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Aronian beats "Princes" 4.5-1.5 in Meissen clock simul | ChessVibes
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Reports | June 02, 2013 16:30

Aronian beats "Princes" 4.5-1.5 in Meissen clock simul

Aronian beats "Princes" 4.5-1.5 in Meissen clock simul

Levon Aronian scored a 4.5-1.5 victory in his clock simul against the six most talented young German chess players on Friday in Meissen. The Armenian grandmaster, who is the world's number 2 in the live rankings, won three games and drew three games.

It was Levon Aronian's first clock simul ever. As we announced last Thursday, it took place on Friday afternoon in the Meissen Porcelain Factory and was named Schauspiel des Geises II ("Show of the Spirits II"), after the blindfold simul by Vlastimil Hort, Marc Lang and Rasmus Svane last year at the Potsdam Kaiserbahnhof. Aronian's opponents were the six most talented juniors of Germany, who have been called "the Princes" for a few years already (once an idea of the German Chess Federation):

  • Filiz Osmanodja 17 years, Elo 2255
  • Dennis Wagner 15 years, Elo 2487
  • Matthias Blübaum 16 years, Elo 2511
  • Hanna Marie Klek 18 years, Elo 2267
  • Rasmus Svane 16 years, Elo 2440
  • Alexander Donchenko 15 years, Elo 2452

The time control was 2 hours for 40 moves plus 30 minutes and 30 seconds per move. During this time, Aronian had to cope with six games; his opponents only one.

Grandmasters Jan Gustafsson and Raj Tischbierek provided commentary for the hundreds of spectators: the sponsor's idea was to have non-chess players get involved in chess, and this seems to have worked as for the many visitors of the museum there was no way to "escape" from the chess spectacle in the main hall!

According to its website, the Meissen Porcelain Factory

has the most comprehensive collection of Meissen Porcelains® from the beginnings in 1710 to the present day and therefore unique amongst the world’s collections of MEISSEN®.

So what is Meissen? Let's also quote a bit from Wikipedia:

[It is] the first European hard-paste porcelain that was developed from 1708 by Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus. After his death that October, Johann Friedrich Böttger, continued his work and brought porcelain to the market. The production of porcelain at Meissen, near Dresden, started in 1710 and attracted artists and artisans to establish one of the most famous porcelain manufacturers, still in business today as Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen GmbH. Its signature logo, the crossed swords, was introduced in 1720 to protect its production; the mark of the crossed swords is one of the oldest trademarks in existence. It dominated the style of European porcelain until 1756.

As an old Soviet joke goes, the "Princes" managed to tie the match with Aronian: three draws and three losses. Afterwards the Armenian revealed an interesting strategy: he decided to play very safe with White against the boys, while he created some chaos with Black against the girls!

Below we give all six games including clock times; the three most interesting ones have some brief notes based on a chat between Raj Tischbierek and Levon Aronian after the games finished.

PGN file

L-R Bluebaum, Donchenko, Klek, Aronian, Osmanodja, Svane, Wagner

Sponsored by Dentsply Implants, the event took place one day before the start at the same location of the Mitropa Cup, the traditional European tournament dedicated to talented young chess players.

Peter Doggers's picture
Author: Peter Doggers

Founder and editor-in-chief of ChessVibes.com, Peter is responsible for most of the chess news and tournament reports. Often visiting top events, he also provides photos and videos for the site. He's a 1.e4 player himself, likes Thai food and the Stones.

Chess Master School


Ludo Tolhuizen's picture

Why call these youths "princes"??
Having said this, great performance of Aronian against strong opposition. Compare this to Garray who does not play aginst 2000 players in simuls these days.

RG13's picture

He does not want to work harder than necessary for his money in a 20 person simul. However I believe he once played a clock simul against several strong players. Of course he had something prepared for each of them and did quite well against them. Perhaps someone can provide the details.

Anonymous's picture

So, what exactly is the so-called "old Soviet joke" on the word "princes"?

Outsider's picture

Correct me if I'm wrong; the Soviet joke is not on the word 'princes', the joke is calling three draws and three loses a tie.

Peter Doggers's picture

They simply have been called that way for a number of years already. Someone in the German Chess Federation thought of the (nick)name and it kind of stuck.

Septimus's picture

Peter, including clock times makes the games a bit clumsy to follow. Can you please get rid of them?

AAR's picture


Optimus Prime's picture

Including clock times is the best thing that ever happened to media chess reporting. Easy to get rid of, if not wanting, go figure out how.

no's picture

how does one download the games in pgn... ?

Ardjan's picture

Kasparov played several national teams in clock simuls and beat them!

Anonymous's picture

Didn't Fischer win all his games in a clock simul against the Greek national team?

asirmatos's picture

Fischer scored 4 wins and 1 draw (available at http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1044292)

Stigma's picture

Are the girls also happy to be known as "princes"?

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