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Fri 23rd July, 2010
United States

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Super Mario Sunshine, 2002
"A strange old man in a white coat gave it to me." - Bowser Jr., referring to Professor E. Gadd when speaking about the Magic Paintbrush
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NintyFan commented on Review: Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS):

While it might not have gotten a glowing review, an 8 is still a good score and I'm still getting the game, just not on launch and for Christmas instead. It's going too far to have the high expectations that this game would be up there with the first Paper Mario and TTYD when it's for a handheld. I'm mainly looking forward to the 3D, music, and humor, but the stickers should be fun.



NintyFan commented on Feature: Nintendo's Presidential Candidates:

Mario would be a good president. After saving Mushroom Kingdom from dozens of crises over the years, he would be a good Commander-In-Chief in case the Koopas invaded the country. He was a carpenter, plumber, and a doctor, so he knows both the blue-collar and white-collar worlds. There would be an economic boom because of his ability to turn into gold and produce coins by the trillions so there would be no more recessions. He would also give optimistic, passionate speeches to make the country of the people feel better, but he would also do what he says and not just say it. He's got it all.

Here's what I think a Mario's cabinet would look like
Vice President- Luigi
Secretary of State- Peach
Secretary of Defense- Pit
Treasury Secretary- Wario
Attorney General- Kirby (he defended Donkey Kong from Universal, remember?)



NintyFan commented on Miyamoto Puzzled As To Why Anyone Would Want A...:

If we want to be optimistic, we could say that Miyamoto was teasing F-Zero fans by suggesting any ideas they could have, which is fine. It just seems that his reply wasn't worded that well in that case. If he was just teasing, we can keep hoping that an F-Zero is coming in the not-too distant future as long as we show that we really want it.



NintyFan commented on Miyamoto Puzzled As To Why Anyone Would Want A...:

Miyamoto-san, you sure have said some strange remarks lately! The Koopalings not being Bowser's children, and now this. You are upending tea tables.

I feel bad for the F-Zero fans out there that must be offended by this. If they can revive Kid Icarus and do things to it that weren't done before, they could easily do the same for F-Zero. You can't tell me F-Zero couldn't have anything new added to grow the series. Look at Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, and every Nintendo series in which the games innovated and changed over time with new elements and extras. Why would F-Zero not be able to do that?



NintyFan commented on Wii U Web Browser Posts Impressive Benchmark R...:

Wow, those are good numbers. I really wouldn't use the internet browser much, but it's nice to know that not will it be better than Nintendo's other browsers but perhaps other brands' browsers as well. And this is just in beta mode too.



NintyFan commented on Watch: First US Wii U Advert Appears:

I like the slogan. Nintendo probably wants to reach out to the same audience that made the Wii a smash in the first place, so I can't say I'm surprised with the "casual" focus.



NintyFan commented on Wii Owners: Microsoft Wants You To Buy The Xbo...:

There's barely any games on the 360 that would interest me. The Wii U will have more great Nintendo games coming and a host of good thrid-party games as well, so the better strategy goes to Wii U here. It looks like Microsoft doesn't have many ideas for this holiday season.



NintyFan commented on Wii U Digital Promotion Giving You More Bang F...:

Even though I'm getting a Deluxe bundle, I prefer getting games physically, but this is still a neat idea and it may be an option for me if I wanted to buy and download a game that I had to think about, like Sonic Racing.



NintyFan commented on Nintendo Direct Broadcasts Attracting Around O...:

Aw, Iwata-san, of course we like watching a man in his fifties talking at length about games! It shows you're a business executive who actually cares about them.

I think these Nintendo Directs are nice. They're like mini E3 conferences, only they can take place throughout the year and perhaps every other week. Nintendo would be wise to keep them up.



NintyFan commented on Nintendo Is Holding Back Wii U Titles To Maint...:

I'm fine with it. The Wii U can't afford to suffer the consequences of the drought the 3DS had. Besides, most wouldn't buy a ton of games in one season unless they wanted to rip their wallet. Nintendo ultimately wants to keep the momentem going into next year with games like Game & Wario and Pikmin 3. Those games also might not have sold so well compared to other launch titles and might have a better chance down the road. Plus, they could also improve on the games so they could be better than if they released early, just like Kid Icarus Uprising.



