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Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!
Check out this weekly video round-up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents entertainment, sports, and music.

Trailer Talk

TRAILER TALK: Colombiana

Tuesday, 23 August 2011 14:59

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Colombiana.


Felicia Khong
Artist/ Musician: (Jazmin)
I've been a huge fan of [Zoe Saldana] for a while now, and this seems like it's her biggest role yet. I've never seen her in this Angelina Jolie kind of swag so I'm excited to see her pull it off. My favorite part of the trailer is the scene with Michael Vartan. I'm sure all the ladies can agree that he's back and looking good as usual so that's another reason to see this film.

  Chris Dudley
In looking for something in the Columbiana trailer that stands out as original or, at the very least, not well-worn territory of other films, I've come up short. Seemingly equal parts The Professional, The Transporter Series, La Femme Nikita (or Point of No Return), and any number of direct to DVD films, there is nothing here that makes me think I'll have a better or different experience seeing this in the theater rather than staying home to watch any of the aforementioned films. Also, each of the major players in the crew (Director Olivier Megaton, Writers Luc Besson and Robert Kamen, Director of Photgraphy Romain Lacourbas, and Editor Camille Delamarre) were a part of at least one of those films, which doesn't instill any more confidence that they are shooting for anything more than a small variation on what has come before. Without a doubt there are going to be explosive action sequences, impressive stunts, and enough bullets to take down an entire infantry, but will it be done any differently or with any more fervor than the other films of this type that have preceded it? That remains to be seen, but I'm not holding my breath. 
  Rolonda Watts
TV Personality
Anytime a women is playing a action pack heroin roll, I definitely want to see it! I've met Zoe a couple times and will support her by seeing the film in theaters.
  Jake Bushnell
HB Surround Sound
OK... this trailer is bad-ass! I love action movies, especially if revenge is the plot. Zoe is super hot and the hand to hand fighting choreography looks like it's done well. I will definitely be seeing this on opening day.
  Tyler Stone
Zoe looks hot in this movie with her tight outfits. I won't see it this weekend because I still need to see Conan, but I think I will see it in theaters.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at the Sunset Strip Music Festival in Los Angeles, CA.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
23 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
27 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
29 people "Going to wait for DVD"
21 people "Won't see it"

TRAILER TALK: Fright Night

Tuesday, 16 August 2011 14:47

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Fright Night


MADSTEEZ : Mark Paul Deren
Will I see Fright Night? I don't think so. I never caught on to the whole vampire craze thing. It seems like it's for younger audiences but it has some adult sexual references which i do like. Unless it's playing on an airplane and I'm forced to watch it, I don't think I'm going to see this one in the theaters.

  Chris Dudley
When I first heard this film was being remade, I let out an audible sigh. The recent onslaught of vampire and werewolf films/books/TV shows has become almost unbearable. The subject matter itself is half of it, but the fact that every new show/movie/book that comes out seems to be worse than the one before it, yet produced anyway solely to capitalize on the popularity of the genre, is disheartening. With that in mind, I'm not so sure that Fright Night is going to continue that trend. It's not going to win any Oscars, but it has the makings of being far better than the other offerings in the genre lately. With Colin Farrell, Toni Colette, Anton Yelchin, Screenwriter Marti Noxon, and Director Craig Gillespie all having solid track records as of late, the chances of this being at the very least a fun night at the movies are very good. I'm not going to carve a date out of my schedule to go see this, but I'd take it over another Twilight incarnation any day. 
  Rolonda Watts
TV Personality
Fright Night was one of my favorate scary movies of all time. I hope they don't butcher the original. I will probably see it second weekend.
  Kirk Huffman
Wild Orchid Children/ Gatsbys American Dream
Weak sauce. Ideas man, ideas...they're inside that thing on your shoulders, I swear.
  Paul Taublieb
Producer - The Vow
I loved the original film so if it is anything like that, it will be great! I will see it in theaters.
  Brandon Bolmer
When I saw the preview for this movie, it seemed to start out pretty good, but I'm not really into the vampire thing, especially when Colin Farrell is the main vampire, AND it's a remake. I probably won't check this one out, but MAYBE if I hear good things from people.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at Outside Lands Music Festival in San Francisco, CA.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
13 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
24 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
26 people "Going to wait for DVD"
37 people "Won't see it"

TRAILER TALK: 30 Minutes or Less

Wednesday, 10 August 2011 10:50

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at 30 Minutes or Less.


