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Corrie, EastEnders, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks at Christmas - schedules

By , Soaps Editor
Soaps always bring us must-see storylines over the festive season, but keeping track of them can sometimes be tricky due to schedule changes and extended episodes.

Here, Soap Scoop presents a guide to when Coronation Street, EastEnders, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks and Holby City will be airing this Christmas.

The Carter family at Christmas

© BBC / Ray Burmiston

EastEnders' Carter family at Christmas

Friday, December 19
6.30pm: Hollyoaks (Channel 4)
7.00pm: Hollyoaks (E4 first look)
7.00pm: Emmerdale (ITV)
7.30pm: Coronation Street (ITV)
8.00pm: EastEnders (BBC One)
No 8.30pm episode of Coronation Street tonight due to Text Santa on ITV.
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Emmerdale producer Kate Oates: 'Emma Barton will want revenge'

By , Soaps Editor
2015 will start with a bang for the Barton family on Emmerdale as Pete, Ross and Finn's estranged mother Emma is introduced to the ITV soap.

Show bosses have announced that former Brookside and Casualty actress Gillian Kearney has been cast in the role of Emma, who reunites with her family after Finn tracks her down.

Speaking at an Emmerdale press conference this week, series producer Kate Oates revealed lots of gossip on Emma's arrival and what's to come. Read on below to find out what she had to say!

Emmerdale's series producer Kate Oates


Emmerdale's series producer Kate Oates

Can you tell us a bit about Emma's history?
"We know that Emma and James had a slightly rocky marriage. They married really young and when James met his brother John's girlfriend Moira, he fell for her really hard. Emma saw that happening and was very jealous - rightly so! Rather than doing the decent thing and admitting it, James denied it. He told Emma that she was crazy and said it was all in her head.

"What we'll learn about Emma is that maybe that wasn't the best way of dealing with her, because she does have vulnerabilities and she does have a tendency to maybe let things brew a little bit. That's why she left and that's why that marriage broke up. There is another secret within that which we'll be exposing later…"

What can we expect from Emma's arrival?
"When Emma arrives, there are some secrets that can't be kept any more, such as the fact that James did have a one-night stand with Moira and the fact that Adam was the product of that. When Emma arrives in the village, initially she comes to try to make contact with her sons. It's Finn who finds her, because he's always wondered what this missing link in his history is.

"When Emma does arrive, there'll be some big surprises for her. She arrives with this real genuine desire to get to know her children and pick up where she left off. But when she discovers that the suspicions she had when she left were true, will that anger take over? It probably will…"

Pete seems to know more about Emma than his brothers, doesn't he?
"Pete is the eldest brother, so he saw some of the behaviours that Emma was maybe displaying. We do know that she'd had Finn by the time that she left. There's a bit of a troubled past with Emma there - maybe she suffered a bit of depression. Obviously there was a lot going on with her and James, and these things can exacerbate and build. Pete will have seen a certain side to his mum.

"Finn has a view of his mum where she is a dream image. Because he's never met her, she can be whatever he wants in his head. Pete has a much more serious view of Emma because he remembers the arguments and maybe any dark goings-on from that household.

"Pete is also his dad's number one boy - he and James have such a nice bond. When Emma comes back, she's definitely got a much tougher audience in Pete."

Emma Barton with sons Ross, Pete and Finn.


Emma Barton with sons Ross, Pete and Finn.

Does Emma have another family now?
"No, that's one of the reasons why she is so resentful. Emma doesn't trust herself in new relationships, as she is hanging onto the past whilst not actually being able to access it. It means that when she is coming back into the Bartons' lives, it's all on them. She doesn't have another husband or kids to think about - it's all very much this family she has left behind.

"Emma hasn't been preserved in aspic. She has gone off and lived a life, done a job and done other things. However, in terms of family and heartfelt relationships, these guys are it - so look out!"

Will Emma want revenge against Moira?
"Wouldn't you? I think she will want revenge on Moira. I think her feelings are really complicated because her love for James was absolutely real. Her feelings for him are a pendulum which swings between anger and her memories of what they once had.

"Moira is definitely the scarlet woman and Adam is the embodiment of that, so he might find himself in a certain firing line. Because Emmerdale is so dense and everyone is related to each other, she's got a grudge against everyone potentially!"

Will there be a catfight between Emma and Moira?
"You might see catfights between Emma and a couple of people, but I don't want to rush that. I want to explore the relationship with her and the boys first. Any catfights will take a while to come to fruition…"

Adam doesn't want Moira present at court


Emma could target Adam and Moira

How does James feel about it all?
"I think James feels a lot of guilt for the way that he treated Emma. When she returns, he knows that he has a long way to go to make up some lost ground with her."

