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Series and Parallel Resonance
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Series and Parallel Resonance

Series Resonance

Consider an RCL series circuit consists of a resistor $R$, an inductor $L$, and a capacitor $C$ connected in series to a voltage source. The overall impedance of the three elements is

\begin{displaymath}Z=R+j\omega L+\frac{1}{j\omega C}=R+j\left(\omega L-\frac{1}{\omega C}\right)
=\vert Z\vert e^{j\angle Z} \end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}\vert Z\vert=\sqrt{R^2+\left(\omega L-\frac{1}{\omega C}\righ...
...=0  90^\circ & \omega \rightarrow \infty \end{array} \right. \end{displaymath}


In particular the resonant frequency is defined as

\begin{displaymath}\omega_0\stackrel{\triangle}{=}\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}} \end{displaymath}

When $\omega=\omega_0$, the impedances of the capacitor and the inductor have the same magnitude but opposite phase:

Z_C=\frac{1}{j\omega_0C}=-j\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}} \end{displaymath}

and they add up to zero $ Z_L+Z_C=0$. Now the total impedance is minimized:

\begin{displaymath}Z=Z_R+Z_C+Z_L=Z_R=R \end{displaymath}

and the current $\dot{I}=\dot{V}/Z=\dot{V}/R$ is maximized. The current $\dot{I}$ and voltage $\dot{V}$ are in phase. At the resonant frequency $\omega=\omega_0=1/\sqrt{LC}$, the ratio of the magnitude of the inductor/capacitor impedance and the resistance is defined as the quality factor:

\begin{displaymath}Q\stackrel{\triangle}{=}\frac{\vert Z_L\vert}{R}=\frac{\vert ...
=\frac{1}{R}\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}} \end{displaymath}

When $\omega=\omega_0$, the voltages across each of the three components are:

\begin{displaymath}\dot{V}_R=\dot{I} Z_R =\dot{I} R=\dot{V},\;\;\;\;\mbox{i.e.}\;\;\;\;
\dot{I}=\frac{\dot{V}}{R} \end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}\dot{V}_L=\dot{I} Z_L=\frac{\dot{V}}{R}j\omega_0 L=jQ\dot{V} \end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}\dot{V}_C=\dot{I} Z_C=\frac{\dot{V}}{R}\frac{1}{j\omega_0 C}
=-jQ\dot{V} \end{displaymath}

The magnitude of $V_L$ and $V_C$ are $Q$ times larger than that of $\dot{V}_R$, which is equal to the source voltage $\dot{V}$. But as $V_L$ and $V_C$ are in opposite polarity ($180^\circ$ out of phase), they cancel each other.

The RCL series circuit is a band-pass filter with the passing band centered around the resonant frequency $\omega_0=1/\sqrt{CL}$. The bandwidth is determined by the quality factor $Q$. The larger $Q$, the narrower the bandwidth. The impedance $Z=Z_R+R_L+Z_C$ as a function of $\omega$ is shown below:


and the admittances $Y=1/Z$ for different $Q$ ($R$) and $C$ are shown below:

omega0b.gif omega0a.gif

The bandpass effect can be intuitively explained. When $\omega$ is high, the inductor's impedance $\omega L$ is high, and when $\omega$ is low, the capacitor's impedance $1/\omega C$ is high. When $\omega=\omega_0$ the overall impedance is the smallest. If the input is a voltage source $v(t)$, the current through the circuit will reach a maximum value when $\omega=\omega_0$.

Example: In a series RLC circuit, $R=5\Omega$, $L=4\;mH$ and $C=0.1\;\mu F$. The resonant frequency $\omega_0$ can be found to be $\omega_0=1/\sqrt{LC}=1/\sqrt{4\times 10^{-3}\times 10^{-7}}=5\times 10^4$. The quality factor is

\begin{displaymath}Q=\frac{\omega_0L}{R}=\frac{(5\times 10^4)\times (4\times 10^{-3})}{5}
=40 \end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}Q=\frac{1}{\omega_0CR}=\frac{1}{(5\times 10^4)\times 10^{-7}\times 5}
=40 \end{displaymath}

If the input voltage is $V_{rms}=10V$ at the resonant frequency, the current is $I=V/R=10/5=2 A$, and the voltages across each of the elements are: Or, more conveniently, the amplitudes of $\dot{V}_L$ and $\dot{V}_C$ can be found by $\vert V_L\vert=\vert V_C\vert=QV=40\times 10V=400V$. Note that although input voltage is $10V$, the voltage across L and C ($Q$ times the input) could be very high (but they are in opposite phase and therefore cancel each other).

Parallel Resonance: A GCL parallel circuit consists of a resistor $R=1/G$, an inductor $L$ and a capacitor $C$ connected in parallel to an input current.


In this case, it is much easier to consider the conductance of the admittance $Y=1/Z$ of each of the element. The overall admittance of the three elements in parallel is

\begin{displaymath}Y=G+j\omega C+\frac{1}{j\omega L}=G+j\left(\omega C-\frac{1}{\omega L}\right)
=\vert Y\vert e^{j\angle Y} \end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}\vert Y\vert=\sqrt{G^2+\left(\omega C-\frac{1}{\omega L}\righ...
\angle Y=tan^{-1} \left(\frac{\omega C-1/\omega L}{G}\right) \end{displaymath}

In particular when $\omega$ is at the resonant frequency

\begin{displaymath}\omega=\omega_0\stackrel{\triangle}{=}\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}} \end{displaymath}

we have

\begin{displaymath}Y_R+Y_C+Y_L=G+j\omega C+\frac{1}{j\omega L}
=G+j\left(\omega ...
=G+j\left(\sqrt{\frac{C}{L}}-\sqrt{\frac{C}{L}}\right)=G \end{displaymath}

the effects of $L$ and $C$ cancel each other, and the complex admittance $Y$ becomes real and its magnitude reaches the minimum

\begin{displaymath}\vert Y\vert=\sqrt{G^2+\left(\omega_0 C-\frac{1}{\omega_0 L}\...
\angle{Y}=\tan^{-1}\left(\frac{0}{G}\right)=0 \end{displaymath}

and the current $\dot{I}$ reaches a minimum value $\dot{I}=\dot{V}G$. In particular, if the resistor does not exist, i.e., $R=\infty$ and $G=0$, then the admittance $Y=0$ and $Z=\infty$.

The Quality Factor $Q_p$ of the parallel resonance circuit is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of the inductor/capacitor susceptance and the conductance:

=R\sqrt{\frac{C}{L}}=\frac{1}{Q_s} \end{displaymath}

Note that $Q_p$ of the parallel RCL circuit is the reciprocal of $Q_s$ of the series RCL circuit. The currents through each of the three components are: The magnitude of the current $I_L$ through $L$ and $I_C$ through $C$ are $Q$ times larger than the current $\dot{V}_R$ through $R$ which is the same as the current source $\dot{I}$). But as $I_L$ and $I_C$ are in opposite direction, they form a loop current through $L$ and $C$ with no effect to the rest of the circuit.

The parallel RCL circuit behaves like a bandstop filter which can be intuitively understood. When $\omega$ is high, the capacitor's impedance $1/\omega C$ is low, and when $\omega$ is low, the inductor's impedance $\omega L$ is low. When $\omega=\omega_0$ the overall impedance is the largest. However, if the input is a current source, the voltage across the elements $\dot{V}=\dot{I}Z=\dot{I}/Y$ will reach a maximum value when $\omega=\omega_0$.

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Ruye Wang 2012-12-12