Chris Mojan
I love that the guy from 'Tremors' is in this movie but mainly, I love that Danny McBride and Nick Swardson will be playing the evil/bad guy roles in this. I think that it just works so well for them.


Kyle O'Punk
I think that Aziz Ansari and Jesse Eisenberg are going to be a great duo for the good guys.

  Paul Taublieb
Producer - The Vow
This movie looks very funny and I would love to see it opening weekend, but unfortunately I'll be out of town. Hopefully catch it the following week. I am a fan of Danny McBride and like the viral videos he puts out, so excited to see him on the big screen.
  Rolonda Watts
TV Personality
I might see this second or third week. Not my cup of tea. I'll wait to see what people say about it then decide.
  Chris Dudley
Based solely on the comic juggernaut heading up this movie, there's really no way I'm not going to see it. The only thing that worries me is that in any comedy, no matter the talent of the actors involved, 50% of what makes it funny comes down to the writing. That being said, on this film screenwriter Michael Diliberti is on his first outing as a writer. Normally that would be a much bigger red flag, but considering the amount of talent they were able to get onboard with the script he has crafted, it has to be something worthwhile. At the end of the day, I judge comedies pretty much solely on whether they make me laugh or not, and I think with 30 Minutes or Less, the laughs are almost guaranteed.  
  The Static Jacks
30 Minutes or Less has a lot of our favorite comedy actors in it, so that already makes it pretty promising. Nick Swardson always steals the show with his ridiculous delivery. Plus Zombieland was killer. If it's by the same people, bets are that it will be great. I think we will most definitely be seeing this in theaters! Extra pop corn please!
  Kirk Huffman
Wild Orchid Children/ Gatsbys American Dream
I got mega stoned just from watching this trailer.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at various pizza parlors around the LA area.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
22 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
26 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
37 people "Going to wait for DVD"
15 people "Won't see it"

TRAILER TALK: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Wednesday, 03 August 2011 08:35

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Rise of the Planet of the Apes.


Robb University
Lights Over Paris
There's not too many trailers that excite me. This was pretty cool. The visuals on it were awesome. The storyline looks really good. Looks like there is an emotional twist to it as well. It just looks really exciting, action-packed so I'm going to check it out for sure.

  Paul Taublieb
Producer - The Vow
I loved the original Planet of the Apes film so I will see this one.
  Rolonda Watts
TV Personality
This looks like a good story but I can't stand animal cruelty. I'm going to pass on this one.
  Chris Dudley
The genesis of a story can be a complicated thing. When you have a franchise that is as established as Planet of the Apes, you have to tread delicately when you are going to tackle something as important and monumental as the origin story. We've seen it done amazingly (see Batman Begins) and we've seen it done... not so amazingly (see X-Men Origins: Wolverine). From the looks of the recently released full trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes, I happen to think that this has potential to breathe an entirely new life into a franchise that has gone fairly downhill since the groundbreaking 1968 original (with the exception of the ambitious albeit underwhelming Tim Burton 2001 reboot). 

The tone of this trailer is exactly what I think needs to come from this movie -- It's dark. So many summer blockbusters feel the need to pander to certain audiences that they lose sight of the fact that so much of the source material they are working with is fairly dark. Obviously Christopher Nolan realized this with his sharp turn away from the neon-colored ridiculousness that the Batman franchise had become, and it seems that with this incarnation of the Apes series, Rupert Wyatt has taken a page out of that book. The choice for Wyatt as director of this is an interesting one, which I think speaks volumes as to which direction this film is headed. His previous directorial effort The Escapist is a very dark, gritty prison film and the fact that this film is what got the studio on board with Wyatt as director is very telling. The choice of James Franco to helm the cast and the involvement of John Lithgow are both great signs that this movie could be something special, as both actors haven't made a habit of being in anything that's un-exceptional lately. Also, as a side note, the work of Weta digital will be of interest to me as I maintain that the CGI work in Avatar is really the only redeeming factor of that movie. 

