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PETA to move 40 Norfolk workers to Los Angeles | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20121029173450/http://hamptonroads.com:80/2009/12/peta-move-40-norfolk-workers-los-angeles

PETA to move 40 Norfolk workers to Los Angeles

Posted to: Business Jobs PETA

Go west, young animal lovers.

PETA will transfer about 40 employees - a quarter of its staff - from its Norfolk headquarters next summer to capitalize on the bright lights and big names of Los Angeles.

The organization will move its campaigns, youth and online marketing divisions to Los Angeles, said Tracy Reiman, PETA's executive vice president.

"These departments conceive of and carry out those eye- and headline-catching, envelope-pushing and just plain quirky actions that have helped put animal rights on the map," she said.

PETA currently employs about 160 people locally. It moved its headquarters from Rockville, Md., to Norfolk in 1996. It opened a Los Angeles office in 2006, Reiman said.

PETA is expanding that office, she said, to be closer "to the city that defines popular culture and cultivates big personalities and bigger ideas. We can have a big impact on the small screen and the larger screen."

PETA doesn't plan to move its headquarters, which sit on Front Street, at the edge of the Elizabeth River. "We love this building," Reiman said. "We intend to stay here forever." It will continue to house "our most important departments," including laboratory and undercover investigations, she said.

"We've been able to make an impact on this community in ways we never imagined," Reiman said.

Locally, PETA has spayed or neutered more than 57,000 animals, she said, provided 4,500 doghouses, and helped turn Norfolk into "one of the most wonderful vegan cities in the country."

Philip Walzer, (757) 222-3864, phil.walzer@pilotonline.com


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Dont let the door hit ya

People Embarrassing Tidewater Again will fit in great with all the hippies, deadbeats, criminals, zombies and other social deviants that make up LA.

Good riddance and take the rest of your cronies with you!!!

Good Luck, PETA

I wish you nothing but continued success, and I hope that you are able to help more people see how factory farming is ridiculous on every level...you reached me...it took me 40 years, but I have finally seen the light...

yeah, I guess

they don't fit in with the bigots, racists, fascists and religious fanatics in this area.


Charles, feel free to join them in LA. Would not want you to have to endure us anymore.

but I enjoy

watching y'all go apoplectic when confronted with your inanities and ignorance. It makes me laugh.

It's too bad

Just wish they would meove the entire terrorist group out of the Tidewater area completly!

See Ya

We won't miss you!!!! (hey, while you're at it, bring the rest of the office with you)


now hopefully they build theyre main office somewhere right along the San Andreas Fault!!

Too bad

the greedy insurance companies will say Heck No. Darn, would love to see the new HQ straddle the fault

Los Angeles?

I'd think very, very long and hard about leaving the Tidewater area to move to Los Angeles. There would have to be a huge pay and benefits increase to cover the cost of living for starters. Not to mention the HUGE expense of housing out there.


shhh! dont tell'm that:>)

That Steam Song

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye!

Gone, go away

Bye. But I hope you PETA folks realize, Californians like hamburgers too! In and Out burgers are the best!

Still curious though, why, if we are omnivorous leaning toward carnivorous by nature, is it unethical to eat meat? Is the lion being unethical to the impala? The bird unethical to the worm? I think PETA just can't accept that we are animals too, part of the ecosystem ourselves, and eating other living things is part of who we are.

Don't forget the sea kitten

Don't forget the sea kitten tacos.

about time

They just realized they would fit better in Los Angeles and not in southeastern VA?

I wonder if it is possible to ship the entire building and all of it's occupants to California.


It's amazing the ignorant and stupid comments here about PETA. Yes, this organization can be extreme and go too far but they also have done amazing things for animals and yes, even Norfolk. (Including that great dog park, where I walk my best buddy, Timmy. )
I'm glad PETA is here and I'm glad for what you do to help and educate people on animals and animal welfare.


