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Last meals for condemned cons off menu

Before white supremacist Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday night for the infamous dragging death of a black man in deep East Texas, he ordered up a literal banquet for his last meal.

Two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet, large bowl of fried okra, 3 fajitas and a pound of barbeque with a half-loaf of white bread on the side.

For dessert, he asked for a pint of Blue Bell ice cream.

According to prison officials, Brewer ate little, if any, of the Texas-sized feast.

This morning, after an influential state senator blasted the menu as “ridiculous” and promised to end the practice of special last meals for execution-bound convicts, prison officials officially cancelled the long-standing program.

“They will receive the same meal served to other offenders” in the prison, said Brad Livingston, executive director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. He said the change will take effect immediately.

Livingston’s decision came just hours after Senate Criminal Justice Committee Chairman John Whitmire, whose committee oversees the prison system, fired off an angry missive citing Brewer’s requested “buffet” and demanding the special meals be stopped.

“Enough is enough,” the Houston Democrat said in a terse one-page letter to Livingston. “It is extremely inappropriate to give a person sentenced to death such a privilege … one which the perpetrator did not provide to their victim.”

He closed the letter by saying if prison officials did not end the practice, he would so next legislative session with a new state law barring special last meals.

Whitmire has opposed the practice for years.

Last meal requests by condemned convicts have been a policy for decades. At one time, prison cooks could prepare steaks and shrimp and other specialties as requested, but in recent years officials have limited the requests to food that is available at the Huntsville prison where the execution chamber is located.

In many instances, officials said, while condemned convicts have requested copious amounts of food, cooks generally give them much less. How much of Brewer’s menu was actually provided to him before he was executed Tuesday evening was unclear.

Brewer, 44, was executed for the June 1998 death of James Byrd Jr., 49. Authorities said Byrd was chained to the back of a pickup and pulled to his death along a bumpy asphalt road outside Jasper, northeast of Houston.

Testimony showed three men picked up Byrd, who was hitchhiking, and stopped along an isolated logging road. A fight broke out and the outnumbered Byrd was tied to the truck bumper with a 24-foot logging chain. Three miles later, what was left of his remains was dumped between a black church and cemetery where the pavement ended on the remote road, authorities said.

“This man was convicted of the worst of all crimes — the dragging death of a fellow human who was killed because of the color of his skin — and we allowed him to sit down and order up a meal like this?” Whitmire said. “How many taxpayers in Texas sat down last night to a meal like that? These inmates are just using this to manipulate the system.”

Two other man were convicted in Byrd’s death. Shawn Berry, 36, received a life prison term and John William King, now 36, was convicted of capital murder and is awaiting execution.

Because of the new rule, prison officials said, King cannot now request a special last meal.

UPDATED at 3:03 p.m. to correct day of Brewer’s execution.

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By Baron of Greymatter

September 23, 2011 11:56 AM | Link to this

“We are human beings, not animals.”

As of 9/21/2011, at around 8:30PM, Lawrence Russell Brewer is no longer a human being. He gave up the right to be one when he decided to conduct himself as an animal.

Lots of good, law-abiding citizens in this state did not have as much to eat as Brewer wasted before he met his fate. It’s just silly pretending to be “nice” to inmates right before we execute them.

I agree wholeheartedly, if you like good food, don’t commit crimes.

By biggeral

September 23, 2011 10:32 AM | Link to this

I say we should give them a $25 limit and let them pick and choose anything under that amount. If they want to spend the money on a $25 hooker I’m okay with that too.

By Stephanie N.

September 23, 2011 8:09 AM | Link to this

We live in a civilized and God fearing country that should not be controlled by the actions of a deranged individual. The act of offering a condemned person a last meal request is an act of compassionate that has been practiced for years by our civilized society. Offender Brewer�s last act on this earth should not be given so much attention. This was obviously a last ditch effort to be defiant of a society that he had absolutely no respect for and had no legitimate right to be inhabit. He has now been brought to justice and to disband a long time tradition practiced by our society due the act of one severely deranged individual, will give him the exact outcome of notoriety he so desperately desired.

By John

September 23, 2011 7:38 AM | Link to this

Vegans are too weak to kill anyone.

By Buford T Justice

September 23, 2011 7:10 AM | Link to this



By Buford T Justice

September 23, 2011 7:02 AM | Link to this



By Buford T Justice

September 23, 2011 7:01 AM | Link to this



By R.T.

September 23, 2011 6:21 AM | Link to this

I have a book that lists the last meals of many that were sentenced to death over the years. What is interesting is these guys all eat the same. They all want cheeseburgers or chicken fried steak or regular steak and ice cream, pies or cakes. But always, always, some sort of meat is involved in the last meal.

