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Australia - Reporters Without Borders
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New threats to journalists’ sources

Reporters Without Borders condemns the Northern Territory police for secretly accessing the telephone records of Darwin-based reporter Justin (...)

Published on 10 November 2010 Read


Open letter to Special Minister of State Joe Ludwig regarding Freedom of information laws

Senator Joe Ludwig Cabinet Secretary and Special Minister of State Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia (...)

Published on 7 May 2010 Read


Open letter to Australia’s Prime Minister

The Hon Kevin Michael Rudd Prime Minister Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Australia Paris, 18 December 2009 Dear Prime Minister, Reporters (...)

Published on 18 December 2009 Read


Open letter to PM Kevin Rudd regarding the Balibo investigation

The Hon Kevin Rudd MP Prime Minister Parliament House Canberra Act 2600 Australia Paris, 16 September 2009 Dear Prime Minister, Judicial (...)

Published on 16 September 2009 Read


Federal police violate confidentiality of reporter’s sources by raiding his home

Reporters Without Borders is very disturbed by this week’s raid on the Canberra home of Philip Dorling, a reporter for the Canberra Times daily, (...)

Published on 26 September 2008 Read


Police raid on Perth newspaper highlights need to protect confidentiality of sources

Reporters Without Borders reiterates its call for the adoption of a law protecting the confidentiality of journalists’ sources after police (...)

Published on 7 May 2008 Read


What the next prime minister must do to improve press freedom

On the eve of Australia’s general election, Reporters Without Borders today called on the next prime minister to undertake to adopt a series of (...)

Published on 23 November 2007 Read


Coroner says death of "Balibo five" was premeditated war crime by Indonesian army

Reporters Without Borders hails the work of New South Wales coroner Dorelle Pinch, who issued an inquest report today that establishes with great (...)

Published on 16 November 2007 Read

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