"Yes, this organization can be extreme and go too far but they also have done amazing things for animals"

When someone is "extreme", it does not matter that they "have done amazing things for animals", because the only thing people focus on or remember is how they "go to far".

So you commit an act of

So you commit an act of terrorism but help a little old lady across the street on your way there, so that makes up for it????? No! PETA is extremist and any good they do toward reducing animal cruelty is absolutely negated by their irresponsible and often illegal actions. You don't win the game or make your point by being offensive, ignoring laws and regulations, and operating so far outside the realm of what is reasonable that you look stupid. PETA deserves the derisive mocking they are getting here.

Good Things?

Last summer I went to PETA against my better judgement when I went to a local kennel and saw how horrible the conditions were. No fresh air in over 110 degree heat and no one had cleaned the kennels in sometime. It was a privately owned kennel. They simply said that they did not have the resources to help out. But yet the same weekend they could protest McDonalds in downtown Norfolk where they had young (under 8) kids standing within 1 foot of the busy street but that wasn't a problem but when it came to protecting the animals they "didn't have the resources" they are a front for liberals who really dont know what to protect or how to.


You may have missed the headlines last year when they caught PETA dumping dead aminals in the dumpster after they killed them woops I meen euthanized them.Now that is the way to treat animals and be proud of it.PETA needs to move to the nut state (Ca).PETA people are extremist and when you are an extremist you will do anything for your cause no matter laws you break and that is no different than the anti abortionist that kill Doctors


Good Bye, please move the entire company....

And your little dog toe-toe too!

"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog TOE-TOE too! Good bye and good riddence.

PETA started out with good intentions, but became a bizarre and questionable organization, just so the employees could justify their existence.

Drink Beer not Milk?, Don't eat chickens? You get the point...

And your little dog toe-toe too!

"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog TOE-TOE too! Good bye and good riddence.

PETA started out with good intentions, but became a bizarre and questionable organization, just so the employees could justify their existence.

Drink Beer not Milk?, Don't eat chickens? You get the point...


The city of Norfolk will be a little less entertaining.

Hey, there's still a

Hey, there's still a happening night life at Waterside, and on Granby....wait, nevermind.

But you'll be able to ride the tide to get there!

Yea but

Still the the city council, city mangler and police chief to provide the comedy relief.


having lived in LA for 5 years, I wonder if the employees who are transferring realize how expensive EVERYTHING is there..........

Read your offer letters before signing on the dotted line.........from the sound of the article, it will be the younger employees being sent to LA........wonder why........


..should be the last thought when one has an opportunity to live and work in a city that defines popular culture and cultivates big personalities and bigger ideas. Where they can have a big impact on the small screen and the larger screen. A progressive icon of liberalism.

Gangs, crime, traffic that makes here look like country roads, in a state facing bankruptcy. What could be better?


Is that more proof that all the nuts eventually end up in California?


After reading all these comments by (no doubt, the "let's go huntin'and kill sumpin!" mentality of this war-mongering region) at least the part of the country PETA is moving to will have the mental capacity to appreciate their efforts (and as for "using extremism" - what with Obama dragging us into another Bushbaby bomb-us-some-business mentality, Y'ALL don't even yet know the meaning of the word EXTREMISM ... but you soon will! When I first moved to this area, 2 different profs at ODU made a point of coming up to me at 2 different parts of campus, to tell me almost verbatim: "You know, you don't belong here, right?" Although at the time was taken aback, asked both "Well, just where do you think I belong?" Both said (again, almost verbatim): "In California or New York - you know, some place where people ACTUALLY THINK!" What was perceived as a personal insult was actually a warning about the area I had made the mistake of moving to. Now I can't wait for all you yoo-ha-haa's to prove my point when reading your comments to follow mine........

part of the country

You mean the bankrupt part of the country?


is not my favorite group but that particular exchange was good for a chuckle

Just Remember, All You Tea Party-Types...

