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GosuGamers | News: Confirmed: KeSPA and OGN with StarCraft 2 leagues in May and July
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Confirmed: KeSPA and OGN with StarCraft 2 leagues in May and July

Écrit par Radoslav "Nydra" Kolev 25 days ago

Today, KeSPA, OnGameNet, Blizzard and GomTV came out with information about the previously announced "new e-Sports vision". At a ceremony at the COEX Intercontinental Hotel in South Korea it has been confirmed - a StarCraft 2 Proleague will launch this very month!

Each of the three Korean e-Sports organizations--KeSPA, OnGameNet and GomTV--will contribute to this transition from BroodWar to StarCraft 2.

KeSPA has recognized StarCraft 2 as an official KeSPA game and will hold a StarCraft 2 Proleague starting this May. Although this first season will feature both BroodWar and StarCraft 2, the second one starting October will be SC2-only. According to the same source, there still are no details about GSTL/GomTV teams taking part in those tournaments.

OnGameNet will launch an individual StarCraft 2 league starting July. The tournament will be open to anybody, regardless if they are KeSPA, GOMTV or amateur players. The league will also be broadcasted to the foreign audience.

GomTV would allow BroodWar pro-gamers to compete against GSL players in either tournament or show-match setting and "would facilitate it whenever the Brood War players were ready and desired it."

From the official Blizzard release

"Blizzard is devoted to the future of Korean eSports. Korea has been a world leader in developing the eSports industry, and we are very happy that we will be able to see more televised games between the best players in the world, Korean Starcraft II players” said Blizzard Entertainment COO Paul Sams. “We think that it is very important that we formed an cooperative relationship with GomTV, OnGameNet, and KeSPA, who share a vision for the future of eSports in Korea."

"OnGameNet has been a pioneer in the new market called eSports for the last ten years. It's now time for Korean esports to make a second leap, and make its way into the global market. This four party cooperation is an opportunity to affirm the love of esports fans around the world, and we believe it will be a key impetus in the globalization of esports," said CJ E&M; [OnGamenet mother company] representative Kim Seong Soo.

“GomTV will continue to uphold its ideal of eSports as something that is open to the entire world, and we will cooperate with eSports companies in and out of Korea for the balanced growth of Starcraft II not just in Korea, but in the entire world,” commented GomTV representative Bae In Sik.

Korean eSports association chairman Lee Hyung Hee said “KeSPA stood at the center of development of Starcraft esports, and contributed greatly to laying the foundation for the Korean eSports industry. Starcraft II, which will be implemented in the SK Planet Proleague Season 2, is a great game that has been acclaimed around the world, and we await its role in elevating the eSports market to another level.”

Additional information about the OGN and KeSPA tournaments is yet to be released.

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#1 windex 25 days ago
Can't wait to see the current top BW players in sc2 in a few months :)
#2 ShockeR_40 (Senior GosuBet Manager SC) 25 days ago
this is big.. really big. It might even succeed, who knows..

finally something interesting is happening
#3 RamiZ 25 days ago
Really nice! :)
#4 GuMiho 25 days ago
this is the biggest issue of sc2 scene history... how many months will they take until compete code S lvl players in big tournaments? :) most of them are now in GM or high master league though

Gomtv CEO "i want to see Bisu's protoss in sc2." ^^
#5 queze 25 days ago
#1 ask noony how well it went from him, 2 articles away ^^

indeed big news and awesome for the e-sport but a few of the top bw players will dissapear in the process for sure.
#6 GuMiho 25 days ago
i think all top bw players will be successful in sc2. those guys have way better talents and gaming senses than normal ppl can imagine as there are no near top-tier bw players in current sc2 yet. but i don't think they will be dominant as they did in bw :)
#7 maaciboy 25 days ago
if you mean top 10, yes i agree
if you mean top 20, yes maybe that will do

but top 50, i seriously doubt all of them will be good at sc2.
I cant wait tbh
#8 scumbag.648 25 days ago
#5 apparently you don't really get what it's about.

let me try to elaborate...

nony was an amazing starcraft player during TSL2, when he was actively training and giving everything he had.
In SC2 he has serious motivation problems (as well as other problems), which keep him from getting two of the most important things: a good mindset and the necessary practice hours. I honestly believe, that if he got his shit together and was able to put some more effort into SC2 he could definitely get to the top again.