NintyFan commented on Review: Ghosts 'n Goblins (3DS eShop / NES):

Looks like I'm not the only one who seems to think Satan made this game rather than Capcom sometimes, because this is truly a tortuous game if you're not quick on your wits and don't memorize when enemies will spring up. Even when you can memorize when certain enemies appear, there's no guarantee that you'll take them out smoothly as the age when this game was made allowed the cheapness to occur. Arthur also doesn't double-jump in this game like he would later on with Super Ghouls N' Ghosts, the variety of weapons is a lot simpler, and a whole level full of nothing but red arremers is mockery.

Good luck to any brave person who tries this game.



NintyFan commented on Mario Clone Super Maria Land Jumps Onto Android:

Once again, I don't understand how this can be legal when people get caught plagiarizing research papers or fiction stories while this happens. It shows uncreativity.

At least this one admits to being a Mario clone.



NintyFan commented on Prize Awarded To Brave Knight Who Completed Gh...:

I never even cleared the second level. It feels like Satan made this game rather than Capcom because the game is super hard, even harder than Super Ghouls N' Ghosts! You can't do a double-jump, there are a lot more red arremers, and the variety of weapons is simpler. It's good to have difficult gameplay now and then, but sometimes it can be too much.



NintyFan commented on Nintendo Targets 5.5 Million Wii U Sales This ...:

North Americans are just not that big into handhelds like the Japanese are. The Wii U will undoubtely perform better than the 3DS with the launch hype, Christmas season, and a massive launch window that includes New Super Mario Bros. U allowing it to sell comfortably.

The 3DS has Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon being some of its big titles, but there doesn't seem to be that much to it to be as big as the Wii U, which is too bad because those will all be good games as well.



NintyFan commented on Talking Point: Affordable Consoles Come at a Cost:

Those that only blame Nintendo for letting this shameful business go by would overlook the fact that Nintendo's not alone in having to abide with cheap Chinese manufacturing, as other big-name companies like Apple have gotten in hot water over it as well. It's what happens when we live in an age when most of our products are made in China and the cheap costs allow Chinese business to exploit the millions of workers living in the massive country. They have so many people that they just treat human captial as capital without the human in it.

However, China-bashing alone probably isn't accurate, as I imagine factories in other Asian countries are not much better.



NintyFan commented on Feature: Pokémon's Controversial History:

This is what happens when you have a craze of any kind. People just like to take any popular culture hit and distort it. Back in the 90's, video games were getting more and more popular, but still easily misunderstood by some adults.

As far as the "swastica", the symbol has been around for a very long time. I've seen swastica-like symbols on the spines of books by Rudyard Kipling. The Freemasonry charge is dumb too. Almost all of these charges are dumb.

I'll just quote Shigeru Miyamoto, "Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock n' roll."



NintyFan commented on Ghosts 'n' Goblins Coming To 3DS eShop Next Week:

Cool, just in time for Halloween too. This game is even harder than Super Ghouls N' Ghosts on the SNES and there's even more of those diabolical red arremers. It's definitely a game to be cautious with, and I'm not so sure if I even want to try it again.



NintyFan commented on Captain Falcon's Twister Race Leads Final Nint...:

Octopus sounds like it's taking cues from Flagman as well. Nintendo Land's F-Zero sounds neat too, but hopefully the racecar goes really fast. I heard that it's not quite the break-neck speed F-Zero is known for.

Yoshi's Fruit Cart sounds like it will be a little strategic, so I'll look forward to that one too. Nintendo Land will be a great launch title and the best game for introducing people to Miiverse.



NintyFan commented on Under-Age Workers Allegedly Worked on Wii U Ma...:

That's a shame, it sounds like something straight out of the 1800s industrial age. Child labor, bad conditions, and long hours as well as millions of people to take advantage of is what's making China an economic superpower, that and manipulating their currency and pushing cheap products to make a quick profit. Keep in mind that the factory pollution is absolutely horrible there too.



