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Meet Ropeley State School's sole student
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Meet Ropeley State School's sole student

Tom Christison, the only enrolled student at Ropeley State School.

Tom Christison, the only enrolled student at Ropeley State School. Photo: Robert Shakespeare

Meet the most popular kid in school. Not that young Tom Christison has any competition.

As of last Wednesday, when the state-wide census of schools was undertaken on the eighth day of the school year, Tom was Ropeley State School's sole student.

Tom, 11, has not always been the only kid at the Lockyer Valley school – his mate, Ben, graduated to high school last year.

Not that it was of much concern to the Grade 6 student.

"It doesn't bother me," Tom said of his solitary student life.

Still, Tom did sometimes wish there were other children at the school, which had previously been a little more populated.

"I thought there'd be more people," he said.

"It was a bit (of a shock)."

Gone were the days of lunchtime footy or games of tag in the school yard.

"At lunchtimes, I play board games with my teacher (school principal Charmaine Wilson)," Tom said.

"I've been winning. There's Cluedo, Cluedo Junior, we've played Scrabble.

"I haven't been going outside much because of my sunburn."

Tom's father, local real estate agent Clint Christison, said it was a unique situation for his family.

"It's pretty hard for me – every afternoon, I've got to pick the whole school up and bring them home," he said.

"I think I should get paid for picking the school up."

Mr Christison said he had been concerned Tom would get lonely at the school once they discovered he would be the sole student.

"I said 'mate, should we take you to Gatton and take you to a bigger school so you've got friends to play with?' and he just said, 'no, I want to stay at Ropeley, Dad – that's my school and that's where I want to be now'," he said.

"I know he would love to see more students there so it doesn't get closed down."

That was a real concern to Mr Christison, who has campaigned locally with his wife, Belinda, for local families to send their children to Ropeley.

Otherwise, Mr Christison was worried the school, which was more than a century old, would no longer be viable and would be shut down.

"To describe Ropeley, to me, is as one of the last beautiful country schools this close to Brisbane," he said.

"You go out there and it's much like my place, right in the middle of a paddock."

Mr Christison said former students maintained their links with the school and often came back for Christmas functions.

"That's the sort of community we have – it's beautiful," he said.

Ropeley State School's enrolment has fluctuated in recent years.

According to the Queensland government's open data service, Ropeley had 10 students in 2009, 22 in 2010, 12 in 2011 and 2012 and seven in 2013.

Data for 2014 was not available, but Mrs Christison said there were two students enrolled at Ropeley last year.

"It's such a nice little place to be – lovely teachers, nice people and it's just a nice little place," she said.

Due to government protocols, Ms Wilson directed queries about her school to the Department of Education, Training and Employment.

A spokesman for DETE said the department closely monitored enrolments

"Ropeley State School currently has one student enrolled," he said.

"Enrolments in all schools are subject to fluctuation and routinely monitored."

The spokesman stressed there were no plans to close Ropeley State School.

According to DETE, other state schools that had just one student enrolled included Yaraka State School in 2008 data collections, Evesham State School in 2009, Stamford State School in 2012, Yowah State School in 2014 and Tennyson Special School in multiple years, including 2014.

Yaraka, Evesham and Stamford state schools have all since been closed.

Yowah remained open with three students enrolled and Tennyson Special School has several part-time enrolments.

24 comments so far

  • Is there a school bus servicing the 16 km run from Ropeley to Gatton?

    Ferny Grove
    Date and time
    Sat Feb 07 20:16:24 UTC 2015
    • Hopefully the new incoming Labor government will fix this. In addition to a school bus the staff should be increased to include full time gardeners, and a maintenance team as well as a school nurse and a careers councilor..Obviously a new multi million dollar shaded play area will need to be constructed so that young Tom doesn't continue to get sunburnt. We can only hope they don't continue the folly of closing down these much needed community schools as the ratio of one teacher one student should be a template for the education department in the future.

      Date and time
      Sun Feb 08 01:09:59 UTC 2015
    • Wow, what a surprise, a story about Ropeley State School, my old primary school! Back in my day, early 80's, there were between 20 and 30 kids at the school. Funnily though, I was the only kid in my grade from year 4 to 7! I feel for you Tom, but, like me, you should be a shoe in for School captain and top of your grade! Shame you can't be cricket captain as well though...

      Ropeley Alumnus
      Date and time
      Sun Feb 08 12:47:24 UTC 2015
    • And the LNP waste tax payers money on a school with 1 student?

      Date and time
      Sun Feb 08 13:12:39 UTC 2015
  • Cute story but seriously how much is it costing the government to keep this school open? Considering that his father is willing to drive him to Hatton....

    Gold Coast
    Date and time
    Sat Feb 07 20:38:48 UTC 2015
    • So the Queensland Government will shut down half the schools in Brisbane including all public high schools near Algester and then leave this school open at the wim of a grade 6 kid. And they talk about good economics?

      Date and time
      Sat Feb 07 20:56:35 UTC 2015
      • What so the school remained open because it was in the country with one student , was this kept quiet during the election in light of the fact other schools were closed with more students in them , is this another case of LNP funny games

        Date and time
        Sat Feb 07 23:04:27 UTC 2015
        • Don't worry John I am sure this school, (and many others, along with a few hospitals, men's sheds, sporting clubs, etc), that will close once Labor realise you can't fund front lines services and a huge interest bill at the same time.The only growth area looks like being social services for the unemployed, payment for union favours and support for outlaw bikies.

          Deep Fine Leg
          Date and time
          Sun Feb 08 04:21:44 UTC 2015
        • Oh your back , you must have a lump in your throat since the LNP got thumped , but just go away I'm not interested in your ultra right wing comments

          Date and time
          Sun Feb 08 04:45:42 UTC 2015
        • Hang on just read your comment again - so all Newman's activities are all OK in your mind - give me a break , you are blind - give me a break - starting to think you must be an un-employed LNP staffer who can't get over the fact Newman and his arrogance got thumped - Ha Ha Ha

          Date and time
          Sun Feb 08 05:06:49 UTC 2015

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