

SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++. It is used in various Mozilla products, including Firefox, and is available under MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license.

The most recent standalone source code release implements JavaScript 1.8.5, and is largely the same engine that shipped with Firefox 4. To find out more about this version of SpiderMonkey, check out the Release Notes. You can download full source code here: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/js185-1.0.0.tar.gz (MD5 checksum: a4574365938222adca0a6bd33329cb32).



SpiderMonkey Build Documentation How to get SpiderMonkey source code, build it, and run the test suite.
Introduction to the JavaScript shell

How to get, build, and use the JavaScript shell.

Running Automated JavaScript Tests How to run the JavaScript test suites.
Creating JavaScript tests How to add tests to the JavaScript test suites.
New to Spidermonkey A guide to hacking on SpiderMonkey.


JSAPI User Guide This guide provides an overview of SpiderMonkey and describes how you can embed engine calls in your applications to make them JavaScript-aware.
JSAPI Phrasebook Shows the JSAPI translation of some commonly used JavaScript expressions and statements.
JSAPI Reference SpiderMonkey API reference.
Bytecode Reference SpiderMonkey bytecode reference.
JS Debugger API Guide A user guide to the new JavaScript Debugger API introduced in Gecko 8.0 (Firefox 8.0 / Thunderbird 8.0 / SeaMonkey 2.5) .
JS Debugger API Reference API reference for the Debugger object introduced in SpiderMonkey 1.8.6, which corresponds to Gecko 8.0 (Firefox 8.0 / Thunderbird 8.0 / SeaMonkey 2.5) .
JSDBGAPI Reference SpiderMonkey debugging API reference; this is for the debugging API from releases prior to SpiderMonkey 1.8.5, although it hasn't been removed.

Tips, tricks and philosophy

How to embed the JavaScript engine A bare-bones tutorial about embedding SpiderMonkey.
SpiderMonkey Garbage Collection Tips Tips on avoiding garbage collector pitfalls.
SpiderMonkey Internals A design overview and a file-by-file walkthrough of the implementation.
SpiderMonkey Internals: Thread Safety How SpiderMonkey's request model works inside.


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