The korean pros on the other hand, have the mindset, waaaaahaaaaahaaaaayyyyy more determination (means they will grind games 14 hours a day, everyday), most likely more talent and mechanics none of us have seen in SC2 before.

Now the question is.... how much do they want it?
The ones who really love the game will probably succeed. The ones who don't wont.
#9 GuMiho 25 days ago
only forgg, hyun, mvp were in top 50 in recent bw scene before they switch to sc2. rest of other sc2 players? they couldn't even get in there. but we have way more experiences and prepared much faster for sc2 than those bw pros, so definitely have advantages and sc2 is kinda easy for everyone to play at high lvl. it probably won't be that easy to be the best in sc2 even for top 20 bw pros. but like top 5... well those guys have chosen talents and senses for gaming(just geniuses) seems every sc2 pros expecting those will be amazing in sc2 too.
#10 TaShadan 25 days ago
sad day for broodwar
nothing to watch for me anymore :(
#11 Spuczan (Replay Manager SC) 25 days ago
If thats mean they want to shut down all SCBW leagues thats sux. But if they try create only SC2 proleague that is a good news ;)
#12 TaShadan 25 days ago
they shut down all scbw leagues
thats exactly what it means
thanks blizzard for killing the best game they made and replace it with a mediocre action game
#13 max1c 25 days ago
#14 gwj_1337 24 days ago
My Flash/Bisu/Jaedong tri-gasm is one step nearer..... /grin
#15 Slorm 24 days ago
#12 i agree completly with you
#16 ImtoR 24 days ago
#10 Eh old games forevah... Move on.
#17 TaShadan 24 days ago
#16 i would move on but bw is just better than sc2
#18 eery 24 days ago
this is very sad news, indeed =( so far i've seen only one SC2 game (and i've seen a lot) that even came close to the excitement of a Flash -vs- Jaedong final. and it's not just the players. having Jaedong and Flash play SC2 won't make SC2 any better. it's just that in SC2 everything's clumped/balled up - C&C style clash of mega armies which can not nearly be microed on the same level as was common in SC.
damn you Blizzard for f*cking up SC2's game mechanics - completely unusable for serious progaming!
#19 Slorm 24 days ago
blizzard and kespa are fucking retarded
#20 Da_venom 24 days ago
well that's it the end of BW

I had tons of good memories on BW

sadly all of that will come to and end now. Blizzard used to be a good company but as of late they only are a money generating machine

Gues i will revert back to the old HOMM games;)

and by a big note VODS kept bw alive long because they were fun to watch and sometimes had incredible gameplay displayed

i cannot see the vods of sc2 being good it's all bulki and for me no sense to watch it

i've played it and immediatly removed it from my hard drive :) it horrible game ^^

#21 TaShadan 24 days ago
well its not Blizzard anymore its Activision Blizzard now and obviously it changed alot...
#22 Spuczan (Replay Manager SC) 23 days ago
HOMM3 is still great game ;)
#23 Da_venom 22 days ago

i know :) i love playing homm games except for 6 since that one is like sc2 it fails as succeser xD
#24 sanchez 19 days ago
i cant agreee more...
#25 BizZaRrE 18 days ago
agreed #12/#20#22 ;-)

It's really sad... BW was the greatest game and wayyyyyyy ahead of SC2. :/
#26 Spuczan (Replay Manager SC) 11 days ago
Blizzard can't kill SCBW. But we can! If we will do nothing and cry we let SCBW die every single day.

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