Showing All "Wu-Tang Clan" Posts

A few weeks ago we heard the bizarre news that the vaguely Wu-Tang affiliated rapper (and half of the LA duo Northstar) Andre "Christ Bearer" Johnson was in critical condition after cutting off his…   Read Story »
The internal dymanics of the Wu-Tang Clan have always been a fascinating thing, but lately, they've been fascinating in the bad way, with Raekwon publicly bickering with crew leader RZA over the…   Read Story »
The Bumbershoot Festival goes down in venues around Seattle every year on Labor Day weekend, and the lineup for this year's festivities on 8/30-9/1 just came out. As usual, it's a unique assembly of…   Read Story »
As previously reported, the members of the Wu-Tang Clan have spent years working in secret on a new album called The Wu - Once Upon A Time In Shaolin. There's only one copy of the album, currently…   Read Story »
In recent months we've been witness to an escalating feud between Wu-Tang Clan members RZA (who's desperately trying to assemble one last group LP called A Better Tomorrow) and Raekwon (who declared…   Read Story »
As a rap crew, the Wu-Tang Clan has always been a notoriously chaotic and fractured entity, and no Wu-Tang member has been quicker to criticize crew mastermind RZA than Raekwon. When Wu-Tang released…   Read Story »
For a while now, all the far-flung members of the Wu-Tang Clan have been working, with varying levels of enthusiasm, on the troubled group album A Better Tomorrow; early track "Keep Watch" may or may…   Read Story »
The saga of the forthcoming Wu-Tang Clan reunion record A Better Tomorrow has been a long and sad one. RZA has spoken openly about the difficulty of getting all nine members back together and on the…   Read Story »
Repeat viewings of old Wu-Tang videos are probably not the specific reason the internet was invented, but they've been one of my favorite ways to waste time since the advent of YouTube. And now we've…   Read Story »
We're almost (almost!) done reflecting on the year that was, so it's time to start taking a closer look at the year that will be. For the past several years, we've ranked our most anticipated albums.…   Read Story »