(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Peter Parker & the Sorcerer Stone
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20101105171237/http://progressiveboink.com:80/archive/sorcererstone.html

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Peter Parker & The Sorcerer Stone
A story arc for the Spider-man arcade game
written by Mike on May 10, 2005

Hello, friend. This page is pretty graphics intensive, so if you're on a slow Internet connection, you might want to go grab a snack or something.





Peter awoke with a start. It was his  scar  spider-sense again. It was morning. He was alone. Was someone calling him, or did he dream it?

"Spider-man!" (Links throughout this page point to mp3s from the game.)

There it was again. The voice of a woman. A woman who sounded like she belonged on a default answering machine message. A woman calling his name... his  wizard  superhero name.

This could only mean one thing... he had been chosen. Chosen by a higher power known only as "Player 1."




Peter knew what he had to do. He put on his  cloak  superhero costume, & followed his tingling  scar  spider-sense to a nearby alley...



Sure enough, Peter found Scorpion clutching a large stone tablet.


The stone glowed in his hand, & spotting the hero of legend, Scorpion made a break for it behind a passing truck. Peter strolled along after him. For some reason, he couldn't bother actually chasing after him. Not even a fast-paced walk, like one does as he might be late for work, would suffice in this case. He just slowly strolled after his fellow spandex-clad superhuman, no differently than one would walk in the park on their day off. He didn't understand his lack of motivation, but he knew one thing for certain: The no parking sign in the alley was really pissing him off.


No sooner did Peter catch up with the truck, that he was surrounded by what he guessed were supposed to be some kind of angry cosplaying Shyguys. As Peter fought them off, they each let out a high-pitched war cry in defeat. He nearly expected them to follow it up by grabbing their crotches & dancing backwards.

The back of the truck slid open, and out jumped Scorpion again. The mystic glowing stone he was carrying had been attached to a machine that seemed to be incubating a man in his tighty whities. A man Peter recognized from his past.


Venom's true self poured onto his host body & out of his incubating chamber thing in a puddle. Peter wasted no time vokking the crap out of his old nemesis, until Venom finally had enough. Reaching into his suit, he pulled out the glowing stone tablet from his pocket, yelling... something... Wait, what did he say?

Destinys2ndKid: "Don't you just live by ebony fence...oooooow"


Using the power of the stone, Venom absorbed the rest of his little goo puddle & grew nearly three times his size. Not wanting to stick around & have to deal with Peter, Venom did what any abnormally large mammal would do. He climbed a nearby skyscraper. Recovering from the sudden change in screen resolution, Peter had a surge of brain cells. Venom has to be stopped, he thought to himself. He knew he couldn't do it alone. He needed help from someone he trusted. Someone smart.

"Spider-man!" the voice rang out again.

No, Peter said in reply. I'm Spider-man, remember? Doyyyy.

Then the voice spoke a second time.

"Black Cat!"

Oh. Ok.


"Peter!"  Hermio  Black Cat exclaimed. "I know the source of Venom's power! That glowing tablet. It's called the Sorcerer Stone!"

Peter still didn't understand, but that was the least of his worries. Venom had to be stopped! The two chased after Venom, scaling bridge scaffoldings & climbing atop the city's water tower, which was apparently either owned by or bought in tribute of their friend, Namor.


Standing face to face with a 50-foot Venom, Peter & Black Cat fought him off with all the webs & grappling hooks they had, until he finally shrank to his normal size & screamed, "WHAAAT'S GOOOING OOOOON?"


As a giant green helicopter picked up the power-drained Venom, Peter & Black Cat hitched a ride, hoping to find the source of the problem. Not knowing what dangers awaited them, mostly because they couldn't read the backwards billboard behind them, they decided it would be best if they called for more help.

"Spider-man!" yelled the voice.



LOL good one, answering machine lady!


Oh, you were serious?

"Hey guys, what's going on in this video game?"

Fair enough, Peter thought. He found Namor's fighting technique of elbowing his foes in the crotch to be somewhat painful to watch, but at least he & Black Cat had an extra hand to help them out. Never mind the fact that the more players there were, the more Shyguy kings of pop would show up.


It would seem that the effects of the Sorcerer Stone have worn off --- .


