Engagement Cards and Presents

It is customary for friends and family of a newly engaged couple to send a letter or card; they may also wish to give a present.

Traditionally, congratulations should be conveyed in a handwritten letter or card. Friends may also send an email, but this is an occasion where it is worth making the effort of putting pen to paper.

There are many special engagement greetings cards available; a suitable themed blank card is also fine.

In a letter or card, it is the norm to congratulate both the bride and the groom.

The bride's mother traditionally writes to the groom's parents, expressing delight at the forthcoming marriage and suggesting that a date and venue be found for both sides to get together.

Close friends and family may wish to give the couple an engagement present. This may be done at the engagement party, if one is held.

The engaged couple should send thank you letters for presents they receive as soon as possible.

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