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Govt builds transmigration museum in Lampung | The Jakarta Post
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20100604015847/http://www.thejakartapost.com:80/news/2010/05/02/govt-builds-transmigration-museum-lampung.html


Govt builds transmigration museum in Lampung

The Jakarta Post, Lampung | Sun, 05/02/2010 6:12 PM | Archipelago
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The government has built a museum of transmigration history in Indonesia, in Lampung province. The museum, called Museum Nasional Ketransmigrasian RI (Indonesian Transmigration Museum), is expected to be a new landmark in the province.

Head of the transmigration museum Suwardi said that the museum was placed in Bagelen village, Pesawaran regency, or around 30 kilometers from Bandar Lampung, due to a historical reason.

“Indonesia recognizes the ransmigration system for the first time in Bagelen village, back in 1905,” he said as quoted by kompas.com.

At that time, 155 families from Kedu, Central Java, transmigrated to Bagelen village by the Dutch during their colonization in order to widen the plantation area outside Java Island, added Suwardi.

The government would soft launch the museum to the public in June. However, due to incomplete displays, the government has yet to decide the date to officially launch the museum, he said.

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