Just remember, all you Tea Party-types out there, that, in the words of one of your favorites, "...Extremism, in the defence of liberty, is no vice!" Maybe it makes a difference whose "liberty" you're talking about --- might be possible that animals have liberties, too.

As long

As long as they don't take liberties with the carpet.

Sure they do!?

So I guess if they have liberties, then maybe they deserve a check from the government, like all of you "liberal, government owes me, pay for my welfare, healthcare," thinkers...

>> might be possible that animals have liberties, too.

So that's what is was? The animals had so many liberties that the PeTAphiles couldn't keep up with them, so they killed all the dogs and dumped their remains in trash bins throughout the Mid-Atlantic to cut back on their paperwork?

Don't you love how these nuts talk about animal ethics and liberties at the front door, while putting down the same animals behind that door?


…I think the move is a great idea. They should be in a more progressive location. For the sake of the animals, maybe the rest will move to New York in the near future.

PETA to move 40 Norfolk workers to Los Angeles

Iraq would be a better local, they may have a better perspective of animal cruelty...

Typical comments from this area

Shame on you PETA! You help animals all over the world, provide low cost spay and neuter services to the entire Hampton Roads area, provide jobs in the area and show beautiful nekkid woman. HOW DARE YOU! Don't leave PETA, for the love of GOD I may get assaulted with a big truck and rebel flag. Of course I should just follow you (do you need a roadie?) and experience (GASP!) open minds.

Trifecta of dumb

You hit the trifecta. A straw man argument, bigoted stereotypes, and, the last refuge of the incompetent, sarcasm.

Why stop with only a partial move

Go ahead and move the rest of the staff out to LA. Enjoy the lights, sounds, and big celebrity pocket books. Enough to fund the entire staff!!!!!

Just Wondering

How was it that PETA wound up in Norfolk, VA in the first place?

They were impressed by the

They were impressed by the great fishing and hunting here. And everyone knows that Dog n Burger and Doumars have great hamburgers and hot dogs. :)

How did PeTA end up here?

They did deep research and found out there were lots more places to dump the carcasses of the animals they "saved", plus the Ocean is a great place to dispose of the remains. Right Ingrid?

Answer for Speechless

To answer your question...they moved here from Washington, DC for the lower cost of living and running the business.

I'm just curious

if Norfolk extended any tax incentives to PETA to land them here in the first place & if so, have they fulfilled their part of the bargain before pulling chocks?

Ohhh, the injustice

How many trees are they going to kill in order to make their packing boxes? How many dinosaurs will be sacrificed to fuel the moving trucks? What will be the environmental impact on the growth of a city that has elevated pollution, excessive water needs, and a republican governator?

I've witnessed what PETA does

The definition of "ignorance" is ... the lack of knowledge, education or awareness. How sad to read comments posted by people who obviously do not have the "knowledge, education, or awareness" of the positive things that PETA accomplishes. I have witnessed first hand of their actions against animal abuse. Animals DO have rights and they deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. I applaud PETA for their voice and their actions. Yes, there have been cases where some PETA members have acted in an extreme manner. But should all of PETA be judged for their actions? No. I thank all the employees and volunteers of PETA for their hard work and dedication.


Now I can wear my fur coat in peace!

don't stop there!

They need to move the other 120 “to the city that defines popular culture and cultivates big personalities and bigger ideas."


Quote: “These departments conceive of and carry out those eye- and headline-catching, envelope-pushing and just plain quirky actions that have helped put animal rights on the map,” she said."

It's the employees' creative minds that are responsible for that, not the location where they work. I wonder how many of the 40 will actually move to L.A., and if they do, how much will membership dues increase to pay higher salaries for their higher living costs?

Quote: "Reiman said PETA wanted to be closer “to the city that defines popular culture and cultivates big personalities and bigger ideas. We can have a big impact on the small screen and the larger screen.”