What kind of impact will Emma's arrival have on James and Chas?
"Chas and James are pretty strong. What I like about their relationship is that I really don't think James loves Moira at all anymore! When he first came in, he really had this torch for Moira. Once he discovered that he was Adam's father, that torch was firmly blown out because he realised that Moira really lied to him and messed up his life.

"Chas has been through a lot. Although she is strong and feisty, she is quite easily hurt and there is a soft centre under that tough exterior. If Emma wants to prod it, it may be to her cost or it may damage James's relationship with Chas. It depends where she sets her sights first, I guess!"

Are there lighter sides to Emma?
"Absolutely. My favourite moment - especially when we were auditioning and Gillian came in to meet us - were the scenes where Finn and his mum first meet each other. Finn built up this reunion in his head for so long and it's the first time they've actually spoken. It's like Long Lost Family when the reunions are really emotional and heartfelt, but then the cameras stop rolling and you wonder what happened then.

"Finn hopes it will really be that Long Lost Family-style moment, but what Gillian brought to that when we were doing the read-throughs for the scenes was Emma's absolute heartbreak at losing everything.

"There is light and shade to Emma. She won't be a barrel of laughs all the time, but as with any soap character, we will work on her relationships and we'll build friendships. That's partly something that comes organically when you see how people work with different cast members. Hopefully Gillian will be with us for a good while and we'll develop those."

Emmerdale's new Barton arrivals


The Barton family

Is Finn keen to see Emma again?
"At first it looks like Finn is not going to follow up on his contact with Emma, because his brothers are very wary about her. After that, the place where Emma hangs out in the hope of seeing him again is the infamous Bar West - Hotten's premier gay venue! It's actually Finn's sexuality that brings them together."

We'll also learn that Emma kept an eye on the family after she left…
"Yes, when Emma sees the boys again, their anger is over the fact that she ditched them - but actually she can come up with examples of when she saw them score a winning goal in a football match or sing a solo in a school play. It emerges that she was at the back of the school hall or at the school gates.

"What we also learn is that maybe Emma tried to dip her toe in a little more than just being at the school gates. Maybe she made a bit of an approach and maybe she got her fingers burned and that put her off for keeps! She's easily afraid and her confidence is very fragile."

Can you tell us about the casting process which led to Gillian getting the part?
"The process to cast a new character is quite long. With a character like Emma, we knew that we wanted actors of a certain calibre, so the list was actually much, much smaller. What sold it for me was that Gillian did two versions of one scene. She did a very heartfelt version with lots of emotion, and then she did a crazy version! It was great to see the scope that we could have with Emma if we cast Gillian.

"In my view, Emma is 90% genuine but there is 10% of her that is really angry. She is certainly not Sally Spode crazy, but she definitely has the capacity to let that festering side of her take over."

Still sore over Ross's flirtation with Debbie, what will Pete do?


Ross and Pete

How do you expect the audience to react to Emma? Will it be difficult for them to warm to her after she walked out on her boys?
"Hopefully not - I'm hoping the audience will see the mitigating circumstances. The story should be layered. There will be some things that are Emma's fault and some things that she should have done differently, but equally some things that were beyond her control.

"What's interesting is how the boys respond to Emma very differently. Ross is an interesting one for me because he almost didn't know that he needed her. He's always been this strong, independent character. It might surprise him how much he wants to get to know Emma. Hopefully people will be able to sympathise with Emma because we'll be showing lots of different angles on the situation."

What's coming up for the other characters in the village?
"We can see that Belle is having a hard time and that's a storyline that we play for quite some time. We know that she is from a family that has suffered all kinds of vulnerabilities in terms of mental health. Maybe being in a young offenders' training centre wasn't the best way of dealing with a child like Belle, so we'll be looking at that.

"I've talked about a story for David and Alicia at the top of next year. I said that I hoped it would inspire debate, and I still hope that's the case. We've been writing that lately and it's unfolding nicely.

"I'm so delighted with all of the Whites too - I think it's a really nice character group. Louise Marwood who plays Chrissie is doing brilliantly. She's obviously a new face for most people. I think she's absolutely, totally Home Farm and has slotted in brilliantly. We've got some good stories for the Whites coming up. Lachlan will definitely be causing lots of trouble, so Chrissie is going to have to deal with that."