My theory is that people who consume large amounts of dead meat take on the energy of fear that the animal has before it is slaughtered, which is why many violent criminals tend to be meat eaters. Eating tons of meat does not make you a happy, healthy person. You don’t see many vegans or people with high raw food diets going out and killing people.

By R.T.

September 23, 2011 6:18 AM | Link to this

I have a book that lists the last meals of many that were sentenced to death over the years. What is interesting is these guys all eat the same. They all want cheeseburgers or chicken fried steak or regular steak and ice cream, pies or cakes. But always, always, some sort of meat is involved in the last meal.

My theory is that people who consume large amounts of dead meat take on the energy of fear that the animal has before it is slaughtered, which is why many violent criminals tend to be meat eaters. Eating tons of meat does not make you a happy, healthy person. You don’t see many vegans or people with high raw food diets going out and killing people.

By Keith Whitmore

September 23, 2011 6:08 AM | Link to this

Screw compassion. Did that killer offer any compassion to his victim??NOPE!! So why should they show compassion & give this killer special chow. Let him eat a dead rat. That’s a rat for a rat.

By Keith Whitmore

September 23, 2011 6:06 AM | Link to this

Screw compassion. Did that killer offer any compassion to his victim??NOPE!! So why should they show compassion & give this killer special chow. Let him eat a dead rat. That’s a rat for a rat.

By Lori

September 23, 2011 6:05 AM | Link to this

What difference does it make? It’s only food. Damn, people are so petty.. GET THE HELL OVER IT!!!!!!

By justbecause

September 23, 2011 5:41 AM | Link to this


By Tee

September 23, 2011 2:45 AM | Link to this

Why have some of you posted numerous times saying the same exact thing? Geesh! If the inmate has family (or friends) how about letting them prepare the last meal for the inmate? No cost to the taxpayers that way. He got to live for an additional 13 years longer then his victim, free medical, free food, etc. I think most people would agree with not providing them with a special meal provided by the prison. We don’t owe them any special treatment for gosh sakes (and I am a liberal).

By Tee

September 23, 2011 2:43 AM | Link to this

Why have some of you posted numerous times saying the same exact thing? Geesh! If the inmate has family (or friends) how about letting them prepare the last meal for the inmate? No cost to the taxpayers that way. He got to live for an additional 13 years longer then his victim, free medical, free food, etc. I think most people would agree with not providing them with a special meal provided by the prison. We don’t owe them any special treatment for gosh sakes (and I am a liberal).

By Mike

September 22, 2011 10:37 PM | Link to this

I don’t know… this meal request certainly sounds excessive, but to me, it seems the gentlemanly and dignified thing to do, to offer a (more reasonable) last meal, to someone who will never get another one, and has been eating nothing but insufficient portions of bologna and oatmeal for 15 years. I’m appalled that the judicial system is seen as a “revenge machine” rather than an instrument of the social good in mainstream culture. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Remember also, that many of the free populace clamoring for these punishments are not receiving the same treatment, simply because the evils they do haven’t been made illegal, or because they haven’t been caught, though these things can often cause more widespread harm than killing a single person.

By CGordon

September 22, 2011 8:36 PM | Link to this

I am in full agreement with Senator Whitmire on this. The last meal is a waste of food and in the case of Laurence Russell Brewer is was an obscene gesture to any civilized person. Bread (crumbs, preferably) and water would be much more appropriate than his disgusting feast. He should have been publicly hung years ago.


September 22, 2011 8:24 PM | Link to this

I think this is spectacular. I don’t eat as well as that wretch did, and I am a law-abiding citizen. Of course people will gripe about it…but it’s simple, folks. If you want to eat good, don’t kill people. Amazing notion, I know.

By TMArms

September 22, 2011 6:36 PM | Link to this

Whitmire’s argument that the convicted person sentenced to death did not give his victims the choice of a last meal is ridiculous! We do this simple jester of compassion because we are not like the convicted person. People that have committed such horrific crimes have no compassion. They are not fit to walk among the rest of society. We offer this small jester because we as a society are “better” than the condemned. Compassion is one of the things that makes us human & separates us from animals. I don’t want leaders of my government to lack such compassion. We have already condemned these convicts to death, the ultimate punishment, so why should we as a society not show these criminals a small amount of compassion by offering something as simple as a last meal. If the leaders of our society are unable or unwilling to show compassion to a condemned person in such a simple way, then they don’t belong in our society either. This is America, we should be setting an example to the rest of the world. The government is corrupt enough lets not make it government without any compassion at all. It’s scary to think we have leaders in our government that lack compassion, it makes me wonder what else do they lack?

