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Ke$ha Claims Not To Use Autotune (VIDEO): Does She Or Doesn't She?
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20120823100503/http://www.huffingtonpost.com:80/2010/05/10/keha-autotune-video-star_n_570712.html

Ke$ha Claims Not To Use Autotune (VIDEO): Does She Or Doesn't She?

Kesha Autotune

Huffington Post   First Posted: 05/10/10 06:09 PM ET Updated: 05/25/11 05:25 PM ET

Even the Wall Street Journal knows it: The auto-tune war is on.

Some stars can't get enough of the tune transformer, while others, like Jay-Z, hope for the "death of auto-tune."

A new YouTube clip from SoManyMP3s suggests Ke$ha may be a bit confused about where she stands.

The video shows Ke$ha talking about how she doesn't use auto-tune in her music--followed immediately by clips of Ke$ha songs that, to some, sound like they rely heavily on auto-tune.

"I don't use auto-tune," Ke$ha says. "I come from a country music-writing family."

She adds, "I'm not auto-tuning my vocals."

Check out the clip then tell us what you think.


Quick Poll

Does Ke$ha use auto-tune?


Yes--but she doesn't have to admit it.

Yes--and she should fess up.


Even the Wall Street Journal knows it: The auto-tune war is on. Some stars can't get enough of the tune transformer, while others, like Jay-Z, hope for the "death of auto-tune." A new YouTube cl...
Even the Wall Street Journal knows it: The auto-tune war is on. Some stars can't get enough of the tune transformer, while others, like Jay-Z, hope for the "death of auto-tune." A new YouTube cl...
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09:37 AM on 05/21/2010
i mean in Take It Off.. not in your love is my drug.
09:27 AM on 05/21/2010
Hey, Ke$ha if you read this pls try not to get us wrong... it's ok to admit that your using auto-tune cause it adds fun in the music. Just be true it's really ok for us to your fans.. you don't need to worry we really had fun in listening to your music BUT i know your a singer and i know NOT all your songs were auto-tuned. But it's clear to say that there is an auto-tune applied in your song 'Your Love is my Drug"... hmm i think it's in the first part of the song... when you're singing.. "There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around, it's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free for all"... that's the line.
09:26 AM on 05/21/2010
Hey, Ke$ha if you read this pls try not to get us wrong... it's ok to admit that your using auto-tune cause it adds fun in the music. Just be true it's really ok for us to your fans.. you don't need to worry we really had fun in listening to your music BUT i know your a singer and i know NOT all your songs were auto-tuned. But it's clear to say that their is an auto-tune applied in your song 'You Love is my Drug"... hmm i think it's in the first part of the song... when you're.. "There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around, it's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free for all"... that's the line.
My micro-bio is empty.
10:26 PM on 05/14/2010
If she really doesn't use autotune, she must be pretty dumb not to realize that somebody is using it for her on her tracks.
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12:04 PM on 05/14/2010
She doesn't use autotune. Her producer does.
07:26 PM on 05/12/2010
"No Autotune", huh? Yeah, riiiight. I also have a bridge to sell you...

Let's just say that if I heard Ke$ha perform this song without AutoTune, I might actually believe her:
06:10 PM on 05/12/2010
Lol thats funny
06:08 PM on 05/12/2010
Why is Ke$ha doing the "Lady Gaga Moster Pose" in the photo?

Please...I hope you don't think you are to be confused with Lady Gaga???
If so, you need a "brain-tune-up".
05:30 PM on 05/12/2010
Is this the way of the guy who calls himself T-Pain?
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03:47 PM on 05/12/2010
She never uses autotune. Some guy in the booth does.

My buddy used to always carry 2 beers around at parties so he could always answer honestly that he just had 2 beers.
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02:26 PM on 05/12/2010
I'm the Queen of England!...
01:26 PM on 05/12/2010
I absolutely despise AutoTune...
Was she referring to her studio work or live performances?
11:30 AM on 05/12/2010
That's hilarious.

Not only does she use Auto-Tune or some other automated vocal pitch 'correction' software for her T-Pain like me-too excesses like that in the clip, she also uses it more subtly to correct what we can only assume are out-of-tune vocals on some or all of her more conventional ballads.

Anyone familiar with the artifacts of Auto-Tune, Melodyne, and other pitch-correction software can spot the tell-tale signs.

Maybe SHE is such a tin-ear that she thinks people can't hear it. But anyone with a good pair -- of EARS -- can, if they know what to listen for. And sometimes, it's so clumsily done, you *don't* need to know what to look for.

What a truck load.
11:12 AM on 05/12/2010
Not that I care, but she is using auto tune. When she was on SNL I painfully watched her try and sing when her auto tune mic went out. She can not sing. Period.
John Fudrow
10:22 AM on 05/12/2010
If she doesn't use pro tools, autotune, or some pitch blending device than I will eat my hat.
11:07 AM on 05/12/2010
SHE doesn't use auto-tune... but her producer does! Simple semantics my friend...