Translation - the celebrities won't come to Norfolk.

Good work

Although PETA does some off the wall things, they still do a lot of good work and I hope that continues.

Not A PETA Supporter But...

Move them into Santa Monica and they will fit right in.

In reality, it's likely that the decision to move these creative functions to CA is because the talent desired to produce their propaganda is already located in LA. I'm not trying to take a cheap shop at Norfolk, but try getting a young creative person who lives in a major city such as LA to commit to moving to Norfolk, VA.

Another benefit for PETA is that they can use freelancers in LA versus having to pay full time wages to those that they were relocating to Norfolk. Add the base of celebrity endorsers that don't have to fly East versus a trip across town in their Prius for production or the PETA staff having to fly to LA for filming and the deal is a homerun for all of them!

Now if there was a way to convince the rest of the animal terrorist squad to move somewhere else.

By the way, you may be surprized at how many gun carrying, jacked up 4X4 driving, animal hunting red neck types that there are out here in the land of fruits and nuts!

For those crying about cost

For those crying about cost of living in LA:

Estimated median household income in 2007: $47,781 (it was $36,687 in 2000)
Median gross rent in 2007: $986.
Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2007: 18.5%

Estimated median household income in 2007: $40,701 (it was $31,815 in 2000)
Median gross rent in 2007: $778.
Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2007: 17.1%

Also, LA might not be the only city with a new PETA office.

And home prices?

I will stick my neck out here and say that house prices are just a bit higher in LA than they are here.

And $ 986 a month rent? Sure for a one bed room shack in scenic Compton maybe.

Good luck with that!

Your LA numbers are out of whack

Ethan, are your numbers for LA city or LA county? Your numbers do not account for the unreported income of the illegal population. Housing cost; $986 for rent in LA gets you a crappy one bedroom apt next to the freeway surrounded by gang bangers and Mexican citizens. I don't see a PETA employee living in such a place. To live in a clean & safe place in SoCal cost money!

These examples are in so so parts of town, not the slums. An average 1 BR apt is $1,200 MO but in many cases multiple people pool their $ & rent a 1 BR apt to live in it in shifts. Not uncommon to have 5-6 sharing a 1 BR apt. Expect to spend more in a better area.
Buying a house? In the current depressed market, expect to spend $246 per SF on avg. That's in a shaky neighborhood like West Anaheim (AKA Anacrime) living with neighbors like these: 3 BR/1,400 SF house with 12 cars at a time parked on the street. We call them "Clown Houses". Another has 3 RV's parked in the side yard with people living inside them and HVAC ducts running from the gable vent to the vehicles.
Make a wrong turn on the way to Disneyland & this is what you see 3 blocks away.

You want clean streets and city services? LA &

You want clean streets and

You want clean streets and city services? LA & CA governments are broke due to the amount of money going out for social services used by the underground population. These people work for cash, do not pay taxes, yet they suck up the welfare money. We have school districts where 85+% of the students receive not only free lunch, but free breakfast too! They visit our emergency rooms, give false ID information and stick the rest of us with the bill.

I can go on & on but I think you get the picture.

I'm not planning to move to

I'm not planning to move to LA, although I understand it has a decent amount of culture. Some cool bands are based from there.

I understand housing is bubbleriffic in California, and that the ghetto areas the homes with bars on every window you see in rap videos and movies like "Boyz in the hood" go for $300,000 or $400,000 to speculators.

I don't know how well PETA employees do, nor how many would move. I'd speculate that an office in Portland or San Francisco would be more popular with the employee base.

Just pointing out that LA isn't THAT far off from Norfolk. Not sure what kind of apartment $800-900 gets you in Norfolk, either. I know the best of neighborhood I live in has it's fair share of crime and problems, and buildings aren't anything to brag about.

bye bye Petaphiles

Have a nice trip.

