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UTØYA 2011 - AUFs summer camp
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20110904165132/http://www.auf.no/english/286-utoya-2010-aufs-summer-camp-

UTØYA 2011 - AUFs summer camp

The summer holiday is approaching, and so is AUFs summer camp at Utøya. Utøya is to many of us the highlight of the holidays, and a place to meet more than 800 people from all over Norway, and several international guests. Read more here for further practical information.

The summer camp at Utøya is this year from Wednesday 20th of July till Sunday 24th of July. You can also get day-passes if you can’t stay all the time.

Price and meals
There are several options for camp tickets. The ticket which includes all meals is 1000kr, the ticket with only dinner is 600kr and a one day ticket is 150kr. NB! Some AUF branches pay the ticket and travel costs for their members! The food at Utøya can be adjusted to anyone’s need. Whether you are a vegetarian, only eat halal meat or have an allergy you just tell us and we’ll adjust. You can also buy hamburgers and other food at the night café, or snacks and waffles in the kiosk.

The best way to travel is with buss nr. 171 from Oslo Buss Terminal to Utøya buss stop. The buss ride is about 50 minutes.

At Utøya we primarily sleep in tents, but if you have allergies or other reasons to why you can’t sleep in a tent, you can apply for an indoor room. If you want to sleep in doors send your reasons when you register for Utøya.

Bathroom and Showers
We have normal WCs at Utøya. There are shared showers (as in the gym and at school). If you for some reason must shower alone, this can be arranged.

There is a kiosk at Utøya where there will be sold snacks and soft drinks. Here you can also withdraw money and buy toothpaste and other toiletries.

It is not allowed to consume alcohol at Utøya. Consumption will not be tolerated.

If something happens
Norwegian People Aid will be present at the camp at all times. They can help if someone breaks an arm, gets a blister or something else.

At Utøya there are youth from 13 to 30 years old. The average age is around 16.


If you have a friend who’s not a member of AUF, but you want to bring with you to Utøya, that’s perfectly fine.

Sign up
You can sign up for Utøya by sending an E-mail to Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere JavaScript for å kunne se adressen . In the mail you have to write you name, telephone number, e-mail address, age and special needs.


If you have any questions do not hessitate to call Edvin Søvik at +47 909 17 957. You can also send and e-mail to Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere JavaScript for å kunne se adressen .

Info to International guests

Members and representatives from AUFs sister organisations are more then welcome to attend our summer camp. For more information and signing up pleace contact our International Secretary Ida Spjelkavik at +47 917 06 514 or send an e-mail to Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere JavaScript for å kunne se adressen

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