
Instant meteorological winter

Posted at 7:01 AM on December 6, 2007 by Paul Huttner

"Meteorological" winter began on Dec. 1. Boy, did somebody take that date literally!

We call the months of December through February "meteorological winter" for record-keeping purposes, even though astronomical winter begins at 12:08 a.m. CST on Dec. 22.

Today will be our third snow event in the past six days in Minnesota. This one looks weaker than the other two, but will still lay down a patchwork of 1" to 2" in the metro, and maybe as much as 3" near the Iowa border by tonight.

Last night was the coldest night of the season so far in most of Minnesota. Twin Cities International Airport hit 0. Eden Prairie was -5 and Lakeville -15. Embarrass took the cake at

Subzero cold last night

You may have noticed it was warmer today when you woke up than when you went to bed last night. That's because our clear skies and calm air over a fresh deep snowpack last night made for perfect conditions for radiational cooling. As clouds moved in early this morning, temps began to rise. The clouds literally act as a blanket on winter nights, trapping heat near the earth's surface.

Hutchinson temps rise overnight from -9 to 18 degrees!

Enjoy our rise into the low 20s today. After last night it will feel downright balmy!

December 2007
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