Specter, Sestak Appeal to Netroots

PITTSBURGH — Facing a skeptical audience of progressive/liberal bloggers and advocates, Senator Arlen Specter, the incumbent Republican-turned-Democrat of Pennsylvania, cited his positions on the economic stimulus, abortion rights, stem cell research and other issues as evidence that he represents their views.

He appeared before the Netroots Nation conference, here in his home state, for a moderated panel discussion that solicited questions from the audience and online viewers. Once he left the stage, his Democratic primary challenger, Representative Joe Sestak, took part.

By far, Mr. Specter faced a tougher crowd — even though he joked at one point that this session was “easy” compared to those town hall meetings he had been holding across the state that were disrupted by angry residents. He was asked how he could win over this group of voters, given that he had been a Republican for so long. Who is he and why would be talk to this group?

“Who am I? I’m a fella who has a good job,” he said, and wanted to keep his Senate seat. “I’m here because I like to talk to people generally, and especially if I’m in a campaign and would like support to be re-elected. I think I have some messages that will help me on that re-election.”

He then began a lengthy recitation of his legislative record, including his votes against waterboarding and against Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court. “Had he been there instead of Justice Anthony Kennedy, Roe versus Wade would have been history,” he said. As for legislation that he had pushed that would align with the beliefs of this group, the senator specifically mentioned one of his pet issues — televising Supreme Court proceedings. He called the court the “most opaque, unaccountable institution imaginable.”

But when challenged as to whether he could be trusted, especially if he denounced something but then voted for it, Mr. Specter revisited the military commissions legislation and said that he believed the overall bill was important to support.

He also dismissed suggestions that his more frequent votes with Democrats these days were politically motivated by the primary. Asked by Ari Melber, one of the moderators, about an online vote graphic, called the “Specterometer” at the blog fivethirtyeight.com, Mr. Specter replied that he would answer questions about any vote he had cast.

He received light applause in mentioning his votes in favor of the Lilly Ledbetter equal pay law or on children’s health insurance, arguing that they should be taken one by one, not aggregated in a “statistical generalization.”

But, he added: “I will tell you also that as a Democrat I don’t have to look over my right shoulder and it’s very comfortable. … I respect Congressman Sestak and I’m not trimming my sails out of concern of a primary.”

Senator Specter may no longer be looking over his right shoulder. He switched parties earlier this year to avoid a bruising rematch against Pat Toomey, the conservative who nearly unseated him in a Republican primary the last time around.

But he’s now looking over his left shoulder, to borrow a turn of phrase from someone else here. That left flank would be more inclined toward Mr. Sestak, who emphasized his consistent Democratic credentials — especially on health care issues — when it came his turn to speak to the audience.

The congressman was quick to point out that while Mr. Specter may now be saying — as he did on Friday that he was working for a “robust public option” in the Senate’s health care proposals — just a few months ago he publicly expressed opposition to that choice. Mr. Sestak cited an interview Mr. Specter gave on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” in early May when he was asked: “You would not support a public plan?” The senator replied, “That’s what I said.”

While saying he had respect for the senator, Mr. Sestak noted that his opponent banded together with former Senator Bob Dole to defeat the Clinton health care plan. Since that time, Mr. Sestak said, 10 million more people are uninsured. He also hammered away at the need for a change in leadership, using his military background to describe why he should be considered for the Senate seat. When a ship runs aground, the leadership is removed.

Despite the friendly reception here, Mr. Sestak has encountered a high-profile problem with his candidacy — the fact that President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and the Democratic establishment have largely embraced Mr. Specter’s shift into their fold and his re-election.

At one point early on Friday, Mr. Sestak used Mr. Obama’s candidacy for the presidency as an example of someone who wasn’t “annointed” by the party establishment. Voters aren’t worried about who has endorsed a candidate, or donated to that candidate, he contended. They want to know what he’ll do for them, he said.

Susie Madrak, one of the panel moderators, noted that progressive bloggers often back candidates only to be ignored once the election’s over. She joked that their lament was “Will you still love me tomorrow?” Saying “we go out on dates with candidates” who say all the right things, but “we’re kind of like the girl that they had under the bleachers but won’t take to the prom,” she asked Mr. Sestak how they would be able to stay in touch. At first, he said just call his office.

He then leaned on his military background again to pitch to some of the room’s favorite causes. On “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the military policy on gays, Mr. Sestak said he hoped legislation would repeal it by December, despite all the other issues facing Congress. Citing his wartime experience with men and women, he asked: “How can I come home and say they shouldn’t have equal rights? Get rid of it.”

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For history buffs, Wasn’t Arlen Specter the lawyer on the Warren Commision that came up with the magic bullet theory on JFK?

Joe Sestak, while still not a household word in PA like Arlen Specter, has begun to put together a well-organized grass-roots movement. By the time of the Primary in 2010 he will be leading, will defeat Specter, and then beat Pat “Club for Growth” Toomey.

I’m glad liberals are finally figuring out that the politicians they elect are generally liars who say anything to get elected…and then do anything to stay elected.

I will be giving my weekends this fall for Mr. Sestak. I will be driving or taking the bus to PA from Washington DC where I work. I believe PA deserves a real Democrat, not one who changes his colors when the chips get down, as Mr. Specter had done, twice.

If Augustine favors Sestak then the Republicans must feel that Specter is the tougher candidate. Never mind what he wrote. Augustine’s only interest is what is best for Republicans.

Augustine will be supporting Pat Toomey.until he finds out that Toomey, in an interview this week, stated he would have voted YEA on Sonia Sotomayor. How would he had voted if he were facing Specter in a GOP Primary?

If Augustine favors Sestak then the Republicans must feel that Specter is the tougher candidate. Never mind what he wrote. Augustine’s only interest is what is best for Republicans.
— Ron M

Actually, Ron, I think Augie’s only interest is what is best for Augie.

You missed the entire story here!! Unreal.

Senator Specter captivated the audience. Mr. Sestak was flat an stumbled throughout the Q&A.

Senator Specter made news by saying he would call Senator Grassey to challenge him on health care reform. Mr. Sestak was a secondary story at this event.

Joe Sestak has caught up in recent polling in a remarkably short period of time. He has eleven months to pass Specter.

Here’s a prediction: Sestak will be the Democratic nominee in PA.

Actually, I think that Arlen’s chances were significantly improved by those town hall meetings–of the Democrats who have faced the full-throated rage of the tea-bagger brigades–I have to say that he arguably came off as the best of them–his strategy of walking right up to the outrage and calmly letting the person vent not only made him look like a sympathetic figure–but a courageous one as well.