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ARTPOP Reviews - Metacritic
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ARTPOP - Lady Gaga

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1129 Ratings

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  • Summary: The third studio release for the dance pop artist features guest appearances from R. Kelly, T.I., Too Short and Twista as well as production from David Guetta, Infected Mushroom, Madeon, Rick Rubin, DJ White Shadow, will.i.am, Zedd, and Zisis.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Nov 5, 2013
    Coherently channeling R&B;, techno, disco and rock music as a pop artist while discussing sex, drugs, lust, God, fame and creativity, Lady Gaga has offered fans her most sonically and lyrically diverse album to date.
  2. 80
    She doesn’t do anything wildly original with them [musical genres], but she has fun.
  3. Nov 11, 2013
    The concept is artful and logical, yet ARTPOP never insinuates or settles in the subconscious; it always assaults, determined to make an impression even when all it has to say is that it doesn't have much to say.
  4. Nov 10, 2013
    It's no instant classic, then, but neither is it the calamity that some have foreseen, being a typically mixed Gaga outing with some ludicrous highs, questionable digressions (Jewels 'N' Drugs, in which three rappers add little to the mix; or Donatella, a charmless ode to the equally charmless Versace supremo) and plenty of not-unpleasant filler.
  5. Nov 11, 2013
    ARTPOP wants to hide that it doesn’t have much to say.
  6. Nov 22, 2013
    This is two albums in a row now that were basically a bit boring, and she needs to sort it out soonish please.
  7. Nov 7, 2013
    Throughout ARTPOP signifier upon signifier is piled on top of sometimes brilliant melodies, creating enough room for breathless readings of Gaga’s ‘art’ certainly, but failing on the more basic level as engaging pop music.

See all 30 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Jan 12, 2014
    What an amazing album. Classic Gaga hooks that make you want to dance! Don't listen to bad reviews, listen for your self. It's a truly artistic album. Recommended songs: if I had to narrow it down, Aura, G.U.Y., Gypsy, Sexxx Dreams, and Venus would be my favorites. :) It really is ART. Expand
  2. Nov 11, 2013
    It's a kind of album that you don't see the tracks passing, and when you see, you're in the last song. The lyrics of this album are so controversial. When i was listening to the songs, i could feel the energy of music, her good vibrations and 'gaga's hands' literally saying. I don't know why the critic hates pop music, because when you're a critic, you've to know what is pop music and for who the pop music is made. The album sounds so good i believe that will be a success, Gaga deserve's this By this way, Gaga proves again she continues being the best star of the last years, and certainly ARTPOP is a truely epic album, and the best made by Lady Gaga. Expand
  3. Nov 11, 2013
    This record is amazing. I can't stand the mixed or negative reviews this album gets when compared to the artistical "crap" that was released by Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus or anybody else. The entire album is written, (co-)produced and "done" by the artist not by a dozen of different songwriters or producers per track.

    ARTPOP is a truely epic pop release this year, far beyond every other release by a "high class artist".
  4. Nov 16, 2013
    Billboard's Rating (8.4) is the one that most describes the album. All the songs are great, but there are some that falls short: some that you first like and, after listening more times, it gets worse.

    At first, the album may sound too noisy, I admit, but you should give it some time. Listen to it for a while. You'll see that it isn't bad, and you'll like the songs. Myself, I didn't like Aura at first glance. But I listened to it more and more and I started to like it. Now, it's one of my favorites songs on the album.

    See, what I'm trying to say is: you shouldn't listen to the album just one time and say that it is lame. You need to give it some time, listen to it, and THEN judge it. Everytime I did this, I caught myself listening to the thing I said I would never listen to.

    Now, some are saying that the album has no meaning. What? Did you search for that meaning? EVERYTHING that Gaga does (and I'm saying EVERYTHING), has a meaning. It may take some time for you to see, but you will. Just give it some time.

    Some of my favorite songs (not in order): Donatella, Aura, Gypsy, DOPE, G.U.Y, Do What You Want and Jewels N' Drugs.

    Ps.: sorry if this sound a little bit confused, I really tried to explain.
  5. Nov 11, 2013
    ARTPOP is filled with unique pop music that cannot be matched with other pop artists. There are songs on the album that truly show her diverse talent and creativity. However, I feel the "Art" aspect of it is missing on the album. Not a big deal since her live performance are very, very artistic. Overall, it's an amazing pop album with great potential to exploit great art performances. Expand
  6. Nov 11, 2013
    Lady Gaga is good at writing catchy, generic hooks, but her songs and lyrics lack substance. ARTPOP is very disappointing, dreary and overproduced.

    I'm waiting for her to proove her claims and grace us with something truly artistic, adventurous and less contrived than this uninspired, generic album.
  7. Dec 3, 2013
    So many songs and nothing said, no messages has been passed to who's listening... Lady Gaga is so full of pride but she doesn't have humility and we can see it on ARTPOP... What a delusion Expand

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