Emmerdale bosses cast actress Gillian Kearney as Emma Barton
Emmerdale boss Kate Oates: 'Katie's exit storyline is very exciting'
Emmerdale: Two more characters to return to show
Emmerdale producer: 'Robert, Aaron attraction is genuine'
Read more Emmerdale spoilers and news

Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7pm on ITV, with an extra episode at 8pm on Thursdays.
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Soap Scoop

Coronation Street: Kal Nazir tries to build bridges with son Zeedan

By , Soaps Reporter
Coronation Street's Kal Nazir has some bridges to build with his son Zeedan next week after the pair fall out.

Viewers have recently seen Kal (Jimi Mistry) address concerns over Zeedan's job with Tony Stewart (Terence Maynard) after learning he wasn't earning the minimum wage.

Jimi Mistry as Kal Nazir in Coronation Street


Jimi Mistry as Kal Nazir

Kal's worries increase next week when Tony forces Zeedan to work, despite the fact that is a difficult day for the teenager as it would have been his mum's birthday.

As an upset Zeedan had previously refused to have his picture taken during Family Day at the community centre, Kal is furious to learn that Zeedan is now having to work.

Qasim Akhtar plays Zeedan Nazir in Coronation Street


Qasim Akhtar plays Zeedan Nazir

Kal confronts Tony, accusing him of exploiting Zeedan on a day where he should be with his family. However, Zeedan is mortified that Kal has threatened Tony and points out that it could have cost him his job.

Knowing he needs to make peace with his son, Kal assures Zeedan he was only looking out for him. Kal also takes the opportunity to remind Zeedan that he hasn't forgotten his mum, and will always love her. Will they be able to reach a truce?

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Sunday, December 7 and Monday, December 8 on ITV.
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Coronation Street spoiler pictures: David Platt to catch Kylie out

By , Soaps Reporter
There is a tough time ahead for the Platt family on Coronation Street next week as David catches Kylie red-handed.

Viewers have seen Kylie get drawn back into her old life as she has become reacquainted with her bad boy ex Callum Logan, who has been supplying her with drugs.

As Kylie continues to lie to David in order to meet up with Callum for drugs, David becomes increasingly worried about his wife and confides in her friend Eva.

When Eva agrees to take David to Kylie's old neighbourhood, they enter the pub just as Kylie buys drugs from a dealer.

David and Eva walk in on Kylie


David and Eva walk in on Kylie

As a horrified David follows Kylie into the bathroom, he catches her red-handed just as she is about to take some speed. Angry and disgusted, David storms out while Eva, who is equally furious with Kylie, encourages her to go after David and save her family.

Persuaded by Eva to be honest with David about the full extent of her past drug addiction, Kylie eventually comes clean with him, admitting that she had tried several drugs before she met him but has since turned her life around.

With their marriage on the line as David struggles to digest this new information, Kylie desperately tries to make amends although it is clear she is struggling from withdrawal symptoms.

Meanwhile, David has a tough time trusting Kylie in the wake of his discovery and he questions her over who her dealer is, causing Kylie to lie once again. However, when Kylie receives a text from Callum demanding to see her, she is fearful over what he will do next.

David is also stunned when Max announces that he wants him to become his 'real' dad and Kylie is left more fearful than ever. How long can she keep this secret up for?

Max tells David and Kylie that he'd like David to become his real Dad


Max makes an announcement

Coronation Street airs these scenes next week on ITV.
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Soap Scoop

Emmerdale: Nicola King to discover she is pregnant

By , Soaps Reporter
Emmerdale's Nicola King will share some happy news with her husband Jimmy next week after learning that she is pregnant.

Viewers have seen the couple's marriage be tested in recent months following the shock revelation that Jimmy had inadvertently fathered a baby boy due to a mix-up at the sperm bank.

Nicola Wheeler as Nicola King


Nicola Wheeler as Nicola King

After Jimmy was forced to cease contact with his newborn son, Nicola decided that they should try for another child of their own, which meant him undergoing a vasectomy reversal.

Next week as Jimmy is in pain following his operation, Nicola and Bernice decide to go on a health kick but soon find themselves being led astray.

Nicola is soon left in no doubt after doing lots of pregnancy tests and is delighted to find out she is pregnant, she and Bernice rush to the pub to tell Jimmy.


Nicola has news for Jimmy

The following day, Nicola believes she is suffering from a hangover but after being sick, she decides to head out and buy a pregnancy test.

Nicola is soon left in no doubt after taking several tests and is delighted to find out she is pregnant.

As Nicola and Bernice rush to the pub to tell Jimmy, he is equally delighted but as they celebrate their happy news, Bernice soon grows envious and comes up with a novel way to join in.

Nicola is soon left in no doubt after doing lots of pregnancy tests and is delighted to find out she is pregnant, she and Bernice rush to the pub to tell Jimmy.