By Ash

September 22, 2011 6:36 PM | Link to this

I say this is a great new rule why the hell should they get anything??? as far as i’m concerned the only other crime besides giving him a fiest while people are starving is waiting to long to give the family closure They should have gotten rid of him years ago. Killers, and molesters.. just dont waste your time or money they wont change and they will continue to hurt.

By TMArms

September 22, 2011 6:35 PM | Link to this

Whitmire’s argument that the convicted person sentenced to death did not give his victims the choice of a last meal is ridiculous! We do this simple jester of compassion because we are not like the convicted person. People that have committed such horrific crimes have no compassion. They are not fit to walk among the rest of society. We offer this small jester because we as a society are “better” than the condemned. Compassion is one of the things that makes us human & separates us from animals. I don’t want leaders of my government to lack such compassion. We have already condemned these convicts to death, the ultimate punishment, so why should we as a society not show these criminals a small amount of compassion by offering something as simple as a last meal. If the leaders of our society are unable or unwilling to show compassion to a condemned person in such a simple way, then they don’t belong in our society either. This is America, we should be setting an example to the rest of the world. The government is corrupt enough lets not make it government without any compassion at all. It’s scary to think we have leaders in our government that lack compassion, it makes me wonder what else do they lack?

By Clyde Square

September 22, 2011 6:30 PM | Link to this

Whitmire’s argument that the convicted person sentenced to death did not give his victims the choice of a last meal is ridiculous! We do this simple jester of compassion because we are not like the convicted person. People that have committed such horrific crimes have no compassion. They are not fit to walk among the rest of society. We offer this small jester because we as a society are “better” than the condemned. Compassion is one of the things that makes us human & separates us from animals. I don’t want leaders of my government to lack such compassion. We have already condemned these convicts to death, the ultimate punishment, so why should we as a society not show these criminals a small amount of compassion by offering something as simple as a last meal. If the leaders of our society are unable or unwilling to show compassion to a condemned person in such a simple way, then they don’t belong in our society either. This is America, we should be setting an example to the rest of the world. The government is corrupt enough lets not make it government without any compassion at all. It’s scary to think we have leaders in our government that lack compassion, it makes me wonder what else do they lack?

By John Gillnitz

September 22, 2011 6:18 PM | Link to this

Lets split the difference and only give good last meals to the innocent people we execute. Of course, we don’t find out they are innocent until years later. We can dig them up and toss in an Olive Garden gift card next to the exonerated and dessicated corpse. Seriously folks, its your choice of prison food. It isn’t The Sizzler from Hills.

By Bevolt

September 22, 2011 5:58 PM | Link to this

You said it eltex!

By Mike

September 22, 2011 5:48 PM | Link to this

I don’t know… this meal request certainly sounds excessive, but to me, it seems the gentlemanly and dignified thing to do, to offer a (more reasonable) last meal, to someone who will never get another one, and has been eating nothing but insufficient portions of bologna and oatmeal for 15 years. I’m appalled that the judicial system is seen as a “revenge machine” rather than an instrument of the social good in mainstream culture. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.

Remember also, that many of the free populace clamoring for these punishments are not receiving the same treatment, simply because the evils they do haven’t been made illegal, or because they haven’t been caught, though these things can often cause more widespread harm than killing a single person.

By Jen

September 22, 2011 5:43 PM | Link to this

Mark: haha very funny. and more so, because it’s quite true.

As to everyone else, why are you defecating yourself [no pun intended on prior discussion] over a last meal?… Why don’t you focus your complaints on the luxuries provided to the many rapists and child molesters and gang members and murderers serving life in federal prisons?… One last good meal, compared to the cost of supporting aforementioned lowlifes for the rest of their life sentence?… Good gracious, how can we spare some barbeque, okra, a cheeseburger, and some ice cream?…

Oh yeah. And kudos to the person who said “Why does the AAS keep referring to �white supremacist�� Do they refer to �Blood gang member� ect when referring to other ethnic groups? ” ….. No, of course not. When blacks commit crimes, the news is very touchy and reluctant about commenting on the ethnicity, let alone making affiliations be known, but have a field day screaming “white racist!”, whether it be right or wrong.

By eltex

September 22, 2011 5:38 PM | Link to this

So according to Chairman John Whitmire, we shouldn’t give the criminals this option because they didn’t give the last meat to their victims. Well, what if the criminals started doing just that, providing the victims with copious amounts of food, before slaughtering them. Would that make it okay then to give the criminals a last meal too? I’m just trying to understand the ground rules here.

If he ordered that much food from the prison, and got it from them, then the prison is pretty stupid, and those that approved of it should be fired, tarred and feathered. What is more likely is he requested all that, and got a little bit of it, which is probably more likely. We know how media reports typically blow up things and get them wrong all the time. Frankly, I could care less what the guys get before they die. They have other things to worry about besides dinner.