All in all, this trailer shows promise. All the pieces seem to be in place for an at least above-average summer movie. However, as we all know, trailers can be very misleading. It seems that any movie can be cut into a minute and a half of goodness with the right editing and music, so with that, we await August 5th and the final verdict. This is possibly the first in a new, interesting series of Apes films... or it could be just another popcorn big-budget summer blockbuster. This being the origin story of a franchise that has spanned multiple movies, a TV show and comic books, we all know how the story ends, but with that said, I'm dang excited to see how we get there. 

  Kirk Huffman
Wild Orchid Children/ Gatsbys American Dream
This better not suck. Man, don't you f*** with Rod Serling. Ok, wait a minute, am I supposed to believe that James Franco is a scientist? Pass.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at a movie gallery in Los Angeles, CA.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
40 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
32 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
17 people "Going to wait for DVD"
11 people "Won't see it"

TRAILER TALK: Cowboys & Aliens

Tuesday, 26 July 2011 15:20

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Cowboys & Aliens.


Jake Bushnell
HB Surround Sound
Favorite Movie: Tombstone, 2nd favorite movie: Aliens; I think we have a collabration that makes me smiley.

  Matt Denne
HB Surround Sound
The best part about the trailer is Daniel Craig's hand cannon. I've always wanted a hand cannon and seeing it on film just makes me want it that much more.
  Chris Dudley
The film itself seems to ooze Hollywood sure-bet success. Jon Favreau, Steven Spielberg, Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, and Sam Rockwell are a powerhouse team, no doubt. However, with all that going for it, the fact that the trailer seems to tell 90% of the story is fairly off-putting. Even so, it's obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that this is not a new practice. Audiences are becoming more and more weary of spending 15 dollars on a movie unless they know for SURE they are going to like it... and the studios are adapting. Score one for an almost guaranteed summer moneymaker for Universal and Dreamworks, but strike one for a trailer that makes me lose most of my anticipation I had going into this movie.
  Travis Alexander
Ghost Thrower
Holy cow!!!!
  Kirk Huffman
Wild Orchid Children/ Gatsbys American Dream
Okay, who's got free movie passes 'cause I'm f***in' broke? You had me when you said "cowboys and aliens"...holy sh*t, directed by John Kerry's speechwriter?! Just kidding, but I still can't believe it's the guy from King of Queens, nice work ace.
  Greg Lutzka
Pro Skater
I don't think this movie is up my alley.
  Marcel Muniz
Let me start with the fact that Daniel Craig is one of the baddest dudes in town. He kicked some secret agent butt in the newest James Bond movies and now we get to see him kick some cowboys and aliens butt. What's best about this movie is that Craig isn't the only talent they got on cast. Joining forces to mow down some alien tail are legendary Harrison Ford and beautiful Olivia Wilde. And not only that but the director from Iron Man is also shooting the film! Add up the cast and director and you got yourself a guarantee for an amazing film unlike most comic book-based movies. The only complaint I have is that it took so long for it to come out!

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at Comic-Con in San Diego, CA this past weekend.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
42 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
37 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
12 people "Going to wait for DVD"
9 people "Won't see it"

TRAILER TALK: Captain America

Tuesday, 19 July 2011 12:31

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Captain America: The First Avenger.


Tyler Stone
I don't get why Chris Evans was the fire guy in Fantastic Four and now he's another super hero. Who knows, maybe they'll think of him as Captain America this year. I will see it in theaters for sure.

  Max Nash
I don't get how they made Chris Evans so skinny. It was cool how they tied in the Stark Industries. Back than, the old school Stark pumped up Captain America. I think I'll definitely go see it in theaters.
  Chris Dudley
There is a lot riding on the upcoming July 22nd release of Captain America: The First Avenger. Coming on the heels of two different incarnations of the Incredible Hulk, two wildly successful Iron Man films, and the recently released Thor, this film marks the last piece of the Marvel Universe puzzle to be put into place before the release of the much-anticipated Avengers set to be released in 2012. I will say, from the looks of the trailer, it is on track to be a stand-out piece indeed. 

