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Airborne Assault: Conquest of the Aegean for PC Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at Metacritic
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Airborne Assault: Conquest of the Aegean Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critics What's this?

  • Summary: In Conquest of the Aegean, players get to take on the role of either the Allied or German commanders and pit their wits against either a computer controlled opponent or a human opponent via LAN or the internet. Play as the Allies in a desperate fight to maintain a foothold on the southern flank of Europe using the mountainous Greek terrain to achieve concealment and surprise. Or fight as the Axis, driving hard achieve a quick victory with minimal losses. Battles in the game cover the Greco-Italian War, the German Invasion of Greece, the German Invasion of Crete, a fictional scenario for the Invasion of Malta by Axis forces, and numerous other "what if" scenarios that will allow you to reshape history. [Matrix Games] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Enemies retreated when necessary, attacked when prudent, and anticipated what I thought were brilliant feints, like my fake out at the Khrisophy airport. That kind of cunning AI makes Conquest of the Aegean a great ode to board-style war gaming. [Nov. 2006, p.78]
  2. Make the effort, see past the spartan maps, the sparse sound, and teh square counters, and you're rewarded with one of the most believable battle simulations ever created. [Sept 2006, p.100]
  3. Strategy gaming doesn't get much more hardcore than this. But if you, as I, have ever harboured ambitions of serving of quartermaster to a major military formation, this is for you. [Oct 2006, p.70]

See all 4 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. TipsiWipsy
    This game is one that truly deserves critical acclaim by all those who are interested in the WW2 Genre. If you like the Combat Mission series, have the patience to enjoy tactics over spunky graphics, then you will surely enjoy this game. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  2. JeremyS.
    This game is the only I've seen with an engine that can give you a realistic, top-down, real time simulation of battalion and regimental maneuvers. What the close combat series did for squad and platoon tactics this does for strategy. If you're more interested in flash and bang, fine, go play call of duty. But I find this series to be the most immersive and realistic wargame available. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes