(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
CGW Museum - Home
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111203172137/http://www.cgwmuseum.org:80/
You climb the finely chiseled stone steps and swing open the heavy oaken door to the Museum. You take a few steps inside... Directly to your right, a bulletin board spells out the latest news:
Interested in a DVD of CGW issues? E-mail us at cgwmuseum@gmail.com

Want to contribute to the work of the Museum? Donate via PayPal to: cgwmuseum@gmail.com
21 August 2011 Move completed
The move of the CGW Museum is now complete. As you have likely noticed, our new address is www.cgwmuseum.org. All scanned issues are now online, and changes have been made to links/descriptions where appropriate. If you notice anything that doesn't work, please send an e-mail to let us know!

As we are now have our own hosting, there are no further download restrictions on issues. However, we also have to pay for our own hosting, so please consider a donation to help us run the site.

17 August 2011 Moving!
The CGW Museum is moving! Many thanks to vintagegaming.org who have hosted us for over seven years. The new address is: www.cgwmuseum.org. Please bear with us we transfer the site. Note that the issues are currently off-line.
13 August 2011 Entering the 2000s
Just added 8 more issues: we're now in the year 2000, with available issues spanning January to August. The magazines are much thinner, mainly between 150 and 200 pages, as opposed to the 400 to 500 page monsters of the mid to late 1990s. Much easier for scanning! I'm out of magazines again but I'm expecting a shipment in the coming weeks.

Still missing the following issues - if you can provide them, send me a note:
  • 1999 - 178, 180, 181
  • 2000 - 186 (Planescape: Torment poster only), 194-197
  • 2003 - 228, 229, 231, 233
  • 2005 - 248, 250, 254
  • 2006 - 260, 265-268
Up ahead, passages in all directions lead to dimly lit galleries. From where you stand, you can still distinguish the framed magazines that you think may hold some of the secrets of the early days of computer gaming. You are sure that the Museum holds a treasure trove of information. Perhaps you might even find information about the creation of the first online casinos or the first adventure game. The original roulette casino games date back to the 18th century but the new online casinos are dramatically changing the landscape with new features, graphics and game types.

A stack of freshly printed newsletters sits in a neat pile on a shelf to your left. You also notice a few older ones nearby, no doubt discarded by previous guests. Further down towards the entrance to the galleries, you can see, and hear, an animated group of visitors talking and bartering.

Closer to you, the attendant's booth is currently empty, but a hastily scribbled note stuck on the glass invites you to pick up a flyer for more information regarding the Museum. Directly next to the booth, a leather-bound guestbook lies open on a low table. Giving it a quick glance, you already recognize some of the names!

Questions, comments or suggestions? Please send an e-mail to the Museum

183702 visitors have set foot in the Museum since 17 Mar 2004

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