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Nation Topics - Electoral Politics | The Nation
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Nation Topics - Electoral Politics | The Nation

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South Carolina Republicans’ zeal for budget-cutting may deprive them of their quadrennial turn in the spotlight.

In broad strokes Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speaks to the American religious right. But up close—like at a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations—he’s a hawkish version of Obama.

 When it comes down to it, the easiest way to make elections competitive is to give candidates more money.

How can progressives push government to be of, by and for the people, rather than for the privileged few?

Romney's "evolving" stance on abortion—and a long list of other issues—won't sell in what's becoming a party of social-policy purists.

Herman Cain’s candidacy is a cautionary tale against the simplistic racial reasoning that has dominated American political discourse.

The clear message for Obama and Democrats is don't mess with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Run against Ryan's extremism and win.

Americans are changing historical voting patterns to punish parties and candidates who seek to cut public services, education and Medicare.
