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Global Campus Tamera Healing Biotope 1
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Monte Cerro

Global Campus

world wide education initiative

As members of a global society each one of us arrives to the questions of how best can we contribute to creating not only a world without war, but also a world where we live in profound peace, in truth and trust, and intelligent compassion towards all beings that live on earth.
In the present world situation these questions have never been more timely or urgent than now. Everyday we are given numerous examples of how the world is no longer able to sustain the methods of living, thinking and acting that we, as human beings, have become so accustomed to.
The aim of the Global Campus is to provide a significant contribution to developing knowledge and experience that can actively answer those questions. Drawing on contemporary expertise in all-encompassing and sustainable themes the Global Campus offers a globally reaching education program that is relevant not only to our present situation, but most importantly, to our peaceful future. One part of its vision is that the Global Campus will affect and contribute to a major shift in the knowledge and experiential structures of humanity.

Creating Models

The Global Campus is unique because the education programs are based within intentional models of social living – actively developing social models which aim to create inclusive, all-encompassing and nonviolent forms of living. These models are being created around the world and will provide  profound education in all areas of life: community knowledge, sustainable technologies, permaculture, conflict resolution, water, peaceful dialogue, and spiritual praxis. Particular focus is given to developing peaceful relations between the genders.

The Global Campus was initiated in 2006 by Sabine Lichtenfels, the co-founder of its first base camp – the peace research centre Tamera. With approximately 200 international students attending education and training in Tamera annually, Tamera also supports education programs and training in Colombia (San Jose de Apartado), Palestine (The Holy Land Trust), Brazil (Favela da Paz), United States, Mexico, Switzerland (Schweibenalp – Center of Unity), Germany (Peace Research Village Association), Israel (EcoME).

Knowledge is Empowerment

Monte Cerro

Global Community 2011

Global Campus Education is completed

Representatives from 13 different nations came with the goal of spending the six weeks together studying local and sustainable solutions for globally relevant matters such as food production, water accessibility, electricity generation - and community building. Participants included project leaders and peace workers from Colombia, Brazil, England, Germany, the USA, Mexico, India, Spain, Gaza, Israel, Kenya, Portugal and Egypt. The principles of the Global Campus are rooted in the perception that simple and effective solutions can be found on a local level and applied worldwide. From this emerged the vision for a global network of education centres that all focus on the same basic goals: promoting regional autonomy in food, water and energy supply, a harmonious relationship with nature and social sustainability. What is now being built in Tamera is its first base. At the end of these six weeks, the participants returned to places such as the peace community San José de Apartadó, in Colombia, or the Barefoot College, in India, carrying not only practical knowledge but also the empowering consciousness of being part of a global network of support and cooperation. Apart from enriching those initiatives with pioneering knowledge on solar technology, food production, water retention landscapes and social knowledge of community building and conflict resolution, the Global Campus also gave its participants an important space for exchanging experiences and thoughts – thus giving shape to an ever-larger, ever-stronger global community.
We are working on a full report now and will be available soon.

We thank the students, teachers, and all the supporters for a successful Global Campus 2011. The next Global Campus event is planned for spring 2012 in Colombia. We will post more information here soon. 


To read all reports by Talita Soares Click Here

Monte Cerro

Scholarship Fund

Each year the amount of peace workers from crisis and impoverished areas of the world who wish to take part in the education programmes offered at Tamera are greatly increasing. For many, the relevant, profound and complex education and training offer the possibility not only of a change in perspective for their own lives, but also very real solutions for their families, neighbourhoods, communities and organisations. Knowledge and training is empowerment, and for those who experience the very daily reality of conflict and violence it is also a matter of survival. Building autonomous models that do not destroy, but instead support the regeneration of our planet and us as human beings is an essential element.    
We thank all those peace workers who have committed themselves already to completing the Monte Cerro peace education.
To support more and more peace workers from crisis areas to take part in this education we need financial support.

How you can support

Monte Cerro

How you can Support

There are many ways in which you can financial support a student to study at the Global Campus Tamera. This includes regular monthly or annual donations to general Scholarship Fund or donations to specific students.
For more information please contact the coordinator of the Scholarship Fund:
Kate Bunney: klbunney.igf(at)tamera.org



Monte Cerro

Thank you for your support!

This year the Global Campus Fund received over 57,000 euros for its 6 week education programme 2011. The Global Campus team thanks the following people, and many more, for their generous financial support:


Rafaela Bachmann

Irma Fäthke

Jana Mohaupt

Intercultural Peace Foundation

Elke and Felix Maria Woschek

Community Project Switzerland

Sonja Chaida

Youth Group Tamera

Uta Schneeweiß

Hildegard Montz and Fredy Kradolfer

the Well Being Company

Birkhilde Nicolai

Silvia Belgardt

Mechthild Duhm

Britta Seitz

Sandra Schmid

Klaus Dettwyler

Martin Funk

Immo Fiebrig

Ammar Keylani

Amelie Weimar

Fátima Teixeira

Heidrun Rink

Ina Voigt

Maria Soares

Frieda Radford


and many many more!


With your commitment and your donation, you are investing in the development of a new peace culture.
May our actions and projects serve the cause of global peace work and may they inspire and open up a new outlook on life.