Out of curiosity, how many animals will you put down when you move? And where will you dispose of those carcasses? Will you dump them in various trash bins during your cross country drive?

Gotta give em credit

I dont agree with a lot of things they do but I have to admit they are masters at keeping themselves in the news.

Look at this. Even a move garners publicity.

It is true there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Other costs of living to consider...

...California has the highest state sales tax of 8.25% and you may have to pay up to 10.75% with local sales taxes added. California's top income tax rate is 9.3%--more than 60% higher than Virginia. Using the CNN cost of living calculator, a person making $40,701 in Tidewater will have to make $54,737 to break even. Housing costs 109% more in Los Angeles, groceries 8% more, transporation 12% more and health care 2% more. I wonder if this consolidation is because donations to PETA are tanking, and they're hoping some staff won't move to Los Angeles which will, in effect, amount to a downsizing?

Nope, I thought the

Nope, I thought the donations were $33,000,000 this year? Not too shabby. It's the common man that doesn't have money. The wealthy that donate to groups like PETA are likely still doing fine (as long as they didn't invest with Madoff)

How will they survive?

PETA barely pays enough for its young employees to live in Norfolk. How will they survive in L.A.?

Transportation Issues

Sounds like 40 less cars on our roads.

And even less

That will ride norfolk's folly trolly!

More like 40 less bicycles

More like 40 less bicycles and vespa scooters.

Can we help them pack

Hopefully the Pilot will provide us with the moving dates. I'm sure many people will be there to help hem pack up. Heck, they'll probably receive gas money too.


Heck, Let's all bring grills and make it a party!

Hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken, steak, pork chops. Maybe grilled alligator on a stick. Give PETA a proper send off!


Like a parent would say, "don't let the screen door hit you in the butt on the way out"...I say good riddance, they need to be on the "left coast".....IMHO

Please Move Everyone

PETA Continues to give Norfolk a black eye. Please move all the wackos to the west coast.

in my humble opinion....

....they can not leave fast enough!!!...although I will miss the entertainment factor!!!...


Move the whole office! Return your waterfront property back to the natural habitat you have taken from the waterfront wildlife! I sound as bad as them! haha!

Not enough...

employees leaving in order to enjoy the circus. The leftovers will be ruining the fun;(

Did anyone say Good Riddence

PETA's move to LA has got to do with the large population of the most liberal people in the Country. Here in Virginia we have a more balanced population with as many conservitives as liberals. We just elected a conservitive Gov. last month. PETA draws nothing but negitive attention every time they open their mouth and I suspect they are getting tired of not making a difference. If it were up to those people we all would be eating dirt stew unless there were some micro-organisims in the dirt then we would be going hungry. As far as I am concerned, PETA can't get gone soon enough! Good Riddence!!!

Dumping on LA now I see.

They must have bigger dumpsters out there.


“These departments conceive of and carry out those eye- and headline-catching, envelope-pushing and just plain quirky actions that have helped put animal rights on the map,” In real English that would be; Conceive ways to scare little kids to the point of having nightmares and abusing young kids by exposing them to things they do not understand and are not old enough to comprehend. The suckers that do the public nudity thing should be arrested just as other citizen would be for running around nude. As far as the "just plain quirky actions", most of us would consider their actions offensive, rude, crude and just plain loony. We know the TRUE peta in this area. They showed us a couple of years ago by murdering puppies and kittens and throwing them in dumpsters. A good question is, how do they keep the wharf rats and mice out of their buildings? Answer to that is, they kill them. It would truly help the area if peta were to leave all together as they are truly people embarrassing the Tidewater area.

Both ends of the spectrum

There are wackos on both ends of the spectrum. PETA is on the one end with their self-righteous perfectness of "we don't eat meat and animals are just like people" retoric. On the other end there are people who obviously don't care about cruelty to animals and would go out of their way to hurt one just to see what happens. Moderation, and most of the U.S. population, is right in the middle. Same goes with ALL politics.

