
ABN 26244055474                                                                   A Not For Profit Organisation

About Nystagmus

Nystagmus is known as the silent disability. It can be present from birth (Congenital) or it can occur as a result of a head injury (Acquired). The eyes move rapidly to try and focus and some people also move their heads to try and compensate.

Nystagmus is also affected by outside influences like bright sunshine, tiredness, medication, stress, so the severity of it can vary at different times of the day.

Most people with Nystagmus can never hold a driver’s licence, thus severely limiting their chances of finding work – especially if they live outside a capital city where public transport is not as good. It is almost essential to have a driver’s licence in Australia because of the vast distances.

Nystagmus is a complex eye condition affecting 1 in 1,000 people in Australia

About Nystagmus Aware Australia

The Nystagmus Aware Australia group has been established with a view to assist, advise and support those who suffer from Nystagmus. We also welcome parents, carers, partners and anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by Nystagmus – teachers, friends, relatives, colleagues, employers, politicians, researchers; in fact anyone who needs help to become Nystagmus aware.

Our aims are:

  1. To bring Australia up to date with other countries in their awareness of Nystagmus.
  2. Getting Nystagmus recognised as a disability by the Australian Government – thus giving sufferers help with transport in getting to and from work or school.
  3. Raising awareness of Nystagmus within the general community.
  4. Making teachers and employers aware of the difficulties faced by people with Nystagmus on a daily basis.
  5. To support and help people with Nystagmus in their daily lives.

Become a member

Becoming a member of Nystagmus Aware Australia enables you to access the community discussion forums, all the latest news and articles related to Nystagmus and numerous additional resources. Your fee helps to raise awareness and contributes to the maintenance and hosting of this website.


We welcome enquiries from potential sponsors as well as donations to assist in raising awareness at a National level. To show your support for our cause, we encourage you to become a member.


It is the aim of Nystagmus Aware Australia to raise funds to encourage research in Australia.  We hope to address this by eventually registering as a charity and promoting fund raising events based on awareness and we encourage members and supporters to do likewise.

Although we are based in Australia, we welcome interest from all over the world.


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