By magnumcreek

September 22, 2011 5:31 PM | Link to this

It is about time. They are nothing special and don’t deserve any special last meal.

By Renate

September 22, 2011 5:27 PM | Link to this

The last meal before an execution should really be the last thing to worry about. we do have more important problems to take care of I would think.

By o

September 22, 2011 5:12 PM | Link to this

It’s only humane to give them whatever they want for a last meal. Think about…. they are about to die. We are human beings, not animals.

By Roy Merc

September 22, 2011 4:47 PM | Link to this


Seriously, Statesman. Get it together. Moderate your comments, use Facebook verification or remove the option entirely.

Your comment section is a wonderland for cowardly bigots, racists and idiots.


By Jenn

September 22, 2011 4:32 PM | Link to this

Oh, look at all the “Christians” talking their tough talk. What this man did was barbaric and hateful. But, even the family of his victim said he didn’t deserve to die, and asked for mercy on his behalf. We all know a “last meal” is a symbolic tipping of the hat to the sacrifice he’s about to make in reparation to his victim. We take his LIFE, but begrudge him some leftovers. Shame on all of you. Call me a liberal if you want. I just know God judges all of us. Every last one of us.

By what gives

September 22, 2011 4:26 PM | Link to this

Why does the AAS keep referring to “white supremacist…” Do they refer to “Blood gang member” ect when referring to other ethnic groups?

By Bob Smith

September 22, 2011 4:24 PM | Link to this

Mark, I always love it when a bigot misspells a word.

By Tea Party Tina

September 22, 2011 4:08 PM | Link to this

I still don’t understand why those people aren’t simply taken outside and hung from a tree the moment they’re found guilty!!! That’s how it used to be done and I never heard any complaints!!! And it would save a whole lot of our hard earned tax dollars from getting into the wasteful hands of all these Washington DC socialist bureaucrats!!!

By Ettore

September 22, 2011 4:03 PM | Link to this

BwdBob, it’s not a waste of time. I do not agree on providing the death row inmates a large feast. They are not special. Actually, they should not eat for 3 days then executed. Cold to you, but not to me.

By Baron of Greymatter

September 22, 2011 4:02 PM | Link to this

I think this dirtbag was so utterly worthless that even the liberals didn’t come unglued over his execution. They were all too busy coming unglued over the cop-killer executed in Georgia anyway.

By MJK05

September 22, 2011 4:00 PM | Link to this

They should get a last meal, and then they should take them out back make them dig their own grave and put a bullet in their head. Lethal injection should be ended.

By James

September 22, 2011 3:44 PM | Link to this

Is it possible to use Facebook verification for comments sometime soon? The Internet tough guys really take away from the discussion.


September 22, 2011 3:43 PM | Link to this

I agree with this article and have always thought it was silly to custom cater a meal for these criminals.

I do hope someone quickly takes down that senseless, stupid, ignorant, and cowardly comment above. There WILL be a judgement day for everyone, and your hatred towards other humans might be as much of a sin as the heinous act Mr. Brewer participated in!

By chromez

September 22, 2011 3:39 PM | Link to this

“Watch the liberals come unglued”— Tom This nit wit apparently didnt even read the article. A democrat is the one who demanded these kinds of meals be stopped. It must be frustrating buying into the two party hoax. It’s not repubs vs dems, it’s the super rich vs middle/working class.

By LongHo

September 22, 2011 3:26 PM | Link to this


By avatar

September 22, 2011 3:18 PM | Link to this

Senator, the sound of one hand clapping is resonating all across Texas.

By arman

September 22, 2011 3:13 PM | Link to this

The sodium pentathate relaxes the sphincter and all waste in the prisoner’s bowels is released at death. This creates a huge mess in the room. A better practice would be to require prisoners to fast for three days and then purge them in a large vat of salinated water prior to execution.

By BwdBob

September 22, 2011 3:09 PM | Link to this

What a waste of time. A Texas State Senator taking the time to write a letter over an issue as trivial as this. Let me guess, Dimitria Pope helped him with the letter?

By Bruce

September 22, 2011 3:06 PM | Link to this

No surprise that the prison officials actually provided the buffet - the Texas prison system is about as broken and ridiculous as prison systems get.

By Wylie Coyote

September 22, 2011 3:02 PM | Link to this

Watch the liberals come unglued. Maybe they want to offer up themselves as the last meal. And we’ll probably let John William King’s lawyers spend more of the taxpayer’s money on more appeals, etc. It should’ve been a dual execution - then they could’ve shared their last meal.

By Tom

September 22, 2011 2:42 PM | Link to this

Now that. Is a great law.

By Jules

September 22, 2011 2:24 PM | Link to this

Way to go, Sen. Whitmire. This is disgusting.

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