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Delta 0900
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111011071346/http://astronautix.com/lvs/dela0900.htm

Encyclopedia Astronautica
Delta 0900

American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 9 x Castor 2 + 1 x LT Thor DSV-2L-1C + 1 x DSV-3N-4

LEO Payload: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).

Status: Retired 1972.
Gross mass: 116,500 kg (256,800 lb).
Payload: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Height: 34.00 m (111.00 ft).
Diameter: 2.44 m (8.00 ft).
Thrust: 2,500.00 kN (562,000 lbf).
Apogee: 1,500 km (900 mi).
First Launch: 1972.07.23.
Last Launch: 1972.12.11.
Number: 2 .

Associated Countries
Associated Spacecraft
  • Nimbus American earth weather satellite. 8 launches, 1964.08.28 (Nimbus 1) to 1978.10.13 (Nimbus 7). More...
  • Landsat 1-2-3 American earth land resources satellite. 3 launches, 1972.07.23 (Landsat 1) to 1978.03.05 (Landsat 3). The first 3 Landsat missions were also known as the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) series. More...

See also
  • Delta The Delta launch vehicle was America's longest-lived, most reliable, and lowest-cost space launch vehicle. Development began in 1955 and it continued in service in the 21st Century despite numerous candidate replacements. More...

Associated Manufacturers and Agencies
  • Douglas American manufacturer of rockets, spacecraft, and rocket engines. Boeing Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. More...

Associated Programs
Associated Launch Sites
  • Vandenberg Vandenberg Air Force Base is located on the Central Coast of California about 240 km northwest of Los Angeles. It is used for launches of unmanned government and commercial satellites into polar orbit and intercontinental ballistic missile test launches toward the Kwajalein Atoll. More...
  • Vandenberg SLC2W Delta launch complex. Originally a Thor 75 SMS launch pad. Upgraded to a space launch complex in 1966. More...

Associated Stages
  • Burner 2 Solid propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 774/116 kg. Thrust 43.55 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 285 seconds. Burner II was a launch vehicle upper stage developed by Boeing for the Air Force Space Systems Division. It was the first solid-fuel upper stage with full control and guidance capability developed for general space applications. More...
  • Castor 2 Solid propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 4,424/695 kg. Thrust 258.92 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 262 seconds. More...
  • Delta Thor LT Lox/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 70,354/3,715 kg. Thrust 866.71 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 290 seconds. More...
  • Delta F Nitric acid/UDMH propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 5,629/784 kg. Thrust 41.36 kN. Vacuum specific impulse 280 seconds. More...

Delta 0900 Chronology

1972 July 23 - . 18:06 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2W. LV Family: Delta. Launch Vehicle: Delta 0900. LV Configuration: Delta 0900 574/D89.
  • Landsat 1 - . Payload: ERTS A. Mass: 816 kg (1,798 lb). Nation: USA. Agency: NASA Greenbelt. Program: Landsat. Class: Earth. Type: Earth resources satellite. Spacecraft: Landsat 1-2-3. USAF Sat Cat: 6126 . COSPAR: 1972-058A. Apogee: 909 km (564 mi). Perigee: 898 km (557 mi). Inclination: 99.1000 deg. Period: 103.10 min. Summary: Earth Resources Technology Satellite. Spacecraft engaged in practical applications and uses of space technology such as weather or communication (US Cat C)..

1972 December 11 - . 07:56 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2W. LV Family: Delta. Launch Vehicle: Delta 0900. LV Configuration: Delta 0900 577/D93.
  • Nimbus 5 - . Payload: Nimbus E. Mass: 722 kg (1,591 lb). Nation: USA. Agency: NASA Greenbelt. Class: Earth. Type: Weather satellite. Spacecraft: Nimbus. USAF Sat Cat: 6305 . COSPAR: 1972-097A. Apogee: 1,101 km (684 mi). Perigee: 1,088 km (676 mi). Inclination: 100.1000 deg. Period: 107.20 min. Environmental research. Primary experiments included a temperature-humidity infrared radiometer (THIR) for measuring day and night surface and cloudtop temperatures as well as the water vapor content of the upper atmosphere, electrically scanning microwave radiometer (ESMR) for mapping the microwave radiation from the earth's surface and atmosphere, infrared temperature profile radiometer (ITPR) for obtaining vertical profiles of temperature and moisture, Nimbus E microwave spectrometer (NEMS) for determining tropospheric temperature profiles, atmospheric water vapor abundances, and cloud liquid water contents, selective chopper radiometer (SCR) for observing the global temperature structure of the atmosphere, and a surface composition mapping radiometer (SCMR) for measuring the differences in the thermal emission characteristics of the earth's surface.

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