NintyFan commented on Wii U GamePad Wireless Range is "Fine Within T...:

So if it really depends on what's in your house, then you better not have a bunch of furniture and hard walls blocking the view. My Wii U will likely be in my bedroom, so I could be able to play the GamePad while relaxing on my bed. Comfortable, isn't it?



NintyFan commented on More Nintendo Characters Heading To Scribblena...:

Here's what I think:

To the left of Maxwell: Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Yoshi
To the right of Maxwell: Epona, Zelda, and Link

Third-party Wii U games are really giving Nintendo some appreciation, and I'm not the only one who believes that. They must be rewarding Nintendo for finally making an HD console that can do more than just provide better visuals. Hopefully there will be more diverse Nintendo characters rather than the typical Mario and Zelda ones. If they put the likes of Pit, Kirby, and Donkey Kong in there, I'll be pleased.



NintyFan commented on Archos Uses Star Fox And Mario To Demo Its Con...:

This is funny. The Super Mario 3D Land knock-off was bad enough, but they dare to use Nintendo games without Nintendo's permission to pitch a product that could compete with their handhelds?

Remind me why Nintendo should be worried about the iPhone and Android games, because things like this are just not serious.



NintyFan commented on Nintendo Drops Price Of Wii Ahead Of Holiday S...:

Predictable, but good for those who don't have a Wii.

As to the new Wiis not supporting Gamecube games; those that really care about such things would've had a Wii back when it was still new. These late-bloomers or "casual" people probably wouldn't care for it.



NintyFan commented on Ubisoft States That Wii U GamePad Latency is "...:

It's difficult to comment on the GamePad as I haven't played with it yet, but this is definitely good news. It can be hard to picture how the GamePad screen could run along with the action on the TV, but with the way technology is today, it shouldn't be that hard for Nintendo to pull it off.



NintyFan commented on Feature: Reinventing Nintendo's Major Franchis...:

I've thought about a new Mario Golf since the Wii U was revealed. Mario Tennis has seen a couple of sequels, so I think it's time for a return to some golf. As the demo video showed, golf would work with the GamePad and the crisp graphics would be pretty on a Mario game.

A new Yoshi game would be nice as well. I can definitely see Yoshi going down the route of Kirby's Epic Yarn and have a cute, colorful adventure full of eye candy.

Star Fox and F-Zero are always the obvious answers. While Star Fox has been dormant for a long time, It's especially true of F-Zero, since next year will be a whopping ten years since F-Zero GX. No series should be dormant for ten years, much less six.



NintyFan commented on Young Boy Thinks Gameboy Micro Is The Latest N...:

He's just a kid, give him some slack. He's definitely correct about WarioWare Twisted! being so great, he should get a cookie for that. I think it's the best of the WarioWare series.

When I was younger and had to choose between the Micro and SP, I went for the SP because it had better lighting and I thought the Micro's smallness would be too much. The Mirco would've been a neat collectable now, but some things just don't happen.

I want to know what store it was where this kid found a Game Boy Micro. They're not very common these days.



NintyFan commented on The Truth Behind Donkey Kong Country's Opening...:

I can't even tell you how many times I've played through this game over the years. I've played it so much, the game has become a cake-walk. That's what happens when you enjoy a game so much that you play through it over and over again since childhood.



NintyFan commented on Wii U Epic Mickey 2 May Not Feature Off-TV Play:

I'm not too bothered by this. As long as the GamePad screen is used in some way, then it won't be that bad. Actually, I probably won't play Wii U games off-tv very much anyway, mostly just to have a pseudo-handheld experience.

It does seem like this was a rushed attempt, but I still think the Wii U version will be better than the Wii one, so I'm sticking with it.



NintyFan commented on Soothsayers, Begone - 3DS Software Sales Rise ...:

You can't argue against numbers and facts. The 3DS is in a strong position, and will be only get better with Paper Mario: Sticker Star and Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion this fall and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon early next year.