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The Worst Star Wars Expanded Universe Characters - UGO.com
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The Worst Star Wars Expanded Universe Characters

The worst Star Wars expanded universe characters.

Last week we wound through the furthest reaches of the Star Wars universe to give you the Top 50 Star Wars EU Characters. The books, comics, radio plays and video games - the TV specials, not so much - have all fleshed out George Lucas's creation in some marvelous ways. But there's a dark underbelly to the Expanded Universe, one which extends far deeper than even the slums of Coruscant. Whether they were poorly conceived, pointless or simply flat-out stupid, Star Wars' EU is not without its dregs. Read onwards then as we run through the lowliest scrubs in the Star Wars universe, the characters who are too stupid to live yet too bound in by the Force to simply fade away.

NOTE: In case you missed the last feature, there are some rules. Expanded Universe characters are defined as those who never appeared in any of George Lucas's six Star Wars films.



Name: Luuke
Homeworld: Wayland
Species: Human clone
First Appeared In: The Last Command
Occupation: Serving as a conduit for his clone master's will
Faction Affiliation: Joruus C'baoth
Why Luuke: Attack of the double-Us returns! Luke Skywalker: lovable farmboy who goes on to behead the Galactic Empire and take command of the New Jedi Order as its Grand Master. Luuke Skywalker: pathetic Luke clone created to serve as an extension of Joruus C'baoth's (also a clone) will. It's enough to make a Star Wars fan want to convert to Star Trek. Timothy Zahn may be one of the best writers on the Expanded Universe team, but he sure is responsible for a lot of stupid clones. Luuke is the ultimate; nothing beyond an empty, living vessel for fulfilling Joruus's malevolent plans, Luuke was thankfully put down when Luke and Mara Jade teamed up at the end of The Last Command. Really, Luuke's only true purpose was to allow Mara to get her revenge on Luke Skywalker without, you know, actualy KILLING the future Grand Master of the Jedi Order... not to mention her future husband.

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