If you live in California

and have any pets, you'd better keep an eye on them because the "true believers" from PeTA are coming to town with their syringes and bottles of Fatal-Plus, lock up your dogs, kitties and dumpsters when the girls from PeTA roll into town in their plain white van.

PeTA also stands for "Please Euthanize Them All"

pop culture toilet

“...to the city that defines popular culture and cultivates big personalities and bigger ideas."

If L.A. defines popular culture in this country then the children of the U.S. are truly screwed. The L.A. crowd is sure known for it honor, ethics, integrity and pro-family views. How's that 'individual expression' working for you America?


Let's call obama to come swap some flys!


PETA? Is that that outfit that promotes People Eating Tasty Animals?

I think you all should move to California, the land of fruits and nuts.


Please refrain from the homophobic and childish remarks. And while you are at it, grow up.

ill help

now thats a move i wouldnt mind helping. ill even bring lunch from mcdonalds in my audi q7 with leather seats and wear my snake skin boots, hehe

Village idiot Ingred Newkirk

Why not move the PETA village idiot Ingred Newkirk to the west coast?

Isn't it in Ingrids will to

Isn't it in Ingrids will to have her body barbqued on the roof of the Brambleton building so all of the residents of Norfolk can smell her burning flesh? Seriously, I think if you look it up, this is true.

PETA is a troll group. Once you realize this it's easy to ignore. Sometimes they are worth a chuckle.

Please just go and don't come back.

Anyone who cares to search Google can find PETA's ties to environmental terrorists. It's in their funding, donations, and way of thinking. PETA, you're not welcome in this town, just read a small sample of these comments. No one takes you seriously anymore. Please pack all your people and head out west where they will welcome your outdated ideas.





PETA Apologists

“Dave’s Mom,” said:

“The definition of "ignorance" is ... the lack of knowledge, education or awareness. How sad to read comments posted by people who obviously do not have the "knowledge, education, or awareness" of the positive things that PETA accomplishes.”

How sad to have to read the blathering and idocy of someone that can’t recognize terriorsts and facisists when they see them. “Dave’s Mom,” YOU are are my greatest fear. Morons who think they have a clue about the real world!

“I have witnessed first hand of their actions against animal abuse.”

Like what? Vacouious claims about decent people being criminals because they eat meat, or the inexcusiblle assult upon our childeren, food producers and the Constitutuion?

“Animals DO have rights and they deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation.”

Why? Nobody has made that a “RIGHT” for me! I suffer, I’m exploited daily. Why does your ferret have a right to a better life than I do?

“I applaud PETA for their voice and their actions.”

Well sorry, but I don’t! I despise them for their arrogance, ignorance and fascisim.

“Yes, there have been cases wh

A marriage made in heaven.

I believe that Peta and Los Angeles deserve each other.

Good Bye

We will miss you and all of the hard work you do for the critters.

They can't

get out of here fast enough for me. In fact I'd buy them a one-way plane ticket. Perhaps they can join the circles of Polozie and Boxer! Bye Bye!


Yeah, yippee hooray! Must be that fried bologna combo from Hardees did it.Get the heck outta Norfolk. Goodbye and good riddance!


I normally hate to see jobs leave the area, but this is an exception. Good riddance! Go embarrass another community.

Good riddance...

If donors saw that building in Norfolk and knew what it was worth, I bet they would think twice about giving money for such extravagance. Sell the building and use that money for important things.

Donors give PETA other

Donors give PETA other buildings. I think they own 7 or 8 buildings in Hampton Roads now, and I think some of these came as donations.

(If anyone has any extra buildings that you're looking to give away, I promise to make good use of it).


As far as I am concerned this area would be better off if 100% of PETA would just go away.

Ray G

I can't imagine they are

I can't imagine they are moving the workers(too lowly paid) to California, isn't more like the jobs?


My sentiments exactly. Only you beat me to the punch.