The odd thing is, on paper, it doesn't really seem like it should be. For example, Joe Johnston in the directors chair doesn't seem to be very promising.  His recent track record of films (The Wolfman, Hidalgo, and Jurassic Park 3) have all hovered around the 100 million dollar budget range, have done well monetarily yet haven't exactly made many top 10 lists. He seems to be a safe bet for the studio to bring in the money at the box office, but not necessarily the best choice to make a memorable film. As for Captain America himself, Chris Evans, his career as a whole has been fairly hit and miss. In Danny Boyle's Sunshine he held his own solidly among other great character actors as Mace, however his portrayal of the Human Torch in the Fantastic 4 isn't quite something you'd want to put in a highlight reel. 

However, with these two big factors pointing to a 50/50 chance of this film being even passable, we have this trailer. Being our first actual look at the film, this is a very well put together, anticipation building two and a half minute piece that puts many of my initial fears about this film to rest. The first thing that stands out about this trailer is the very unique and exciting work by Director of Photography, Shelly Johnson. Having worked with Director Joe Johnston on 3 of the past 4 films he has directed, Shelly no doubt has a great working relationship with the Johnston. That being said, this film seems to have a collaborative vision that is unlike anything they have done before, in the best way possible. The softness yet sharpness of the photography along with the retro yet futuristic look of many of the sets comes together to form a look that I can't remember seeing anytime in recent memory. Judging as well as possible from a trailer, it seems that directorially, this film's tone is most similar to Johnston's 1991 film, The Rocketeer and that is a great thing in my book. That sort of tone with 20 years of additional directing experience under his belt could make for something extremely entertaining. Adding to the overall feel of the film is composing giant, Alan Silvestri. Having worked on some of the most memorable scores in film over the past 20 years, his involvement is another factor pointing to this film being set apart from the rest of the Marvel films of late. On top of all these plusses is the addition of top-notch character actors Stanley Tucci and Tommy Lee Jones to the cast playing Abraham Erskine and Col. Chester Phillips respectively. Both actors have had long and accomplished careers as well as impressive stand-out characters over the past 5 years or so (see The Lovely Bones & Julie and Julia for Tucci, No Country for Old Men & In The Electric Mist for Jones) which makes me excited to see what they do here.

So, at the end of the day, this film could really go two ways. It could be yet another summer Blockbuster with plenty of explosions to go around with not much else to offer the moviegoer (yet still make tons of money). However, even with some factors initially pointing to the contrary, this really could be a movie that has just the right stars aligning to make it something different. Something special... Something more than the sum of its parts. On July 22nd, we shall see. 

  Devon Voisine
Life On Repeat
This movie does not look like a monumental comic movie. Nothing really pops out at me to get me to want to see it. The trailer probably shows every exciting part in the movie so I do not think there is a reason to watch the whole movie.
  Sherri DuPree-Bemis
I can't believe the CGI they did on Chris Evans in this film to make him look super puny pre-Captain America! I was flipping out over it. This trailer got me super stoked to see the movie. I think it's going to be amazing.
  Greg Lutzka
Pro Skater
I've been a fan of the Super Marvel Heroes video games so it's cool seeing this Captain America trailer. It is cool seeing him small than him buffing up like he's on steroids. I might see it.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people who were waiting for the midnight premiere of Harry Potter Thursday night.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
30 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
36 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
23 people "Going to wait for DVD"
11 people "Won't see it"

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part 2.


Mark Moreno
My son and I have been big Harry Potter fans for years so we're very excited to see the final outcome and how he deals with his nemesis. I won't be able to see it on opening weekend because I'll be touring, but when I get back, my son and I are definitely going to see it at the theaters.

  Sherri DuPree-Bemis
It's crazy to think I've been seeing these in theatre since I was 17 and this will be the last one! It definitely looks like it is going to be the epic film that all of us Potter fans are waiting on. I nearly cried just seeing the preview bits...that's how much of a dork I am. I will be there at midnight.
  Matt Morgan
Divided By Friday
I've grown up reading all of the Harry Potter books and seeing all the movies since I was in fourth or fifth grade. I bought every book the day they came out, and have enjoyed every movie since Sorcerer's Stone. I will absolutely be heading to the theater opening weekend (maybe not opening night since I'm pretty sure everywhere around me is already sold out) to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2. I expect to be blown away, and I'll admit I will probably cry even though I already know everything that's going to happen. Very excited to check this out, the trailer alone gave me chills. 
  Kirk Huffman
Wild Orchid Children/ Gatsbys American Dream
My wife is into this shit. I don't get it, but the theatre is a great place for a nap.
  Devon Voisine
Life On Repeat
I am definitely excited to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2! I have been a huge fan of the series since the beginning. I will be on tour with my band, Life On Repeat when the movie comes out; however, I will still find a way to see the movie while we are on the road.
  Greg Lutzka
Pro Skater
I don't follow the Harry Potter movies, but the effects looks amazing in the trailer. Since it's in 3D, I might see it.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at Downtown Disney in Anaheim, CA.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
67 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
26 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
2 people "Going to wait for DVD"
5 people "Won't see it"

TRAILER TALK: Horrible Bosses

Tuesday, 05 July 2011 12:35

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Horrible Bosses.


