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U.S. News

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Analysis: As hurricanes loom, Florida insurance lives on borrowed time


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U.S. transfers suspected senior al Qaeda member to Mauritania

NOUAKCHOTT - U.S. authorities have transferred Younis al-Mauritani, a suspected senior member of al Qaeda previously held in Afghanistan, to Mauritania, officials in the West African nation said on Saturday.

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Analysis: Tough going ahead on path to Illinois pension reform

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Death toll rises to nine from Oklahoma tornadoes

OKLAHOMA CITY - Nine people were killed in tornadoes that swept through central Oklahoma on Friday, part of a storm system that caused widespread flooding in Oklahoma City and its suburbs, the state's chief medical examiner said on Saturday. | Video

Historic drought fuels season's first wildfire in New Mexico

SANTA FE, New Mexico - A wildfire caused by a downed power line in New Mexico's rugged Pecos wilderness has forced the evacuation of 150 homes and consumed 5,300 acres of forest in the grip of a historic drought, officials said on Saturday.

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U.S. soldier at center of WikiLeaks case set to go on trial Monday

WASHINGTON - The American soldier accused of the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history, which prosecutors say put lives at risk, goes on trial on Monday in a case that raises questions about the limits of secrecy and openness in the Internet era.

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U.S. militants jailed for Internet threats are still posting from prison

WASHINGTON - American Islamist militants jailed for threatening violence over the Internet are still posting political writings on the Web - while serving time in federal prison.

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Four firefighters die, 13 injured battling Houston blaze

HOUSTON - Four firefighters died and 13 others were injured on Friday when a roof collapsed during a blaze at a hotel and restaurant in southwest Houston, fire department and city officials said. | Video

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Illinois bill to legalize gay marriage stalls

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois - A bill to make Illinois the 13th state in the country to recognize same-sex marriage failed to win final approval on Friday before the state legislature adjourns until the fall.

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McCain, Biden coming together for Sedona, Arizona forum

These days Washington is not known for bipartisanship, but every now and then a breakthrough is made. It is noteworthy that Vice President Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Senator John McCain, a Republican, are appearing together at a forum in Sedona, Arizona on Friday.

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