"quirky actions"...?

I'd hardly call a billboard of a nude woman holding a crucifix "quirky", I'd call it blasphemy...


I love your comment! What a credit to your forward thinking that your Professor's even noticed this part of Virginia may not be conducive to reaching your potential.At the risk of offending some, I must say, I have lived in Ca., Ha., DC, Washinton State and overseas and I still find myself scratching my head at things I see and read locally. This area is nice if you want to feel you're reliving the 50's. About PETA, I'm surprised they stayed this long in the backyard of Pat Robertson, Philip Morris and so many local hunters and fisherman. Progressive organizations just aren't a nice fit here. I appreciate all that PETA does and am a member, despite having a son who is a Chef and once stirred the ire of PETA over a lobster kill on Top Chef. The organization deserves kudo's for outing senseless animal cruelty. Their building is nice due to water view but it's nothing fancy. Local folks should educate themselves instead of repeating the same old stupid sounding lines over and over. The People Eating Tasty Animals is so juvenile sounding, stretch your minds, folks. And the mistake of two workers, for most thinking adults, shouldn't compromise the good work of the rest.

yeah were not to liberal

yeah were not to liberal round here, we likes what we likes and dont likes other peoples trying to tell us we be wrong for doing what we likes to do.. we just aint too politically correct in these here parts..

Can't you take the others

Can't you take the others with you? You have been a blight on the area and I believe you all would fit in so well in CA.

Shame on all the celebrities

Shame on all the celebrities here in the Tidewater area, They should have came out to cozy up to peta, then they wouldn't have to move.
"Oh, did we cause that? Oh, well ,bye."


Move your entire group to California. You should fit in nicely in the land of fruit and nuts!


Are you the neighbor I chat with on some of my bike outings?

Don't be so harsh

If this was any other employee cutting staff, there would be the typical worry about losing jobs. You may not agree with their goals, but the last I checked their business is legal and legitimate. Why would you want to lose employment in this area? Often when a civic organization is trying to change attitudes of the public at large there is a backlash. I think that PETA is actually working for ethical treatment of animals. If you think they are outrageous, what about the abolitionists over a century and a half ago? But of course animals are not people, but they are still living things. Norfolk's loss is someone else's gain.

How much???

How much free publicity will PETA get from this article. How many days now? three Four or more. Seems VP is trying to create a mountain here out of a mole hill.


Locally, PETA has spayed or neutered more than 57,000 animals, she said, provided 4,500 doghouses, and helped turn Norfolk into "one of the most wonderful vegan cities in the country." OOOOOOHHH, what a wonderful and caring bunch of jerks. (Pardon me while I throw up!) Go West, peta!

censorship RE: PETA Christmas Party 2010

Dear editor guys/girls,

If I may humbly ask your graces what part of my earlier post(s) you found not appropriate? Why the censorship?
Just curious, I thought it was kind of funny and it was not written to offend anyone. Sorry you did not agree.

You comment

The comment was over our 750-character word limit, unfortunately. It's among our posting guidelines: "No entries longer than 750 characters (the depth of the box below) or continued in another posting." Also, it contained language that violated our guidelines. David M. Putney, PilotOnline.com producer

RE: PETA CHRISTMAS 2010 Censorship

Thanx for your comment. Perhaps I went overboard a bit.
I assume this means I will not be invited for the Christmas Party this year for new Op-Ed columnists?

PETA's move to L.A.

Oh, no!!! Waaa-aaa (sob)!!! Forty PETA (i.e. People for Extortion, Terrorism, and Anarchy)cultists are moving to L.A...and we have enough problems with crazy folks out here. After the FBI and lately, the USDA, has declared PETA to be a terrorist group, these vegan vampires are now on the way to L.A. I hope that they will be so harassed, scorned, and, best of all, ignored that they will move back to Norfolk, or better yet, volunteer to start a colony on the moon.

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