Nicola has news for Jimmy

Emmerdale airs these scenes next week on ITV.
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Soap Scoop

Emmerdale spoiler pictures: Aaron tries to make Robert jealous

By , Soaps Reporter
Emmerdale's Aaron Livesy will attempt to make Robert Sugden jealous next week following their surprise kiss.

Robert (Ryan Hawley) will make a move on Aaron (Danny Miller) in an upcoming episode but will later reject him and attempt to focus on his relationship with Chrissie.

With Aaron confused over where he stands with Robert, he comes up with a plan when Diane and Victoria invite Robert over for dinner.

Diane and Victoria discuss Robert coming for tea


Diane and Victoria discuss Robert coming for tea

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Soap Scoop

Emmerdale spoiler pictures: Ashley Thomas to become village vicar again

By , Soaps Reporter
Emmerdale's Ashley Thomas will become the village vicar again next week but it could cost him his new relationship with Harriet Finch.

After officially becoming a couple, Ashley and Harriet face a difficult situation when Harriet is charged with burglary and is later informed that she has lost her job as vicar.

As the news about Harriet's misfortune spreads around the village, Brenda wants to start a petition to help her.

Ashley receives a call from Harriet and later confesses his hopes to Bernice


Ashley receives a call from Harriet

However, Ashley is dealt a difficult dilemma when he is offered the position as vicar once again but struggles to tell Harriet the truth.

Having picked the wrong time to come clean with her, Harriet is left upset, but when she overhears how much it means to him, they reach an agreement.

As Ashley embarks on his first day back as vicar, Sandy and Edna mark the occasion by delivering him presents.

However, it is clear Harriet isn't coping with the situation very well and she is plagued with worries about her future career. Could this affect their new relationship?

Ashley visits a distressed Harriet


Ashley visits a distressed Harriet

Ashley comforts Harriet


Ashley comforts Harriet

Emmerdale airs these scenes next week on ITV.
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Soap Scoop

EastEnders row, Corrie punch, Emmerdale outburst, Hollyoaks event

By , Soaps Editor
EastEnders hardman Phil Mitchell comes face-to-face with his old enemy Nick Cotton next month.

Like many in Albert Square, Phil (Steve McFadden) is currently under the impression that Nick is dead and gone - but scenes airing in mid-December will see him learn that the notorious villain is still alive.

Phil's discovery comes soon after Nick (John Altman) has started to become careless by stepping out in public as he is fed up with being holed up at Dot's house.

Ian Beale is shocked to spot Nick out and about, and word of his shock return quickly gets back to Phil.

Once Phil knows the truth, he storms over to Dot's house to confront Nick and tensions quickly flare up between the two men.

The outcome of the clash remains to be seen, but it forms part of a longer-term plot which will see Nick go head-to-head with the Mitchells once again.

Phil confronts Nick


Phil confronts Nick

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Soap Scoop

Hollyoaks: Ste Hay faces big shocks after rehab release

By , Soaps Editor
Ste Hay faces some disturbing surprises as he returns to screens on Hollyoaks next month.

The popular character has recently been absent from the village after deciding to check himself into rehab for help tackling his drug addiction.

Once the time comes for Ste (Kieron Richardson) to return home, his sister Leela Lomax catches up with him to reveal the recent tragedies which have rocked his on-off boyfriend John Paul McQueen.

After hearing about Carmel's death in the train crash and the apparent murder of Mercedes, Ste begs Leela to take him to a McQueen family memorial which is taking place that day.

Unfortunately, the poignant occasion descends into chaos when Ste arrives at the memorial and sees Lockie Campbell (Nick Rhys) comforting John Paul.

Convinced that something is going on between the pair, Ste punches Lockie and is almost tempted to return back to old habits by calling his drugs supplier.

Lockie comforts John Paul

© Lime Pictures

Lockie comforts John Paul

Ste interrupts the memorial

© Lime Pictures

Ste interrupts the memorial

Ste punches Lockie

© Lime Pictures

Ste punches Lockie

John Paul confronts Ste

© Lime Pictures

John Paul confronts Ste

Myra is mortified

© Lime Pictures

Myra is mortified

Things look up for Ste when John Paul (James Sutton) reunites with him at a nearby pub, but his joy turns to horror when he then sees Amy Barnes (Ashley Slanina-Davies) and the kids with his abusive stepfather Terry.

Ste is terrified to see Terry back on the scene and is quick to confront Amy, but she claims that the sinister villain has been supporting them all. With Amy taken in by Terry, will she see sense when Ste presses the issue?

Hollyoaks airs these scenes on Monday, December 8 and Tuesday, December 9 at 6.30pm on Channel 4.
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