST. You gave me chicken skin :) For real. I don’t lie.

    Keep it real.


    Ptown503 Says:

    Stoked for the show in eugene!!! I wish big names like you came to Portland more often. And if you dont know already the grass is much greener, or white haha, up here in Oregon


    beanie Says:

    good news!!! i now own a cudi shirt. yes. i do.
    wait. wait. good news new album, idk. pumped for this!!


    Stephanie! Says:



    Love KID CUDI <3

    ahand by the way that ppicture, is just amazing.


    NKLSNKLB Says:

    Scott! I’m super duper extra hyped stoked psyched for this!!!


    stephyo Says:

    wrong or right place to post this?
    completely amazing
    your music is a great way of therapy and your completely honest with your words
    they have deff helped me in my hardest times when loneliness was overwhelming me and dark and terrible thoughts have enter me and you and your music has helped a lot.
    so thank u .
    and cant wait for your new album
    i only expect great music and great this from kid cudi.


    rastalokkiinlikemofasa Says:

    whatup man first MOTM was the reallest shit ive ever herd from a rapper. never have i herd a song where it sounds like someones rappin bout my life. but i found it hopefully the new shit is the same but deeper


    Alex Says:

    Go with Man On The Moon II: The Ghost in the Machine, Cudi!
    Just like Common said at the end of Up, Up, and Away.
    Really dope name, dude.
    I think it fits perfectly with the idea of your next album.
    But I really like that you listened to your fans man and are going to include more songs about his life and life itself, because thats what I loved about you first album man.
    But also include some chill songs, to smoke to man.


    Paula Says:

    Im soooooooooooooooooo excited for this album!
    Your music speaks for what i cant say myself..i feeel like theres someone who feels like i do.
    I wish i had you as a friend and maybe somebody would understand me.
    I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SCOTTTTTYYY! &&I mean ittttttt.


    Zayer Fresh Prince of Cleveland Says:

    Aye Cudder thas great news on the album direction.. Tulsa needs u nd chip idk but they miite be ready broski
    true fam real shit.. lets get it brodie


    Donavon Says:

    Dope news…the crew will definitely b stoked to hear it…u r def my fav musician of all time..


    d rock Says:

    Cudi man, i love the direction u decided 2 go with the album. This is exactly why ur music is my absolute fav and i cant stop listening. I cant wait for the new album. Keep doin what u do


    riko Says:

    Really liked your first album for the truth, deepness and true emotion in it. I like your chill songs to just vibe out and smoke to… with your new direction I think your style would collaborate really well with a psy/progressive/ambient artist.. Should think about it. keep choofing and making real music.. fuck mainstream.


    Daniel McQueen Says:



    #1FrenchFan Says:

    Your album is PURE ART !! you are a GREAT artist man foreal!! the beat, the lyrics, your flow!! I listen to it every single day on my way to work, at work, at home EVREYWHERE!! I feel you through your music and thats what I like about you!! But now I need to see you LIVE, on stage because I heard you a great performer and I can feel it just by lookin at your pictures! so dont tell me that I will have to fly back to NYC to see you before the second album drops out??? PARIS WANTS YOU MAN!!


    Garza Says:

    Cant wait for the new album Mr. Mescudi. Keep making music


    Inferno Says:

    Your music help me out a lot.Thanks Mr.Mescudi for the music that save my life.We will one day meet and make dope music,light one.


    pursuit of happiness Says:

    dope shit cud! sounds great, keep it comin. CUDDERISBACK!


    Allone Says:

    I know this might not even be your website, you may not even ever check these comments, and there is a complete chance you will never see this…but il take the risk

    Im just a kid from brockton MA, all i want to say is Thank you for everything… everyword you have ever written down, every song you have ever made, plain and simple Thank you.
    i write music, and out of every one i have ever known of…you just get it. and thats all i ever asked for.
    “this is life,nuthings ever promised
    Shooting for the heavens so in hell il feel accomplished”
    MK-thank you


    Messy Says:

    Yesssss this sounds like a good turn of events!!! your doing the right thing by keeping by your fans. to see you make a happy happy album would probaly make you more money. but loose your more patriotic fans…


    BKA Ten Says:

    This is something special, part II


    ShoneyBoney88 Says:

    Na kidd come to UTAH we need somethin new round here.. Snoop did it now why dont you??


    Katie Lee Says:

    please please please come to kansas city! hey and check out my cudi artwork on my blog! katielee4.blogspot.com


    hello Says:

    super duper duder cut


    hello Says:

    does kid cudi smoke weed?


    Timothy Says:

    cudi, have to say, I’m checking your blog every time i have some time. i’ve known some of the life issues you’ve known too man, and i look up to you, really dude. can’t wait for your next album, it’s gonna be dope man!! as for your first one, never heard such life touching music before in my life, i feel your music dude, im feelin what you’re trying to say in your lyrics. still 18 though, no big pockets, when i get some money together imma get one of yo phrases tattoo’d on my left forearm that really got to me.
    Cudi, you never stop makin your banger music,too many ppl look up to you, cuz you simply know where it’s at.. hope i get to see you real life some day!


    CudderFan Says:

    So is the snoop song that leaked gonna be on this one? or r u not including it?


    Evan! Says:


    delighted u changed the name to man on the moon 2!! cant wait to be taken to the moon when that shit drops and when i blaze up!!

    on the real u need to come back to cork! i missed u wen u were here with kanye…….come with snoop this yr:D

    keep doin u

    “if they hate, i let em hate who gives a fuuuuuuuuck!!”


    Daisy Says:

    all the music u have ever made i love the silly songs, the ones that touch my heart, n the ones i light up to, i can’t wait for ur new album i know i won’t b dissappointed cus u keep it real u speak the truth n never give a fuck about the haters,i can’t wait till u come to ny, i want to get ur autograph on my calve n tattoo it cus honestly ur music got me threw soo much, at moments when i thought i was alone with nothing to live for ur music picked me up and spoke to me it made me see shit in a new light n i’ll always apperciate u n ur music for that.. thanks cudi u really saved my life


    Joey Braa Says:

    KiD CuDi you are GOD to me and my close groups of friends !
    no1 understands us but just listening to your music its just like you’ve written songs bout our emotions and exactly what where feeling :(
    Keeeeep doin what ur doin lol

    cudderisback is dope !


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