(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Spain - Reporters Without Borders
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121015041852/http://en.rsf.org/spain.html

Reporters Without Borders


Media presence not wanted when police disperse protests

Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns police violence against press photographers and reporters covering the protests that have taken place (...)

Published on 23 August 2011 Read


Concern about death threats against journalist investigating corruption in southern Spain

Reporters Without Borders is worried about the increasingly direct death threats that Gorka Zamarreño, an investigative reporter for (...)

Published on 22 April 2011 Read


Spanish judge to go to Baghdad to investigate cameraman’s death in 2003

Reporters Without Borders hails a decision by Spain’s judicial oversight council, the CGPJ, to allow National Court judge Santiago Pedraz to go to (...)

Published on 15 September 2010 Read


After seven years, closed newspaper finally acquitted of Basque terrorist links

Reporters Without Borders hails a Spanish court’s decision on 12 April to acquit five journalists who ran the Basque-language daily Euskaldunon (...)

Published on 14 April 2010 Read


Court urged to acquit journalists in trial of Basque daily Egunkaria

Reporters Without Borders calls on the court that is trying five journalists who ran the Basque-language daily Euskaldunon Egunkaria to acquit of (...)

Published on 3 February 2010 Read


ETA bombing of Basque daily firmly condemned

Five kilos of explosive were set off early today outside the daily El Correo’s premises in Zamudio, in Spain’s northern Basque region, destroying (...)

Published on 8 June 2008 Read


Judge Santiago Pedraz calls new witnesses in Couso case

Spanish judge, Santiago Padraz, has summoned Spanish defence minister in the José Maria Aznar government, Frederico Trillo, and ex foreign (...)

Published on 20 May 2008 Read


Justice minister urged to conclude judicial proceedings that have kept Basque daily closed since 2003

Reporters Without Borders calls on the justice minister to conclude the judicial proceedings against the Basque-language newspaper Egunkaria that (...)

Published on 3 April 2008 Read

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He is the editor of Erk, the last opposition newspaper in Uzbekistan until it was banned by the authorities in 1993, and he was jailed on 18 August 1999 in the wave of repression after the failed assassination attempt on President Islam Karimov in Tashkent on 16 February 1999.

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