Tyler Stone
I am definitely going to see this movie opening weekend. I love Jason Bateman's dry humor.

  Max Nash
I would think about killing my boss if it meant I could hang out with Jamie Foxx. Great cast and will see it opening weekend.
  Peter Shinkoda
Now here's a flick with an outstanding cast (Bateman I have adored since he was in the short-lived 80's sitcom "It's Your Move") living out a fantasy I think we've all had. How can anyone resist this movie??
  Sherri DuPree-Bemis
After Arrested Development, I would see anything Jason Bateman does. Plot is unrealistic obviously, but I love all the actors in this, so I'm sold!
  Conor Huen
Strikeforce MMA Fighter
Everyone has worked a job where they hated their boss, but not everyone has decided that murder was the answer to their problems. In Horrible Bosses, a blockbuster cast including "Always Sunny's" Charlie Day, Jason Bateman and Jason Sudeikis decide to do just that, with what appears to be hilarious results. I love a good comedy and will definitely catch this one opening day.

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people at the beach in beautiful sunny Southern California on Independence Day.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
27 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
33 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
26 people "Going to wait for DVD"
14 people "Won't see it"

Based on the trailer for 'Horrible Bosses,' which of the following are you most likely to do?
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Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Transformers: Dark of the Moon.


Lee Brice
Country Music Artist
I've grown up watching Transformers and won't miss this one! I love the action and sound effects.

  Mike Schleibaum
Darkest Hour
Death, destruction, and some violence, will Transformers:  Dark of the Moon finally give us what we all want from a new Transformers movie? From the looks of this trailer at least they've got the destruction part right. Please all pray to your respective higher powers for NO scenes involving giant robots hiding from parents behind trees! I'll be seeing this the day it comes out. Their hasn't been a proper Transformers movie since the Transformers : THE MOVIE. but as a die hard fan I wont lose faith! See you in the theatre!

Brandon Bolmer
All the Transformers movies have had great visuals and sound FX, so I will definitely be seeing Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The trailer is pretty intense, definitely makes me want to see the movie when it drops.

  Peter Shinkoda
OK! Finally a Transformers I can watch without having a seizure! Looks like Bay recognized his mistakes from the last one and made huge corrections for the better!! I'm in.
  Sherri DuPree-Bemis
I have to confess, the first movie wasn't enough to make me go see the second and despite what look to be epic effects and action in the trailer, I can't say I'm interested enough to see the third.
  Jake Bushnell
HB Surround Sound
I will admit the graphics look awesome on this one but the plots have been so bad on these Transformer films that I can't see my-self hitting the theater for it. The best part of the trailer is that Megan Fox isn't in it :)
  Jon Phenom
Apparel Designer
Can't wait to go see this. WINNING.
  Erin Smith
The Throwdowns
Cars, cute dudes, hot girl, moon robot monsters PLUS all kinds of stuff blowing up. Sounds like #1 & #2 but also sounds like fun! I broke enough of my brother's transformers as a kid, I think I owe it to him to go see it. I'm in, let's go buy tickets!

Besides getting the opinions of the people above, we also surveyed 100 people. A whopping 81% of the people surveyed said they will check Dark of the Moon out in theaters.

After polling 100 people, here are the results:
49 people "Going to See it Opening Weekend"
32 people "Probably See it in Theaters"
8 people "Going to wait for DVD"
11 people "Won't see it"


Wednesday, 22 June 2011 14:18

Are you going to judge that movie based on the trailer? That's such Trailer Talk!

Check out this weekly round up of opinions on our featured movie's trailer from some of the hottest talents in entertainment, sports, and music.

This week we take a look at Bad Teacher.

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