Finally, it was all starting to make sense to Peter now. All this time, Kingpin was setting up the entire article to highlight this one screen shot. Peter still was unsure of a few things, like why Kingpin's grammar was correct verbally but not in his word balloon, or why he finished his sentence with the Morse Code for "OE", but at least he understood what he & his friends were fighting for, even if they were walking AT AN UNUSUALLY SLOW PACE FOR SUPERHEROES IN THE MIDDLE OF FIGHTING CRIME


Peter & his friends struggled in the fight with Venom & Kingpin's bodyguards, but they ultimately agreed that the best way to defeat such a large group was to have Namor dive face first into a shallow puddle. Peter & Black Cat both gave the dive a zero, but at least it knocked Venom off his feet. Now there was just a matter of getting that Sorcerer Stone back from Kingpin, before he could use it to grow bigger, or live forever, or whatever it was that the stone actually did.


From atop the building, Peter spotted a crew working on launching Kingpin's zeppelin. As he & the others went to take a closer look, he was shocked to find a familiar face waiting for him.


It was his old  Defense Against the Dar  SCIENCE professor, Dr. Connors, or as Peter knew him now, THE LIZZER!

Wait, what?


Short work was made of THE LIZZER & a few hundred more Shyguys who screamed AS IF THEY OWNED THE RIGHTS TO THE BEATLES' MUSIC. Peter & his friends thought they were well on their way to facing Kingpin, himself, when they heard an all too familiar cackle.


They should have known. No inner city crime was complete without the Green Goblin blowing things up on his glider thing. Peter was confident that he & his friends would also make short work of








Ok. I think I'm going to need some more quarters.

"Spider-ma Spider- Spide Spi Spi Sp Spider-man!     Spider-man!"

There, that ought to do it.

Where was I? Skipping ahead to Kingpin's room? Yeah, I thought so.


"All right!" Black Cat exclaimed, eyeing up the world map displayed on Kingpin's rug. "Hey guys, check it out! I'm in Hawaii! Look you guys! Hawaii!"

"DAAAYYYAMN!" Kingpin screamed, unamused with Black Cat's joke as he smashed his desk to splinters. He called on his stunt double, Michael Clarke Duncan, to take care of Peter & his friends, as he escaped to his chopper.


The three were quick in following Kingpin, who found himself trapped on the roof of his helicopter, thousands of feet in the air, surrounded by three young  wiz  superheroes. Try as he might, he could not overcome their combined skill, & Kingpin ultimately fell, bringing the entire chopper down with the force of his fall. Seriously, the guy was so fat, he broke the helicopter.

The Sorcerer Stone lifted up out of Kingpin's pocket, as if someone or something was removing it. Just then, Peter heard another voice. "SORCERER STONE?!!?11" it inquired, much like one would inquire about Orlando Bloom playing the role of the lead singer from Nirvana. It was a booming, metallic voice... one that Namor recognized immediately.

Peter knew that Doom must have been nearby for his presence to be able to snatch the Sorcerer Stone from the falling chopper. In fact, it was at that point when it crash landed right in front of  Hogwa  Dr. Doom's castle.


Thick, iron gates guarded the entrance to Doom's magnificent fortress.


No problem, Peter contended. I can break through this thing in like two punches, three tops.


Peter thought back to what he learned in superhero school... about how a series of incredible coincidences that applied only to his life could bail him out of any situation involving an evil genius. About how thinking happy thoughts would allow him to conjure up web fluid & retain his wall-crawling powers. About how pressing the B-button when the game was in widescreen mode let him shoot webs at people. About how winners don't use drugs.














Peter should have known better. Defeating Doom, Doom's flying throne thing, Doom's robot double, Doom's destiny-deciding sense of determination, & Doom's knack for alliteration was too easy to be the true end to his adventure.

The true power of the Sorcerer Stone was revealed in Venom, who exclaimed something about fish song good & produced several copies of himself. Only the true Venom could be physically harmed. It was just like Black Cat read in the library... the Sorcerer Stone had the power to grant Venom unlimited lives.

Venom just failed to read the part where finding out which one's the real him & punching him in the face a bunch of times until he explodes could still kill him. "WHAAAT'S GOOOING OOOOON?" he screamed, as he melted into a puddle of space goo & blinked red until he evaporated. The mortality of evil souls always confused Peter, particularly the blinking part.

The castle's foundation slowly began to collapse. Peter & his friends made their escape, & watched in the distance as Doom's stronghold fell into a cloud of dust.

They've spent the entire game walking like their shoes were covered in frozen molasses, & suddenly they make like lightning bolts out of the castle & up a cliff about a mile away from it just in time to watch it fall. Is that my prize for winning the game? Can I now move at a reasonable pace instead of like a smoker trying to catch his breath? Forget it. I'm not giving you another quarter. This game makes me want to vomit all over the screen.

Man, you guys really did think of everything, didn't you?



mike @ progressiveboink.com
AIM: mike fireball 0


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