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Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine: International Business & Economy News
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111028013941/http://www.businessweek.com:80/magazine/news/articles/business_news.htm


Hard Choices

Walter Isaacson on Steve Jobs’s Reality Distortion Field
Walter Isaacson on Steve Jobs’s Reality Distortion Field
The author of the just-published Jobs biography recalls the challenges of breaking through Jobs’s reality distortion field to get at the truth

Debate Room

Occupy Wall Street: The Right Focus
Occupy Wall Street: The Right Focus
Protesters are wise to focus on unequal income distribution—such as the outsize gains reaped by financial-industry companies. Pro or con? Read the debate and hear Bloomberg.com's Suzanne Woolley discuss what she saw at the front lines of the demonstration

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Top Stories

David Graeber, the Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street

Meet the anthropologist, activist, and anarchist who helped transform a hapless rally into a global protest movement

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

How one group of entrepreneurs is trying to get its business off the ground—and why the Arab Spring depends on it

Alaska’s Billion Dollar Mountain

The story of one man who used a little persuasion—and a lot of luck—to win the rights to millions of tons of rare earths

Opening Remarks

Riding the Wrong Wave

Bloomberg View: Why a Flat Tax Won’t Work; Making Swiss Accounts Less … Swiss


News - Global Economics

Colombia Gets a U.S. Trade Treaty It May No Longer Need

Swiss Riffs on the Gold Bar, from Hello Kitty to Snoopy

The Euro Players

Tom Keene Talks to JPMorgan Chase’s James Glassman

Turkey's Credit-Card Crunch

The Surprising Strength of the Japanese Yen

Seven Days

News - Companies & Industries

China's New Protectionism

Interactive Ads: Cable’s Future May Already Have Passed

Fiat Threatens to Quit Italy

Can This IBMer Keep Big Blue's Edge?


News - Politics & Policy

Repeal Obamacare? Good Luck

Attack of the Early Attack Ads

How to Invest in the 2012 Election

Rick Perry’s Not-Really-All-That-Flat Tax

Fighting Pilot Fatigue on Military Charter Flights

Charlie Rose Talks to Paul Volcker

News - Technology

Google's Spreading Tentacles of Influence

The Joy of Tech™

Sending in the Marines to Support Biofuels

Hyperink, a Content Farm That Grows Books

The Million App March

Hackers Find Quirky Uses for Siri

News - Markets & Finance

To Get Ahead, Stick Your Neck Out

For Risk-Takers, Stock Plays in the U.S. and Europe

The Great Retirement Rethink

Beware the Registered Investment Adviser

In Financial Ads, the Dream Comes Down to Earth

Winners and Losers of 2011

Where Are the Markets Headed?

BGOV Insider

Bloomberg Government Insider: States of Play


Shaquille O’Neal’s All-Star Twitter Coach

Chris Pollak, King of Pain

The Perfect Everyday Belt

Space Beer: Great Taste, Less Gravity

Surviving White-Collar Prison

Corrections & Clarifications

"Cash from the Boss to Replace Payday Loans" (Focus On Enterprise, Oct. 24-30, 2011)

Magazine Issues

Innovator Series

Kirk Cameron Cuts Computers' Power Use
Kirk Cameron Cuts Computers' Power Use
Surprised by the electricity usage of supercomputers, the Virginia Tech professor wrote software to cut their power consumption. Now it’s available for PCs

The Stack

Book Review: <em>Thinking, Fast and Slow</em> by Daniel Kahneman
Book Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
A Nobel laureate’s new book cautions us not to trust our gut